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Alias Born 03/25/2012

Re: None

Tuesday, 12/11/2012 7:05:52 AM

Tuesday, December 11, 2012 7:05:52 AM

Post# of 4470
( Up-Dated - Dec. 11th )

Explanations for who is interested to Invest in the
New growing Marijuana- and Bio·Vegetable- Market.
With Final Report : The Marijuana Market Basics !!

1. The TRTC Stock at present is more going sideways by the
underlying general Investors sentiment at Waiting BULLISH,
that explains also the reduced trade volumes, because the
once have already enough of the Stock don‘t selling it.
Resulting before the big JUMP soon to expect, is now the
very best getting in buying opportunity to keep in mind !!

Principally from market opportunities as preconditions in the
field of Marijuana but additionally also Bio·Vegetable, TRTC
has nothing else to compare as important to keep in mind !
TRTC has also very attractive Marijuana- and Bio·Vegetable-
News Events just around the corners and maybe soon by a
3 for 1 Split change its Stock to the NASDAQ it Deserves !!
The TRTC company in reality is too good for remaining
any longer at Lower OTC Markets.

Explosive Conditions, For TRTC Now Ready To JUMP !!

Huston TRTC Investors Speaking :
Jump Rocket Ready For Take-Off, Fastened Seatbelts and
Happy Profit-Landing !

Watch it when Investors buying 20’000 to 200’000 Stocks !

According Market Analysis the Stock gets Up-To $ 17,68 !!
TRTC soon becoming a company of about $ 1,5 Bn Value.
Already today, anybody calling- up TRTC can immediately
experience to be connected with a really good company !

2. Compare others, TRTC has No Losses on the Books and
presently only a Profit- Reduction of 0,3 Cent Per Stock or
0,6 % from Market Cap, but soon by all the Projects it will
have exceptionally Good Profits. *****
So little Profit- Reduction Per Stock and No Losses is so
unusual for any Penny- Stock, but overall its very positive
for TRTC and its many Investors !
TRTC is writing Black- Profit- Numbers and Not Red- Losses,
resulting it would not be of any surprise if TRTC also without
a 3 for 1 Split very soon will reaching an Average above $ 1.-
and resulting the acceptance at NASDAQ !

In the Fields, objective is presently nothing compare to TRTC !

3. TRTC is for the lucrative Masses of the Marijuana Market !
Possession of one Once / max. 30 grams of Marijuana or
6 Plants at 19 US- States, by More to follow, its under
State-Law legalized ! For State-Matters it need only State-
Law and for National-Matters as the complete USA it only
need the Federal- Law, but not in this Marijuana- Matters
which now just State by State is handled and decided.
Compare the Liquor- and Cigarette- Market will Marijuana
also have its Market- Share and the Reg.- Gov. its Taxes.

Additionally it is a Trend to grow at home the healthy food
as Salads, Tomato, Broccoli, Etc. for many to know what they
really eat and without Toxic- Pesticides, therefore like to grow it
by themselves, but don’t know how and there TRTC is also very
lucrative helping !
According statistics, within about the next 5 - 8 years will 20 to
30 % of the US population partially grow its own Bio·Vegetables
at their homes. This is a very huge Market for the servicing TRTC.

4. Compare to others in the Marijuana- Field such as MDBX
with only not enough 8000 publicly Floating- Stocks causing
huge trading problems as seen. During the buying its Stock
increases and during the selling again just senseless reduces.
If there would be 1000x more means 8 Mn publicly Floating-
Stocks, as Dilution just 1000x Less- Value would result. MDBX
has issued 13,4 Mn Stocks, thereof not enough Minus only 8000
as publicly Floating- Stocks for the Trading at OTC- Market and
by OTC Approved.

TRTC has issued 82,4 Mn Stocks and thereof 44% means about
36 Millions publicly Floating- Stocks, this as just enough for any
good company to allow the Increasing Price- and High- Volume
trading very soon occurring !!

Compare others in the Marijuana field with only One Sector- Leg,
at TRTC the Investor has even Two Sectors- Legs within One Stock
for the much Better- and also saver Profits- Standing !! ******

This for everybody by itself to reconfirm and to decide ! ! !

