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Alias Born 09/23/2009

Re: None

Tuesday, 04/02/2013 11:33:24 PM

Tuesday, April 02, 2013 11:33:24 PM

Post# of 202
TNR,MUX Los Azules 18.4 BILLION POUNDS of Copper, indicated plus inferred. That works out to over 68 Billion dollars worth at today's copper price. With more potential to come as drilling continues

Los Azules is currently estimated to have a 25-year mine life, further exploration will likely extend that. I think it is more likely that a strategic buyer will use the current unrest in Argentina to snatch up a multi-decade project at a discount. Miners already operating in the country may be interested, or allies to Argentina -- like China. In a recent interview Rob McEwen said that they are arranging a trip to view the property with interested parties, but they all have to sign non-disclosure agreements beforehand, so we likely won't hear much about that until a deal is announced.
