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Alias Born 07/01/2005

Re: None

Sunday, 11/27/2005 8:09:18 PM

Sunday, November 27, 2005 8:09:18 PM

Post# of 3317
For the Record:

The story as given to investigators in this case:

By the time we discovered the fraud which had been
colluded upon, it would explain why we never received
any acknowledgement of the $1,000 we paid to Ms. Ochoa
for her services, why we had not received back the
corporate records that she had agreed to photocopy and
return to us the originals, why she did not return our
corporate minute books for both the Foundations and
the holding company, as well as other documents
related to the affiliated organizations, why she did
not provide us with any proof that she had in fact
made a filing with the State of California for the
organization of the Free and Clear Foundations of
California, and lastly why, after agreeing to do so
when she was first retained, she had not sent an
acknowledgement of a conflict of interest between her
representing Mr. Safadi and Blue Horizon Pictures, and
our interests at the same time.

All the bargaining that we had done prior to the
fraudulent event had been done in bad faith. Mataras
and Safadi had concocted the premeditative plan, even
while I slept on Safadi’s couch in his Brentwood
apartment and he pretended to be a Good Samaritan.

Just prior to Mataras absconding with the corporate
records and source code which belonged to TLXX, Beth
Ochoa who had been paid $1,000 as both retainer and
through a prior stock repurchase agreement (she was a
stockholder as was Safadi and Mataras in another
affiliate of the Foundation) and after many repeated
requests, Ms. Ochoa refused and continues to refuse to
return the corporate records for PKH and the
Foundations which were given to her as what was
formerly agreed to her role as a fiduciary, corporate
counsel and trustee of what was to become the Free and
Clear Foundations of California.

Repeated requests to the State of California as to why
certain filings had not been registered with the
Secretary of State for our acquiring full non profit
status in California would indicate her deliberate
negligence in making those filings despite here
statements to the contrary.

Had I known she was conspiring with Safadi and Mataras
to embezzle the $130,000 in funds which were to be
coming in under the Hewlett Packard contract, or that
they had been in contact with the former Officers and
two of the former three directors who had already
resigned from the Board of TLXX by that time, and were
in fact discrediting me and our business plans to the
two former officers and directors (Munden and
Al-Dawhi) I certainly would not have continued doing
business with any of them and they knew this to be a

Mr. Safadi had paid us a retainer of $3,600 to assist
him as financial consultants in raising the funds for
his motion picture company. We had located such
funding in New Mexico but when presented with this
option, he refused it because he stated he did not
want to pay any additional fees to the Attorney
representing the State of New Mexico and did not want
to meet the requirement of having his films shot in
that State.

When I discovered that Mr. Mataras had no intention of
returning the property belonging to the Foundations
and PKH as well as the corporate records and property
of TLXX I sent him a termination letter and personally
visited the FBI field office in Oakland.

I did manage to recover some of the records, which he
left behind at the home where he was staying in the
Oakland Hills area, but the bulk of the most important
documents where in his possession.

In meeting with two special agents, one a male whose
name I recall as Mr. Lee and one a female whose name I
do not recall, I was advised by said agents that until
Mr. Mataras profited somehow from his actions that the
FBI could not get involved at that time.

I had sent Mr. Mataras a letter indicating that his
position was terminated as Secretary of the
Corporation and that he was to immediately return all
documents, files, records, and property belonging to
the Corporation.

The next day Mr. Mataras issued a press release
announcing himself publicly as the Chairman and CEO
and President of the Corporation and several weeks
later denouncing any and all communications I had sent
to various people including the former officers and
directors who further refused to respond to all
written and telecommunications.

Since all of the above occurred, the three persons
named above have interfered and usurped the contract
which had been previously agreed upon between the
former directors and officers of TLXX who had
officially resigned effective May 15th, 2003.

It is beyond me how the former officers, after having
entered into a valid and binding contract could be
convinced to enter into a new contract who had also
signed confidentiality and non circumvention
agreements with our organizations. How could a
resigned officer or director act on behalf of a public

The three co-conspirators were given privileged
information and used that information to illegally
take over and embezzle funds from the Foundations.