Further Important Physical- & Medical- & Market- Aspects To Report
( Maybe for some its boring, but too important for not mentioning. )

A) Simple explanations of TRTC’s HydroPlants- Technology :

Since the plants growth- nutrition as Liquid or Powder mixed with water
at a certain ratio is coming from TRTC’s state of art Plants- Science,
the very best bio- possible preconditions for best bio- quality plants,
vegetable or fruits are in reproducible manner guaranteed !
The plants production of TRTC as by Closed In- Rooms, In- Cabinets
or Production- Buildings / Plants, are not exposed to any external
atmospherically conditions as polluted- rains, insects, animals, etc.
and therefore does not need any pesticides treatment.
If there maybe partially some bacterial contamination is occurring,
just spraying with some pure- alcohol, it will kill the bacteria and
soon after is completely evaporated without affecting the plants.

In normal old fashion agriculture productions this is simply impossible
by every ground- conditions different, additionally also different by the
many contaminations of possibly heavy- metals, chemicals and sour-
rain from atmospherically pollutions and toxic- pesticides the grounds
contaminated also reaching the ground- water levels and all this before
possibly today some bio- farming productions methods are been applied.
The grounds today don’t contain the right amount of Zinc, because by
the sour- rain from pollutions it became washed-out and as result the
immune system specially by children and elderly is weaker for by any
cold or flue get much stronger affected ( Daily 10mg Zinc-Gluconate not
Zinc-Oxide because not biologically of any use, could compensate this. ).
The bio- farmers usually just working by best believing, but don’t know
how a Gas- Chromatograph Hi- Tech Equipment is measuring substance-
elements up- to PPB ( Part Per Billion ) and as result today’s customers
at any supermarket Bio- Section is very trendy also more expensive buying
just with best believing. At open-air bio- farming are also weaker pesticides
been applied.
Now sure some will think how very crazy is this story is about the Gas-
Chromatograph, but keep in mind there are substances where any adult
at a daily base should never intake more than 3 mcg means 3 millions
of a gram or 3 PPM ( Part Per Million ) and some of substances there
should be even ZERO intake because even today is only know its drastic
body- cells- harm- potential, as from Very Toxic- Pesticides applied where
still today nobody could sign for any small maximum limitations at any
food intakes, for example from Plutonium- Substance as extreme should
never ever even only once be taken just 1 mcg or 1 million of a gram
because within 24h it would kill any human and many plants have also
the ability to absorb substances from the ground by such high-efficiency
and create concentration- levels even up-to 1000x higher than in the
ground is existing ! ( For example at Sellery- Vegetable anybody can see
its Red-Brown Spots within, representing its higher Iron- Content from its
ability by high-efficiency absorbing Iron from the grounds. It means also
that Humans with Diabetes Mellitus should not eating it, because higher
Iron- level is reducing the Insulin- Efficiency and resulting increasing the
Glucose-Levels in the blood ; it also means by Diabetes No Multi-Vitamin
Supplement containing any Iron and Iodine or Caffeine causing the same. )

Personally and Nobody likes all this explanations, because its depressing,
but what else about can be done with our affected- nature, just ignoring
it or now better immediately changing to TRTC or any other very similar
plant- technology companies. The Investors NOW investing there will create
the pressure really need, for the right corrections at least NOW be made !!

For example if Investors, invest more into Atom-Bombs it will get more of
them, if invest more into big Transportation-Ships it will get more of them
if invest more into High-Speed-Trains it will get more of them and ETC. its
that simple in Reality ! ! ! - Money is the Grease and Support as Known.

B) The Populations Health & Prosperity, also by the Food On Risks :

