Hmmmm ... I did some more thinking about the larger diameter that I think will be required for each circular pod in the new "braced" design ...
As I documented in my prior post, the towers would have to be "planted" farther apart, but what I didn't realize is ...
The towers will also have to be increased in height so the dual-axis system can still rotate and tilt from sunrise to sunset. Otherwise, the edges of the larger circumference pod will drag on the ground.
LOL !!!
OK, let's summarize ...
1) The existing 19 (not 20) towers are "planted" too close together.
2) The existing 19 (not 20) towers are too short.
I think I understand now why they haven't installed any of the new "braced" lenses into the existing 19 (not 20) towers.
Before they can even BEGIN to test those things, they have to "plant" more towers, because the new lenses won't work in the existing pod and tower structures.
The new towers will have to be taller and spaced farther apart. And, they they need to have a sturdier 4-pod support structure for the heavier pods, which could mean sturdier hydraulics for the tracking system.
I suspect the focal point of the lenses will have changed because of the added width of the pod, which means the suspension platform for the heat exchanger and concentrator will have to be changed, either higher or lower.
Good grief. What a circus.
Not to worry, though. "R&D has been completed". It says so, right there on
They wouldn't lie, would they?
Hmmm ... they already mass produced a lot of the various components, right?
Uh ....