Surprisingly, we're in about the same boat down here. It's 34 right now and supposed to get to 18 tonight.
I really hate the cold. Hate it!!! So much so that every year the temptation grows stronger to move further south.
And for some reason, the first words of a book that was my daughter's favorite when I was still reading to her nightly are stuck in my mind.
"Way up north where it's always cold there lived a great herd of walruses. The biggest was Walpole. Walpole loved the cold."
That book became a staple at our house (and I can't wait to read it to grandchildren), due in part to my doing Walpole's voice as a "Bullwinkle with a speech impediment" kinda thing.
We have a beany-baby walrus we call Walpole and whenever I'm off to the track, he sits at my spot on the couch.
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