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Alias Born 10/05/2010

Re: None

Saturday, 02/16/2013 12:41:17 PM

Saturday, February 16, 2013 12:41:17 PM

Post# of 57
Been following this one since the merger, it's been very strong thus far, not a ton of volume but just keeps movin' on up just like George Jefferson. Not sure if someone is promoting this, I assume so, but whatever the case they have done a solid job thus far IMO.

Interesting read from the CEO, it would indicate that promotions are pretty much a given here:

What Is A Cure For Hair Loss Worth To You and Investors?

By Ron Holland

**Note you can only see the photos in the attachment. Please e-mail to the address at the bottom of the article if you would like to view the photos.

Description: R. Holland.jpgMy name is Ron Holland, but since you're reading this, you may already know me. Even so, I'll bet you don't know that I may be the first person in recorded history to move from the beach and golf resort of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina voluntarily to Toronto, Canada.

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. – Wayne Gretzky

Since landing here, I've come to appreciate the country’s unofficial national sport – ice hockey. Thus the above quote from one of the sport’s greatest-ever players. I thought it quite apropos – both as it relates to my own personal decision to grab the proverbial “bull by the horns” and as it relates to the opportunity I found and its possible suitability for you.

I’ve been retired for some time from the investment business after years working as the president of a broker/dealer licensed in 47 states. And up until a few weeks ago, I lived just a few steps from a warm-water beach; when not writing on financial and freedom topics, I enjoyed everything the Hilton Head resort lifestyle had to offer. Now I’m in cold Toronto, where I walk my dog in zero-degree weather instead of on a sunny beach. You might think I’m crazy to have made the move, but read on.

It All Started With My Friend Ian – Back in September of last year, I was heading down the isle of a plane far from where either of us lived, and I heard a “Hi Ron.” I wasn't expecting to meet anyone I knew on the flight, but just to my left sat Ian and his wife – except it didn’t quite look like Ian, and I wasn’t quite sure why. We exchanged the usual pleasantries, and I made my way back to my seat. I sat there for a few minutes trying to figure out what was different about him. Then I realized what it was … he used to be bald on top, but now he had a new crop of natural hair on the top of his head.

Introducing Biologix Hair Inc. - I swapped Hilton Head for Toronto because I saw the opportunity of a lifetime with a company that has developed a medical therapy for restoring natural hair growth. It produces what millions of people long for -- live, growing hair. The kind of hair that needs to be cut every week or two. And the therapy has been demonstrated to be effective for 85% of men and more than 92% of women. And that’s a record based on more than 28,000 treatments!

The company that is turning the treatment system into a business, Biologix Hair Inc., is now positioned to dominate the world market for hair restoration and also for hair-loss prevention. We – and I say "we" because I'm the company’s CEO – intend to be first to market with an innovative new hair therapy – the Biologix Hair Therapy SystemÔ – that has proven to be highly effective at reversing the effects of hair loss (alopecia) in both males and females of all ages.

First Some Thoughts On Start-up Companies

“Start-ups can be like porn in a way: they can be fun and interesting, but most of the time pretty disappointing… another analogy is a lottery ticket.” – Lorien Gabel, chief of start-up Pingg

Normally I would agree with Gabel (quoted above). Although investing in start-ups can buy you a lot of excitement, most of them end up doing absolutely nothing that's profitable. They're like buying a lottery ticket. Having won over $4,500 many years ago playing quarter slots while waiting for my wife to dress for dinner, I know you can win, but it doesn't happen often.

But on the other hand, as Apple, Amazon and other winners have shown, if you have a unique product or service that people really want and are way ahead of the competition, your odds of winning big go way up, especially if you get in early. I believe our hair therapy system is certainly unique, I've seen it work, and it totally out-delivers against the old-style competition. It's light years ahead of painful, expensive hair transplants (moving live hair from one spot to another) or topical applications (rub and pray).

We All Want To Look Younger - Do most people want to look younger and more attractive? I believe the answer is "yes." And a full head of natural, growing hair takes you a long way toward that ideal. But to date the options have been limited to painful and expensive hair transplants and topical hair growth applications that seldom produce more than wispy results and carry adverse sexual side effects for the unlucky.

The Global Hair Restoration Market Is Huge – Although most men and women want a full head of hair, by age 35, two-thirds of American men suffer some degree of hair loss, and by age 50 nearly 85% have thinning hair (male pattern baldness). Half of all women suffer from thinning hair, usually beginning after age 50.

