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Alias Born 01/02/2010

Re: risehigh post# 24

Friday, 01/25/2013 10:57:50 PM

Friday, January 25, 2013 10:57:50 PM

Post# of 65
risehigh, noticed on CLSN board your mom finished her 6 infusions. Great milestone. I am 4 years this month from my last treatment. PM me your e-mail if I can be of any help. Get your mom to a massage therapist 2 times, a week apart, and then once more 2 weeks after that for full body massage (takes 45 miniutes to one hour. It is well worth the cost and it will help drive the toxins stuck deep in the tissues out. It also helped in recovering energy. My first massage, I actually had to stop after 30 minutes because the toxins being loosened made me feel sick just like chemo treatment did. Make sure she still drinks tons of fluids. Could give you much more, but don't want to clutter a dead board. Wish you and your mom all the best. Citrati
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