They had caused our family severe and permanent
emotional distress, and destroyed us financially and

My response to all this was to go on a sexual drug
binge that lasted five months and culminated in my
repeated threats over the phone toward Mr. Talieh, and
wound up wherein I was arrested on five counts of
terrorist and criminal threats.

To the Los Angeles Superior Court, it did not matter
what had happened prior to my threats.

If I had not acted in such a rage, or been under the
influence of drugs including speed, crack and
marijuana, and had I known that since O.J. Simpson had
gotten away with murder in a criminal trial but had
been found guilty in a civil trial, the very mention
in any form of anger that you were threatening
someone’s life had by then become a felony which I
would not have committed.

After not being able to get any assistance from the
LAPD, the FBI and even after filing two written
complaints with the SEC, I threatened Mr. Safadi over
the phone, which he recorded on his answering machine
and turned over to his attorney, Beth Ochoa.

I had publicly called her some nasty names on postings
on the Internet after she continued to deceive us by
not returning our corporate records. It was a losing
battle and the angrier I got, the more hopeless the
battle had become.

She in turn had a close relationship with a female
detective who worked for the LAPD and turned over
whatever evidence they could come up with to paint me
as an insane mad man bent on murdering her client.

When the issue of the embezzlement had come up while
Mr. Safadi was at my preliminary hearing, he perjured
himself by stating that he did not in any way take
anything from our Foundations or me personally.

I had met two young men who were dealing drugs on the
beach in Venice and whom I related the story of what
happened. Together we drove to Ms. Ochoa’s apartment,
the now legal address reported publicly for the public
corporation, and they knocked on her door.

They asked her for our corporate records back but she
stated that I had a warrant out for my arrest.
Although this was irrelevant and when I called the
LAPD to determine if it was true, I was informed that
there was no warrant so I assumed she had once again
lied to avoid returning what rightfully belonged to
our organizations.

It was perhaps this event that led her to further
panic and contact her friend at the LAPD to get the
warrant issued quickly.

I never had any real intention of harming Mr. Safadi
physically in any manner.

In fact, I had been applying what I believed were
gradual approaches to ethically attempt to rectify a
great wrong, which had been done to us.

By telling him I would be putting his “head on a
pike”, I meant that I would be making an example of
him in public by exposing his fraud if he did not
immediately relinquish any further control over our
documents and public company.

By telling him that he was a “dead man” I had really
meant that he was what is known in public relations
and intelligence circles as a “dead agent”, someone
whose creditability has been shot by presenting
evidence to the public that showed him to be a liar.

It was my own character in fact that was being
assassinated behind the scenes by this little cabal’s
actions. It was by then already a losing battle.

After the recordings were left on Mr. Safadi’s
answering machine, the transcripts were made by the
LAPD, which incorrectly stated that I had said I would
“smash his head with a pipe” instead of “put his head
on a pike” and that I would somehow kill him.

An email I had sent him in the early part of August,
warning him that I had told several people in my
travels about what he had done to our family and
advising him that one of them who was homeless and
dying of AIDS might physically attack him because I
had shown him where Mr. Safadi lived at the time, and
feeling a bit guilty over this I had tried to warn him
to watch his back.

Consequently, I had set myself up for my final fall.
Mr. Safadi, Ms. Ochoa his attorney and the LAPD
Detective who ultimately had a close relationship with
the prosecuting attorney and the Judge all worked
together to have me potentially locked up in jail for
at least ten years.

In that endeavor they had failed, perhaps by the good
graces of God, or the fact that my psychiatric
evaluation showed only that I had a drug problem, or
that I might be manic depressive, or at the very least
I was a sick man with a disease that should be treated
in a rehabilitation program.

Subsequently and through his attorney, Ms. Ochoa, who
had a friend at the LAPD who worked as a detective,
used whatever evidence they could find to obtain a
warrant for my arrest for three charges of criminal
threats and two charges of terrorist threats.

They had given false information to the prosecuting
attorney relative to my civil case with the SEC, as
well as implied that I was an illegal alien living in
this country without a green card, which was blatantly

I was even told by the prosecuting attorney that I
would be deported while in court. I had lived in
America since 1967.

