I dont think you fully understand what you are saying...
The TSA pays nothing. they have nothing invested in the product.
TSA spent over a year working with the company in a CRADA. They invested time + manpower = money...nothing is free. TSA is an overburdened government agency, they do not take on projects because a company wants them to. how many other ETD products went thru testing alongside Implant? None. They are addressing a federal mandate, and need to be current in the state of the art wrt security technology.
DMRJ is not going to fund a sinking ship
How do you define a sinking ship? the company just completed a four year turnaround and developed a flagship product that was created to fulfill a specific need; Implant went out and spoke with freight forwarders and airlines and TSA and then built the device those people requested. They booked the best revenue quarter in the company's history and we were given guidance in recent conference calls that they expect to be profitable in the second half of calendar 2013. A sinking ship? Ha! Even a casual glance at the chart shows the stock was at .60 a year ago.
What have they sold this quarter? What have they promised they would sell this Quarter?
The quarter isn't over yet. In fact, we are only half way thru the quarter.
I honestly feel a little lied to
This has been your problem all along, you need a security blanket :) I do not think microcap investing is for you, Joe.
there are two kinds of truth; my posts are one of them.