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Alias Born 09/20/2001

Re: None

Monday, 03/04/2013 1:12:28 PM

Monday, March 04, 2013 1:12:28 PM

Post# of 56720
Investors who want to learn about GeckoSystems should:

Go to for lots of info on the tech. If you're a techie you'll probably get the drift pretty quickly, if not it may take some study.

Go to for a nice summary of the company's history.

Go to for documents and facts concerning the manipulation of the stock and the ongoing harassment of the Spencers, the company, and its employees and affiliates.

Here's some of the DD I've dug up on the people GOSY is fighting,
I have all of this to back up Wallace & MacLeod's crooked conections, and I've found more:



It's hard to believe MacLeod has run so many cons for so many years and is... broke.

His housing circumstances certainly indicate it though, don't they?

MacLeod was involved in several BONAR scams out of Canada, I've traced them, but because of the UK ones are the easiest to link to.

Apparently he was involved in several enterprises before the first BONAR scam, this one only lasted a few months:

I wonder if all of these were listed on the resume he gave GOSY?

This is the first BONAR deal where he's an officer, note that his wife is also listed. She worked on a BONAR scam when they met. Apparently she took over as director when he resigned.

I think Jennings is her maiden name -note that she was listed as secretary at one point.

Susan Jennings
Company Secretary, No Function
27 Aug 1991 – 30 Dec 1992 (1 year, 4 months, 3 days)
Past 0 3

Fits with the profile too:

So the MacLeods have been running scams with BONAR for 20 years, and they're broke.


It is not unreasonable to believe that the Wallaces, MacLeod, Little, Alexander and their other co-conspirators are probably connected to hedge funds who engage in abusive shorting. It is also not unreasonable to believe that these hedge funds are affiliated with international organized crime cartels.

Most of the prime brokers have multiple offshore subsidiaries or captive companies that actively participate in shorting. The prime brokers also front the shorting of some pretty notorious investors. According to court documents or sworn testimony, if one followed some of the short money trails at Solomon, Smith Barney, they led to accounts owned by the Gambino crime family in New York. A similar exercise with other prime brokers, who cannot be named at this time, leads to the Russian mafia, the Cali drug cartel, other New York crime families and the Hell’s Angels. One short hedge fund that was particularly destructive was a shell company domiciled in Bermuda. Subpoenas revealed the Bermuda company was wholly owned by another shell company that was domiciled in another tax haven country. This process was five layers deep, and at the end of the subterfuge was a very well known American insurance company that cannot be
disclosed because of court-ordered sealing of testimony.

Most of the large securities firms, insurance companies and multi-national companies have layers of offshore captives that avoid taxes, engage in activities that the company would not want to be publicly associated with, like stock manipulation; avoid U.S. regulatory and legal scrutiny; and become the closet for deals gone sour, like Enron.

IMO - If MacLeod wasn't "connected" he'd be in jail by now.


Ken Little

Why so much tortious interference in GeckoSystems business and manipulation of the stock?

This is the key IMO:

Have found a pretty little daisy chain from MacLeod to Little to Balfour Telecom to Dubai connected Balfour International Group.

Dr. Caroll Lastinger seems to have lost his 3d tech - and it seems to have turned up with Balfour International.

Did Lastinger sign a bad deal with Little?

I suspect Spencer did the right thing in giving MacLeod the boot.

Walllace - Neil

Only in the Weird World of Wallace -

Would an attorney who also runs a company that specializes in disposal of an environmentally sensitive product sue for $10 million because he didn't wear a mask and didn't take precautions - because someone told him fly ash, a notoriously dangerous product was "safe".

Oops - he got kidney cancer. Contributory negligence anyone???

Wallace's comments about fly ash in the interview below are absurd. Apparently the TV station has removed the story and the link was dead, but I was able to access a cached copy.

As with the GOSY case, Wallace makes public comments about an ongoing case, not wise. He had a real attorney who advised him not to but he did it anyhow. Now we know why he has to represent himself. I bet the attorney his attorney in the cancer case will quit when he sees information like the interview that follows.

Another part of the absurdity here is that Wallace was a fool for not wearing a mask and he was inviting workman's comp claims when he allowed employees to work without masks. Even if the fly ash had been non toxic you always wear a mask when you are regularly exposed to dust in the work place.