Had I known that threatening someone over the phone
and expressing one’s outrage and anger at having their
livelihood destroyed, their property stolen, and their
life permanently and severely traumatized, I would not
have expressed myself so freely and openly. I believed
I was expressing my constitutional right to free

I hve learned from Mataras’ character and previous
discussions with him that he is not averse to calling
various government agencies to ruthlessly deal with
his perceived enemies. He had been advising me that he
would utilize his friends at the IRS to coerce the
former President and Chairman to relinquish their
stock holdings back to the corporation in order to
settle back payroll taxes. He may have used such
tactics to get the former directors to sign an
agreement with him and Safadi.

He may have used those facts to get them to breach
their contract with our organization and to usurp our
position as the rightful controlling stockholders.
Perhaps they too were duped into believing that the
propaganda which was being perpetuated by the three
conspirators was true and felt they had no choice.

I suspect it was this group of conspirators (Safadi,
Mataras and Ochoa) who contacted the Portland FBI
office while I was there several months before I got
to California and gave them the false information that
I was “planning to blow up the Federal Reserve Bank
building in Portland”.

My wife alleged later after I got out of rehab that in
fact it was Safadi who filed the false information
with the Portland Police Department who in turn
reported it to the FBI and Homeland Security resulting
in an order to track me down and arrest me. My license
plate number was given to the PPD by Safadi who got it
from my wife who was also participating in the
conspiracy while being promised by Safadi that she
would be taken care of financially by him as long as I
was put away either in jail or a mental institution.
He later did not give her any money at all which
angered my soon to be ex wife.

During my preliminary hearing, when asked by the
public defender if Mr. Safadi had taken anything from
me prior to the alleged threats, he perjured himself
and said "no, he didn't take a thing from me."

He had been spreading rumors to the effect that I was
a terrorist threatening to blow up the Federal Reserve
Bank building in Portland, Oregon and that I was armed
with a limited nuclear weapon in the back of my silver
SUV, possessed illegal firearms and was a dangerous
threat to society. This false information was spread
by him to police departments in five different states
to law enforcement officials by him, Ochoa and
Mataras. The only evidence I have of this is from my
estranged wife who told me this over the phone since
April 29th, 2005 during different phone conversations.

The co-conspirators had not only robbed us of the ways
and eventual means of an annual salary of $2.4 million
dollars, but had also robbed hundreds of thousands of
potential homeowners, and millions of homeless or poor
people in this country that would have been helped
from the funds belonging to the Foundations.

It was during a counseling session with a pyschologist
in Portland that led me to conceive that I could
somehow, through a non profit organization change the
money system which had so far enslaved so many into
staying focused onthe struggle for economic and
monetary matters.

I had believed for more than three decades that 90% of
our attention was focused on economic matters, while
10% of it was focused on family, god and recreation.

I had felt that this was a great imbalance in our
society, not only triggering various social diseases,
but also effecting every man, woman and child on the
entire planet.

Out of this belief and a general knowledge of the
history of banking and money, I began to purchase
peoples pennies for a nickel each, and this activity
led to the pursuit of the screenplay, "The Penny King"
which brought something in common to the table between
myself and Mr. Safadi.

There had been two major weaknesses which had been
brought to my attention in our potential case which I
thought could be overcome fairly easily.

That we never opened a bank account in the name of
Telynx to deposit the $10 as part of, but not the
totality of, the consideration paid, which was a part
of the contract of sale was pointed out by Mr. Safadi
as his justification for his “business decision”. This
was also his attorney’s argument.

The other weakness was that the defense would have
claimed that the preferred stock exchanged with TLYN
from PKH in the form of PKPI shares, another Nevada
subsidiary, for the Series C Convertible Preferred,
was worthless.

Firstly, it could be argued in civil court that
Mataras’, Safadi’s and their attorney, Ochoa, were all
hired to advise the company and act in a fiduciary
capacity on behalf of PKH, a wholly owned subsidiary
of the Foundations.

In both instances we could have prayed for justice and
hoped that the Court would find that they both
violated that fiduciary duty by not advising correctly
what the Foundations and PKH should have done relative
to the opening of the bank account.

