MissDisappointed, I know your upset, we all are .If you consider the fact that Corporate fired, laid off and furloughed the majority of tenured field management and put all the work load on the remaining DMs and RDs, 10 times the work for the same amount of pay. I'm a SM and I'm not defending the actions of the sneaky or overly aggressive DMs or RDs, but I have said for years that I wouldn't want to be a DM because your never off the clock. I felt bad for My Old DM because she had kids and even though she would assign a DMIT to cover her vacation people would still call her and interrupt her family time. No Fun! I know we feel betrayed and don't know who we can trust but try to appreciate the fact that the DM's and RD's Just lost many of their Managers, friends and long time coworkers to the corporate cuts and they know they are more likely to be eliminated than studio staff based on their amount of pay, not based on how well they do their jobs! My old DM was with this company for 20 years and had a top 5 sales district for many years. We are all facing the same fate here, and its hard to stay positive when the other shoe could drop at any time. I have been concentrating on making my customers happy with their experience in the studio, so if we do close, at least their last memories of Me are pleasant, not angry, bitter and uncaring about her baby and the memories i'm creating for them. This is very much a wizard of OZ situation! I'm here to help the customer make memories to last a lifetime, as I always have been.It is not the customers fault and they should not suffer for the stupidity of the corporate marketing catastrophe! And even though there may be an evil corporation bending and breaking this company, trying to wring every last drop of blood from the stone, hiding behind the curtain of my smile...I will not let them break me! I will PAY NO ATTENTION TO "THE MAN" BEHIND THE CURTAIN! And if by some miraculous act of God we do stay open, I will have retained my customer base and not have to fight so hard to get them back once the dust settles!