The developer of a golf course made with coal ash speaks to TV cameras for the first time about the lawsuit against his company - against the advice of his lawyer.

"My reaction to the lawsuit is that it contains more fiction that a Harry Potter novel."

Neil Wallace is talking about the $2 billion dollar lawsuit claiming coal ash used to create the Battlefield Golf Course in Chesapeake is contaminating ground water with toxic metals.

Wallace was the developer of the course and his company is one of the defendants in the suit.

"You read the complaint you think we sit around coming up with ways to hurt people - that obviously was not the intent."

He says the battlefield golf club was built to create a green space - a benefit for the community.

"These projects have been done for 30 - 40 years in the U.S. and they are perfectly safe as long as the regulations are followed."

He says all regulations were followed when building the battlefield golf course from coal ash.

"We toed the line, but of course we toed the line any because it was important to follow the regulations."

"If you had a cup of water you wouldn't want to put ash in the water & drink, but you also wouldn't want to put dirt in the water & drink it either. So, there are some constituents, but if it's treated properly - its safe."

Wallace says the coal ash was treated with kiln dust - it binds toxic metals to the ash so they cannot seep into the groundwater.

When asked about this footage from the 60 Minutes story that aired Sunday where a lawyer for the plaintiffs finds coal ash on the surface of the course. Wallace says this:

"To the extent that there is coal ash near the surface - it is not a health hazard ... We didn't wear masks, we didn't wear protective clothing because there is not health hazard. Its my view, my belief that there is nothing hazardous here, there is no threat of contamination, I'm happy to drink the tap water."

Abusive litigation by Neil Wallace is the source of GeckoSystems "problems in court".

IMO he's being paid to harass by shorts and hostile parties who would like to take over the tech. Oh - he's a sociopath too...

Who but a sociopath would participate in a stock ploy that keeps important assistive technology for the disabled off of the market?

Lots of information on Wallace & his partner MacLeod here:

Check out the Challenger link - MacLeod tried to sell off the entire European rights for the tech for less than $200,000.

He also tried to get those rights attached to GeckoSystems Europe by running a scam with Prodec.

John Kenneth Little's Balfour Telecom (now defunct in the UK) has been traced to Dubai.

Wakabayashi Fund of Japan (they sponsored the LoanCheck scam in the UK) works in concert with Dubai.

Jeffrey Stone (convicted felon) and Nathan Banks appear to be involved.

GeckoSystems has achieved international recognition, from ZMP, from the Chinese government (a recent press release mentioned that a Chinese govt official is still advocating a Chinese venture for GOSY) , from international researchers in the AI field and more.

With international recognition comes unwanted attention from those who would wish to take over the technology. This is not an option for Spencer and this is why he is fighting the MacLeod/Wallace/Little team.


Using his usual underhanded methods he's sworn out a complaint against Spencer for harassment in a VA municipal court. The standard of proof for obtaining these warrants is pretty low, just testimony from the allegedly offended party. It's more abusive litigation from Neil Wallace.

From what I've seen of Wallace's history in the courtroom and the business world, his word and an oath to tell the truth means nothing to him.

GOSY and Spencer will stick to their guns in DE - I think that discovery in DE will blow Wallace's VA allegations right out of the water.

The company's funds are limited becase Wallace and MacLeod are participating in a shorting scheme and filing this abusive litigation in order to help drive the stock price down. They participated in a takeover attempt in 2006-7.

Why bother to fight the VA accusations when they will be proven to be meritless in DE? I prefer that the company focus on the litigation that is most likely to end this harassment.

The company has provided a lot of information on these issues here:

Wallace - Reed:

Reed Wallace & the Leviev Foundation - is he a liability or an asset?

The Leviev foundation is already highly controversial -
-- just a couple of examples, there are thousands more.

One has to ask why a "charitable foundation" would have Reed Wallace listed as an executive member.

Reed Wallace conspired with MacLeod to almost ruin SushiTrend. He bought Rule 504 stock and pretended to be a Texas investor. According to the complaint, "someone" introduced Reed Wallace to Sushi trend but the complaint doesn't say who it was. According to the W_W_W page, the company has confirmed that it was George MacLeod who brought Reed into Sushi Trend.

