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Alias Born 05/09/2011

Re: BOOYAHH! post# 24

Wednesday, 01/23/2013 11:04:29 AM

Wednesday, January 23, 2013 11:04:29 AM

Post# of 32
Hi AllBull,
This was asked and answered on the ihub-KBLB board in my post #52018.
Yes, I am confident that it will drop down, and that it will skyrocket, the two predictions are not incompatible.
Only a fool does not take money laid out for him on the table.
I am not a fool, and MY predictions have been accurate.
I made a profit of $12,000 on Tuesday!
A good day, even for a rich man such as myself.

I was surprised that you, who claim to be the consummate trader, did not make any profit from this major (100%) rise and drop.
You talk a big game, but you are proving yourself to be nothing but a poseur.

Mike L.

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