Had they simply advised that legally the account
needed to be opened for $10.00 in the name of the
acquired company, Telynx, Inc., and then there could
be no argument that they had not fulfilled their
fiduciary duty.

Rather they used this knowledge of contract law to
immediately seize control of the company, interfere
with an existing contract, overthrow an entire board
of directors through a fraudulent conveyance of stock
to themselves and deprive us of an annual salary of
$2.4 million.

The employment contract is still on the computers,
which Safadi had attempted to purchase for $400
through the attempted bribery of my wife, still at
that time an official of our organizations.

To this day it lays together with the other evidence
to prove our case in Eugene, Oregon where my wife,
with our two children relocated during this entire

As for determining the value of the stock exchanged,
the fact we were assuming the liabilities of TLYN and
paying $10.00 would be enough to cement the contract,
regardless of what the value of the PKPI shares might
have been.

However, having sold over $100,000 worth of the PKPI
stock to other investors, and using the proceeds to
operate our business, and also having previously
established that the stock had been used to acquire
interests in another affiliate, the defense would be
hard pressed to exert their claim of worthlessness,
particularly when all three of them had previously
signed documents accepting the same form of stock as
consideration for services rendered to the various

The strength of our case and our ability to recruit
proper and professionally adequate legal counsel to
prosecute it lay in two key areas:

1. Beth Ochoa’s errors and omissions insurance policy
might have been good for a settlement of at least

2. The fact that Hewlett Packard was aware and should
have known that there was a question as to the
legality of any further dealing with Mataras, Safadi
and Ochoa, after being advised of the legal questions
surrounding the true ownership and control of the
company, could have left them potentially liable to a
minimal settlement of the value of the stock at the
time the fraud was committed. At that time the stock
holdings of PKH as the wholly owned sub of the
Foundations was worth at least $72 million.

I had not thought of going after HP as you have
suggested in order gain the facts and documents that
we would need in any event to prove our case.

If we had coordinated the recovery process with both a
civil and criminal action that resulted in the arrest
of one or all of the co-conspirators, then while one
or all three of them were hopefully incarcerated or at
the very least critically weakened financially,
emotionally and defensively, and provided they were
either unable to post bail and/or the charges were
severe enough to make bail so high that they would be
unable to afford even the minimal 10% required to post
it, we could have technically won the case by the
default judgments while they were unable to appear in
court to answer the complaint.

This however would not have yielded up the vital
documents and source code, which had been stolen from
our organizations.

As you stated, perhaps this would be better approached
as a copyright infringement case against HP.

To this day I believe that had the LAPD come to me to
discuss my reasons for being upset with Safadi and his
co-conspirators, and determined that I had no real
intention of harming any one, and if true justice
would have been served, the tables would have been
completely turned around and both he, and his attorney
as well as Mr. Mataras would not now be running Telynx
but rather be serving Federal penitentiary time under
strong convictions for various felony charges.

It would have been poetic justice to have them all
served with the civil papers at the same time as the
sheriff and the FBI showed up for their simultaneous
arrests in Los Angeles and Oakland.

If we had named Hewlett Packard and Ochoa’s insurance
company as Defendant’s in the suit, it might have been
a long protracted battle and those two would have had
more motivations to settle out of court quickly than
any of the co-conspirators.

Either way, had we been using this coordinated
two-prong approach, the cost of defense would have
been double what it would normally be and it would
have been unlikely that they could have been prepared
for such a legal assault, their thinking being perhaps
that one or the other might be the avenue of approach
that we might have been taking.

Mr. Safadi had seemed extremely concerned in very long
conversations with my wife that I would report his
activities to the FBI.

His past and current ties to Israel and the later
formation of an office in the northern part of that
country for further research and development for
Telynx make me question his allegiance as an American

I believe that Israel has the most advanced and covert
counter-intelligence operation in the world. This
whole case could turn out to be a matter of corporate
espionage and their repeated attempts to have me
deported which are onging even today makes no sense to
me other than they think perhaps by being deported I
would have no right to sue them in a court of law.

Certainly the contract with Egypt Telecom would give
access to the Mossad for all kinds of intelligence
from the Arab world passing through Cairo on the
system developed by Telynx which according to your
suggestion would turn into a copyright violation.