A Historic, Ground-Floor Opportunity - How many readers wish they had invested early in a ground-floor opportunity with Apple? Or consider Peter Thiel, the co-founder of PayPal, and his $500,000 angel investment in Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook in 2005. It is now worth better than $2 billion.

A 2012 Opportunity - I see a real cure for baldness as potentially a very profitable opportunity for early investors like myself. Of course there are risks. Delay in regulatory approval is the first one I think of. But the biggest one is something you can't measure -- the unforeseeable. That's why I took the CEO job with Biologix Hair Inc. now here in Toronto. The potential profits are so great, I want to be in a position to deal with any problems that might get in the way.

I wish I had bought gold at $400 an ounce or silver at $5.00 or bought Apple in the early years. Life is full of profitable trades if one has the foresight, opportunity and ability to act. How about oil futures at $15 a barrel, or if I had seen where the Internet or cell phones were headed? Still, timing and control are everything in investing, and as part of top management here I can use my energy and experience to make things happen. And as for timing, this is about as early as an accredited investor can get involved.

The Proposed Business Plan

Establish A Worldwide Headquarters and Center in Toronto, Canada – This has already been completed.

A Public Awareness & Educational Effort On Combating Hair Loss – Our public relations efforts will combine a regular press release schedule with public speaking efforts at free-market and Austrian economic events, investment and medical conferences and seminars, as well as direct mail, e-mail and print newsletters.

Develop Fee-For-Service Centers In Regulatory Friendly Jurisdictions – Many hair-loss suffers will wish to seek immediate treatment rather than waiting on regulatory approval in their home countries. Fortunately, some countries, including popular international travel destinations, have positioned themselves as centers for innovation by avoiding paralyzing regulation.

So we are planning to open our first clinic in Panama City by May of this year, to be followed by Mexico, Grand Cayman and the Bahamas. Then we will replicate the model in other regional markets around the world until regulatory approval is received in the U.S., Canada and Europe.\

A Global Marketing Effort – We now own an exclusive, 99-year option for the marketing rights related to the hair therapy system. This includes worldwide intellectual property rights, manufacturing rights and marketing rights. We intend to exercise this option during the period that will expand our market area from North, Central and South America to around the world.

Research & Trials – Today after almost 20 years of research and development, we have an effective hair therapy system that addresses the real causal effect of hair loss.

The Biologix team of scientists and researchers discovered that most hair follicles in baldness sufferers aren't dead. Instead, they are only dormant. The follicles, it was discovered, are encapsulated in cist-like structures that that block the normal flow of nutrients. While the entrapment continues, a follicle is incapable of producing hair of normal strength and diameter. But end the entrapment, and natural hair growth resumes.

This model has been confirmed by the academic scientific community. In early 2011, a team of scientists at the University of Pennsylvania made headlines when they announced their findings. Our team uncovered the concept approximately 12 years ago! However, being a privately funded group, the Biologix team focused on developing a cure -- a therapy to free the trapped follicles and deliver the needed formulation of minerals, nutrients and vitamins.

Because millions of people are yearning for a real cure to baldness, rescuing trapped follicles is going to be a big business.

Secure FDA Approval in the US As Well As Other Primary Markets in the EU & Asia – Biologix intends to initiate and complete formal clinical trials in the United States and several other locations – in association with a recognized top-tier university and an experienced FDA legal team. (Note: We are currently negotiating several suitable options.) Following FDA approval, we intend to develop the Biologix opportunity in other Primary Regional Markets to make our cure for hair loss and baldness available to broad segments of the world's population.

In Summary - Biologix Hair Inc. is poised to deliver the only truly effective baldness solution known. Its experienced management team is prepared to execute fully on the potential of its business plan and to capitalize on the promise of this exciting opportunity.

I hope you now understand why I moved from Hilton Head to join the management team in Toronto. I believe this is one of the most interesting and timely opportunities I’ve encountered in my lifetime.

If you agree and are an accredited investor, then consider joining our effort as we build a company to capture and maintain a leadership position in the global market for hair loss prevention and hair rejuvenation therapies.

Please contact me for more information and to follow our progress. I’ll also make sure you receive our entire business plan.


Ron Holland, CEO

Biologix Hair Inc.

Telephone: +1 (647) 534-7099
