As far as accounting goes, their audited statements show some $5 million went to company during this period from financing activities which includes share issuances. Accounting is accounting and while there may be different ways to treat different transactions, this is pretty straightforward.
As far as the number of share syou indicated were issued, I will accept you have gone back and accounted for all reverse splits etc etc and come up with the number you mention.
As far as using market prices to determine what recipient of shares received,that would seem to be a difficult exercise to be exact about. Who knows ,maybe you are right.
I would assume if they could pull off putting mill into production at a profit they could make more money than they have so that is an incentive. In the meantime if they are making the type of money you are proposing they make, certainly they have incentive to keep things alive.
I would assuem anyone buying this stock knows it is a speculation and trades it accordingly.
Still just for my own education what is a scam and why is this a scam ?
(I admit I hadnt imagined people made $40 million out of this, so that is certainly an eye opener)