In my last conversation with Safadi he was boasting
that he was ready for any lawsuit with two very
high-powered attorneys in addition to Ochoa, and when
I asked him why had chosen to betray and steal from
our Foundations, his answer was that it was a simple
“business decision”.

I had suspected that he was bluffing, otherwise he
would not have been willing to go to Las Vegas so
quickly to come up with a settlement, which was the
main reason I did not show up for the meeting.

At one point I had proposed an agreement whereby they
could each keep 10% of the corporations preferred
stock but that the rest would need to be donated to
the Boys Scouts of America.

Unfortunately I was under the influence of
methamphetamenes when I made that ridiculous proposal
and I never showed up to sign papers in Los Vegas.

Instead I got into a very heated argument with my wife
in front of a bar and collapsed when I was being
arrested for domestic abuse and wound up in the
hospital for the weekend.

She had coordinated with Ochoa, Safadi a flight from
Reno to LV where they tracked me down through my cell
phone calls to various places and they went searching
for me by calling the people who I had been talking to
on the phone to find out where I was.

She was convinced that I was going to go to jail
because Safadi had told her repeatedly that I had
taken property belonging to the TLYN corporation which
really belonged to him and embellished this story to
the point where was willing to go to any length to
help them get "their property back".

I had just returned from El Paso in a last ditch
effort to recover some of the assets of Telynx, and
Safadi had been working on my wife to track me down
and have me arrested for theft of corporate property,
the very thing which he had done, claiming that the
property in El Paso now belonged to him.

He had filed a report with the El Paso police and when
the investigator talked to me and I explained the
situation and give them evidence to the contrary, they
dropped any further action on the matter. This also
led me to believe that we would have a very strong
case in court.

Most attorneys, when discussing this case would ask
what the current value of the company was and whether
or not it was worth pursuing it.

It is for this reason that most attorneys work; they
care more about the money aspect of a case rather than
the justice aspect.

I had felt at the time that if I had to drive all over
the country to try to salvage some of the assets of
the company because of the actions and threatened
destruction of our livelihood by the co-conspirators,
then Safadi and his lawyer could waste a little time
themselves driving from LA to LV for the inconvenience
they had caused me and the rest of the members of the

Thus I deliberately did not show up for the meeting
for the final settlement talks that he had agreed to
over the phone as one reason, and the other reason was
that Mataras had outright refused to be part of any

I had felt that Mataras was really the instigator of
the fraud and theft of the corporation’s property.

Regardless of what would have happened in court or if
it had ever gone to trial, the very least we should
have gotten paid was $2.4 million.

That would have been one year’s salary, but we could
have probably asked for quadruple damages and four
years salary because of two factors.

One is that it took us three years to acquire the
assets and the means to guarantee us an annual income
of $2.4 million, plus an additional year in lost time
due to legal problems and finding proper legal

By the time we could have found proper legal counsel
it might have been two years since the fraud took
place but there was according to my understanding of
the law no statute of limitation on fraud.

It may also have taken another three years to get the
case through to a jury trial if no settlement was

The other factor, which may have been in our favor was
that, they acted as a group engaged in a fraudulent
conveyance of stock, which could be argued in court as
racketeering and would fall under the Racketeering and
Influence of Corrupt Organizations Act, a seldom-used
law against stock fraud.

As long as they continue to promote themselves as
being in control of Telynx, they are in fact still
engaged in fraud and will continue to be engaged in
that ongoing act as long as they remain unchallenged
both criminally and civilly.

This second aspect of our case would have been the
entrée for the Federal Government because at the time
the crimes were committed, the assets were in Texas,
the headquarters of the company was in Reno, Nevada,
and the criminals themselves were all operating out of

This could have become a charge of interstate
transportation of stolen property, mail and wire
fraud, and corporate espionage, three subjects, which
are the firm duty of the FBI to investigate.