The US Water Departments did apply Gas- Chromatographs and did
show alarming levels of Toxic- Pesticide Substances and some Toxic-
Industrial Substances even reaching the deep ground- water levels and
do not only remain on the surface and within the water- system under
the ground and also by rivers, etc. can travel hundreds of miles to even
the Ever Glades in Florida where none of any Agriculture or Industry in
the nature protected area is existing.
If we talk about Very Toxic Substances such as from Pesticides, what
does it really mean ?
For sure it means not just getting sometimes dizzy or head- pain, but
this could also be the starting symptom if that remains permanent.
Very Toxic Substances as from Pesticides, Etc. for example means, they
can cause Body Gene- and Cell- Mutations, for example by mutation
eliminating the body cells- important p53- Gene, it’s the basic Gene for
deciding and timely- controlled limiting the body- cells life- span and/or
Substances which could also increase the body’s female- hormone levels
also by men‘s, resulting to drastic reduction of sperm- amounts and its
activity with as result women’s not getting pregnant anymore.
Today compare to 20 years ago, much more couples with just 25- 30
years of age have already problems to get a baby, because the men‘s
not able anymore !! That’s where Statistics can be Prove.
About the p53- Gene, from 100% of all cancer- cells types the more
aggressive 90% by mutation lost the p53- Gene, some Scientist say this
could also be caused by some polluted substance- contaminations to
explain the gradually increasing- numbers of cancer- cases in today’s
Maybe long before you think what for all this explanation and too long
writing, but here is to confirm that the US Water Departments at the Ever
Glades in Florida did find exactly the kind of Very Toxic Substances as
above described and the US Biological Department could find there not
only mutated- cells, but frogs with 3 to 9 back- legs and very reduced
number of male- frogs, because the increased female- hormone levels
create much more female- frogs. Other species if not drastically reduced
by the same- effects do not even exist anymore !!
The Pesticide- Industry just informing that the products are only external
applied and later by water- rinsing just been washed off and then again
we have it in the water and what’s about the physically known effect of
“Diffusion” where the substances- molecules in any liquid conditions can
travel until the equilibrium- balance, means everywhere same concentration
is achieved by the certain substances related time- factor and this under
the consideration that in all Vegetables and Fruit’s the main substance is
a high water contend as the liquid to allow the Diffusion as penetration
to work well for the toxic- substances diffusing get by the internal water-
contend only diluted and the total substance- amount inside still exists !
What happen to animals and usually the humans test things by the rats
before the FDA allows test by humans or certify a product for Patience.
This need be taken serious by the peoples because they also part of
that kind of affected- nature we have today and get also affected from
and the demographic of the nation could drastically become changed
and/ or its population even reduced within the next 20 Plus Years.

Think about it for yourself and how you by the investment at the
right places could initiate the necessary changes for the better !!

C) Companies as TRTC should become Companies of National Interests :

Why only Defense- Industry as Companies of National Interests. The Gov.
at first- priority should defend the population’s Health & Prosperity at
Home where the Food & Drinking is human- basically and as second-
priority the Defense- and Military- Companies to carryout Wars around
the World far away and not only for defending the country just from
other nearby countries.
Today we can more publicly speak about the things above, because now
we have the Know-How and Companies such as TRTC for Correction and
as an Alternative to avoid the Health- Problems, it before did not exist.
Here are also explained aspects as not heard from TRTC, they giving the
impression as if the positive side- effect is only saving Transport- Costs
because producing near the Consumers and resulting reducing Gasoline-
Consumptions and Truck- Pollutions to support the Nature, but there are
much bigger Dimensions related for the Peoples and Country’s Population,
from when the Investors Now Get In can very exceptionally profit from !

When the CEO of TRTC is contacting the Obama Administration, don’t
be surprised if TRTC by its Food- Plants Technology will get the Status
and Support as Company of National Interests !!

I hope TRTC and similar companies also reading this very carefully
and that very soon much more such companies will be established,
because we all cannot have enough of them.

Good Investing For All Of You !

PS : Beside my poor English of not my mother language, if you find
anything wrong or incomplete in the above explanations, please provide
me a message for myself immediately to do the correcting changes.

The Marijuana Market Basics !!

If we talk about the overall Total Market, then we need
to mention the nation with as majority healthy population
with part of it who sometimes instead to drink a Liquor
is prefer to smoke a Joint or prepare some Yogurt, Milk-
Shake or Crackers, etc. just for the relaxing pleasure !
This majority will not accept any complications such as
ordering for after min. two weeks by repeating complain
callings ( as at MJNA by clients in the internet reported ),
just for finally to receive a product in the plastic- bags
with a medical- sticker on it, or going to some pharmacy,
malls or shops to buy or using a dispenser and the places
with opening- hours and then possibly closed for what ever
reason or the dispenser out-of-order, etc.
About Dispensers as of MDBX, where the most of medications
can not be evaporated or also do not exist in liquid- form or
have some pronged-release abilities by special tablet- coatings
or capsules where it is not even allowed to divide them and
additionally dispenser boxes are useless, because it need small
hand-held devises to carry MDBX don’t have and by its applied
technology can never be produces in such small size ! ! !
Additionally to be aware, inhaling means for most medications
that the substances goes Too Fast Into The Blood and Body,
at HIGH RISK for causing individually uncontrollable reactions
and complications, possibly similar to Allergies and therefore
without any prior very expensive over years clinical trails for
FDA Approval, it goes absolutely nothing and MDBX’s Patent
becomes useless without any successful clinical trials !! !! !!
Imagine also expensive US- Legal Cases that could happen !
Further, using Dispenser in the case of Marijuana Applications
with electronics and digitals also for receiving a patent, is as
when flying from the US to Japan but for the refueling or
transit just going to the moon before for afterwards landing
at JP’s Narita or Kansai Airport.
In Europe the Medical Marijuana substance called “Cannabinoid”
an extract in liquid- form and provided in small bottles of 50 ml
or 100 ml to apply by some number of drops and time interval
according prescription or demand against chronic- pain, etc. and
tranquilizer use. The liquid number of drops can be put in a cup
of water, pepsi, coffee, tee, milk-shake, soup or meals, anything
as very simple, easy to use and convenient by the small bottles
to carry in a handbag or pocket, etc., that is called a practical
solution as also any pharmacy can reconfirm, but nothing fancy
expensive for impression purposes. Additionally more sophisticated
exists also a little Inhaling Push- Spray bottle to carry, similar
to the one we know from peoples with Asthma where the push-
dose by the pharmacy according prescription be fix- adjusted.

