Last time they converted deb seems to be on november 19, 2012. Found this in the SEC filings about Asher and ECOS
During October 2012, Asher Enterprises Inc. converted loans aggregating $29,100 into 20,785,715 common shares of the Company.
Yes boys, the snatched over 20 million shares at a price of .0014
Wauw, and we are currently trading at .0056!!! Wich means if they dump the shares on us today they will still make a 400% profit. I advise everybody not to buy any shares over .0014 anymore. At least that became my new buying level.
This game isn't anymore for those with weak hands and heartproblems. Asher must be smoked out first.Expect some big dumps today if they find out I'm on to them. Just don't buy any more shares from them nomatter how attractive the share price looks. You know their buying price now. Good luck with the fireworks today boys.