Sushi Trend got a default judgment against Reed Wallace, we know he had enough money to hire an attorney if he was innocent:


Wallace, MacLeod & Polatoff

MacLeod brought Polatoff into GOSY as an "investor". He's also associated with the current Fairhills investigation. He's Wallace's Facebook buddy.

Birds of a feather, it seems.

Too close to home? Is Wallace getting nervous about the Fairhills Capital raid? Will they find Neil T. Wallace in seized computers?

Thanks to elevenzeez for bringing Polatoff & GOSY to my attention:

Wallace's friend Elliott Polatoff is associated with a Fairhills Capital "enterprise", DNA dynamics.

Polatoff was brought to GeckoSystems by MacLeod, Wallace became "friends" with him.


FBI Probe Turns Up Heat on Investment Shop

The FBI has raided investment manager Fairhills Capital.

While it remains unclear what government agents were looking for when they showed up at the firm’s headquarters a few days before Thanksgiving, the investigation adds to a list of recent troubles for the White Plains, N.Y., operation.

In October, Fairhills terminated its status as an SEC-registered investment advisor, and is rumored to have dismissed a number of executives in recent weeks. The firm apparently is in debt to several service providers and lawyers. In its last SEC filing, Fairhills reported having just $25 million of assets under management.

What’s more, the SEC filed a civil lawsuit against Fairhills in August accusing the outfit of improperly pocketing more than $10 million by buying penny stocks and then selling them to investors without submitting required registration statements. That complaint, lodged with the U.S. District Court in New York, also names Fairhills founder Ed Bronson and an equity-finance company he owns called E-Lionheart Associates as defendants.

Fairhills formed in 2002 to manage money for the family of Bronson, a former telecommunications entrepreneur. Bronson began repositioning the firm as a hedge fund manager in early 2012, opening its investment-management services to outside backers.


All of the above:

It is not unreasonable to believe that the Wallaces, MacLeod, Little, Alexander and their other co-conspirators are probably connected to hedge funds who engage in abusive shorting. It is also not unreasonable to believe that these hedge funds are affiliated with international organized crime cartels.

Most of the prime brokers have multiple offshore subsidiaries or captive companies that actively participate in shorting. The prime brokers also front the shorting of some pretty notorious investors. According to court documents or sworn testimony, if one followed some of the short money trails at Solomon, Smith Barney, they led to accounts owned by the Gambino crime family in New York. A similar exercise with other prime brokers, who cannot be named at this time, leads to the Russian mafia, the Cali drug cartel, other New York crime families and the Hell’s Angels. One short hedge fund that was particularly destructive was a shell company domiciled in Bermuda. Subpoenas revealed the Bermuda company was wholly owned by another shell company that was domiciled in another tax haven country. This process was five layers deep, and at the end of the subterfuge was a very well known American insurance company that cannot be
disclosed because of court-ordered sealing of testimony.

Most of the large securities firms, insurance companies and multi-national companies have layers of offshore captives that avoid taxes, engage in activities that the company would not want to be publicly associated with, like stock manipulation; avoid U.S. regulatory and legal scrutiny; and become the closet for deals gone sour, like Enron.

IMO - If MacLeod wasn't "connected" he'd be in jail by now.


I do believe that tortious interference is a valid claim and it has really hurt the company.

It's restricted the company's access to capital, forced them to use precious capital for lawyers, cost them valuable employees and associates as they were threatened and harassed, and distracted Spencer from the business of the company.

The company has put up a lot of good documentation that IMO proves that something rotten is going on and I think it probably amounts to criminal RICO.

The fact that MacLeod tried to sell off rights to the company's tech for $200 grand sort of proves that something rotten is going on.

The emails posted clearly show that Wallace was working without a contract and demanded cash at a time when the company didn't have any and was compensating employees primarily with stock. His suits in Georgia and then Delaware were abusive at best, extortion and blackmail at the worst.

I'm satisfied with the strength of the company's technology, just hoping that a partner will come in who has enough strength to bring in enough capital to actually get something on the market. After that I think GOSY's business will grow like a snowball going down hill.

I really don't want to see a buyout at this point because I think shareholders (especially the long term employee shareholders) will see a better return after there is cash flow from licensing or product.

On the other hand, it's really disgusting to know that there are so many people who would benefit from this tech and they are being deprived by "market forces".

In Peace, In War