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Alias Born 12/11/2004

Re: None

Thursday, 11/24/2005 1:20:55 PM

Thursday, November 24, 2005 1:20:55 PM

Post# of 75
WTVN...risky as hell...but, it may bounce off .0005 cents. I'm in now. Really tough stock to get right. This MAY be the time to buy. IMO, watch closely and DD it.

Here's a link to iHub's WTVN board (I assist on it and just added to it):

Here are the links to WiFiTV's homepage and message board main page:

Company Website:
Message Boards:

Shares O/S is probably around 400 million. IMO, that's kinda low for being at .0005 X .0007 cents. Of course, there's also very likely...a very large short position on this

ps. 8 million shares bought after-hours at .0006 cents.

- I will not be a slave to or of death cults - n/b/k - NO QUARTER FOR CORRUPTION

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