But because the FBI was so engaged in anti-terrorism
operations, it was at that time totally focused on
counter intelligence activities, it would have been
doubtful if even they would have gotten involved
unless many millions in cash was involved and there
was some sort of espionage connection to the Arab
world, despite all the exacting evidence having
already been presented to them.

even they would have gotten involved unless many
millions in cash was involved and there was some sort
of espionage connection to the Arab world, despite all
the exacting evidence having already been presented to

It could certainly have become bad publicity under a
charge of negligence of public duty if they never did
pick up the case, and they may yet some day decide
that there is some merit to prosecuting the
perpetrators of this fraud, but then indeed, certainly
again they might further have to expend millions of
tax payer dollars to bring them to prosecution.

In the final analysis, the only crime in America is
not having enough money to buy your own brand of
justice. O.J. has proven that once and for the entire

If we had been able to get the FBI to assist us, then
we could have then brought in the SEC to cover the
issues of false press releases and fraudulent filings
made by the conspirators subsequent to their initial

Unfortunately for true criminals and fraudsters, once
a fraud is committed, it must be perpetuated in order
to defend against the truth. Only the truth can
destroy the lies and deceit of fraud.

By also bringing to bear upon them an IRS
investigation it would further complicate thier lives.
Lord knows, if I got a settlement which I understand
is tax free, I still owe thousands in taxes and if I
file bankruptcy all that borrowing I did and the
credit card debt becomes taxable income if it is
discharged as non recoverable debt.

Another strategic suggestion from a legal approach was
to file bankruptcy and have the bankruptcy trustee go
after the claims against the conspirators, or make an
assignment to the SEC of a claim and recruit them to
assist in the case, but so far this has not yielded
any positive response from any member of the legal

y the conspirators subsequent to their initial fraud.

Unfortunately for true criminals and fraudsters, once
a fraud is committed, it must be perpetuated in order
to defend against the truth. Only the truth can
destroy the lies and deceit of fraud.

Mataras had confessed to us that he had not reported a
certain amount of his personal income, which he had
received when the last wealthy person he worked for
died of a heart attack.

It is highly unlikely that the three of them would
have been able to manage the financial resources to
mount any type of strong defense, but even if they
could have, it would have severely weakened all three
of them and would have given us a greater chance of
recovering the assets of the Foundations.

We may not have recovered the assets or wanted to do
so, but we did want a net settlement of at least $2.4
million in cash in one lump sum from either Hewlett
Packard or Ochoa’s insurance company for the damages
caused by their errors and omissions.

Our strategy was going to be to initially file a claim
for $9.6 million with an understanding with the lawyer
that he would get 30% of any final judgment or
settlement, and we might even have wound up with more
than the initial minimum that we were seeking.

Regardless, just as in the criminal trial of O.J.
Simpson, we felt that they might get away with the
murder but eventually lose in a civil trial by a
preponderance of evidence against them, rather than a
shadow of a doubt.

Because we have still have all the documents to prove
they defrauded us and in a civil trial we would have
the right to obtain all the copies of the emails
between Mataras, Safadi, Ochoa and Ali Al-Dawhi in
Iraq, and Scott Munden in El Paso and whatever else we
need to prove the fraud, it was unlikely they would
have come out of it with any means to survive

Anyway, the above might generate more questions but
for now it should give you more of the picture.

The following is the text auto responses I got after
two complaints filed with the FBI after i got out of
Acton Rehab:

(This is an automated response. Please do not respond
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Thank you for filing a complaint with IFCC.

If you have comments or problems related to this Web
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*** Please do not contact the IFCC to ascertain the
status of your complaint. We cannot respond to these
inquires. *** The IFCC receives thousands of
complaints monthly and does not have the resources to
respond to these inquiries. It is the IFCC's intention
to review all complaints and refer them to law
enforcement and regulatory agencies having
jurisdiction. Investigation and prosecution are at the
discretion of the receiving agencies.

Additional information related to your complaint.
If at any time you wish to report additional
information related to your complaint, please go to

Evidence related to your complaint.
It is important that you keep any evidence you may
have related to your complaint. Evidence may include
canceled checks; credit card receipts; phone bills;
faxes; pamphlets or brochures; mailing envelopes;
certified or other mail receipts; a printed copy of a
Web site, chat room, or newsgroup text; or similar
items. Keep items in a safe location until you are
requested to provide them for investigative or
prosecutive evidence. If requested to provide
evidence, send copies only, not originals.

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