This sale will bring them funds, but also, they have a team of lawyers that are knowledgeable on getting FEDERAL FUNDING!!!!! Keep in mind the retired ASSISTANT SURGEON GENERAL is on their board of directors...... Also keep in mind that the Federal government wants them to succeed, so that they can regulate the medicine as the same way they regulate other prescription drugs. This isn't just utilizing pot as a way to suppress ailments, it's utilizing the technology to cure different cancer's. I invested in this company because they are in cahoots with many government figures, and because their technology has eradicated tumors on patients. This is why they are moving forward to gain federal funding, it's not about running a skin cream business to keep the cancer research going.... besides, they can tweak formula's for the lip balm and cream etc, and sell that to someone else in another market other that Germany if they want to, but I'm thinking they are not worried about spending time on that,... they have bigger things going on! MUCH BIGGER!!!!