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Monday, 04/01/2013 6:58:05 PM

Monday, April 01, 2013 6:58:05 PM

Post# of 202
TNR,MUX World Class Copper Project Continues To Illustrate Growth Potential.

-- Drilling west of the resource has intersected high-grade copper
mineralization in Hole 12114, returning 0.70% copper over 150 meters. This hole was located on the periphery of the resource and continues to extend what is becoming an important new parallel trend.

-- Hole 1297, which was drilled on the western edge of the resource,returned 0.50% copper over 414 meters, including 1.07% over 54 meters. In addition to Hole 12114, this hole helps demonstrate that there is excellent potential to increase the size of the resource.

-- Drilling below the previously known resource successfully extended the depth of the mineralization by over 300 meters in Hole 1295, returning 0.49% copper over 338.5 meters. This result was part of a longer intercept that went through two known zones of mineralization. The overall intercept from this hole was 0.51% copper over 618.5 meters.

-- The Company will incorporate these drill results plus an additional 3 holes not yet released into an updated resource estimate that is expected to be available by the end of May.

"These results continue to illustrate the growth potential of this world class copper asset. Los Azules is both large and high-grade, which makes it unique among the world's undeveloped projects," stated Rob McEwen, Chief Owner.

This updated resource would form the basis of a new Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA), which is due by the end of the third quarter 2013. Los Azules is one of the largest, highest grade copper-porphyry deposits not owned by a major base metal company.