The dispenser as MDBX have has not the size of max. a pack
of cigarette or as the diabetes- devise for measuring the blood
for personally easy to carry in handbags or pockets, therefore
we can simply forget about it, just too complicate and clumsy.
Additionally according official reports in the internet, at the
now 18 US- States where the Medical Marijuana is legalized,
about 500 Dispensers as of MDBX are by what ever reasoning
out of order and not functioning ! Just for the profit creating
business for a failing Dispensers Principle, we don’t need any.

To see the objective reality we need to think just practically
and that means the Majority Market of the Masses like to
have the Marijuana ready at their own homes or to carry
with themselves and to know about the quality, very Trendy
Themselves Growing The Plants By Special Equipments as only
supplied by TRTC, for at any moment of NEED or desire been
able to consume, possibly also together with friends when
surprisingly just visit, etc. that’s where the 70 - 80 % of
the Real Marijuana Market Exists !!
If we talking about the peoples themselves growing plants
at home as by TRTC, this is really not the same anymore
as when grand-ma was taking care about her nice flowers.
At TRTC this is High-Tech Pure, every things automatically
electronically by processors controlled and you just fill the
containers with TRTC’s Plant- Nutrition Liquid and you can
even go to holidays somewhere and when you come back
at home you have your new Tomato, Broccolis, Salads, Etc.
and Marijuana all fresh grown in best possible Bio-Quality
and only for remaining items passing by the supermarket.
( For the full Healing Effects of Marijuana it is essential to
have it fresh and not allowed to smoke, because temperatures
destroy and transform the chemical-substances, it also means
any Temperature- Principle Dispensers working at above max. 45°
Celsius its also to forget about ! Above max. 45° Celsius is also
the temperature where any Vitamins or the Plants important Etheric-
Oils become destroyed ! )

By TRTC, That’s a new World or Life, You can install at any Room !!

About Medical Marijuana In General. Luckily its only a small
minority of the population with certain health- defects which
possibly need Medical Marijuana- Products, it means MJNA
and CBIS, Etc. together has a very limited much smaller market.
If we talk about FDA approved Cancer Products as of CBIS as
they say, then we need to accept the procedure of 3 Phases
and each successful Phase before the next other it will take
about 2 years and BEFORE the very expensive clinical- trials
of $ 50 - 100 Mn per Product with all Experiences and Know-
How at during all Phases by completion is not established, its
also not possible to produce any Good Patents at the procedure
of about 6 years in in total and who can pay for all of this ?!
Ok, CBIS now has signed a contract with some German Natural
Products Company ( myself as European has never heard of )
and the so-called exclusive contract is not mentioning for CBIS
yearly receiving orders for products of at least $ 50 millions, etc.
The strange thing about the Contract with the German company is
also, that the nearby same boarder Holland as Europe’s Marijuana
Eldorado with over 30 years of experience & science with its various
high- quality Marijuana Products, is not supplying the CBIS - German
Contract Company.
Like this at CBIS if everything is OK, it will be profitable when ???

For example about the US- Gov. Cannabis Healing Ability US-Patent
of 2008 ; to about 80% it could not withstand at the International
Patent Court in Europe, because the Europeans already before did
just apply it and resulting as pre-published became public demand.
Old Europe is also not just perfect, but at certain things advanced.

If we apply the practical reality as above, then naturally its only
TRTC able to fulfill the population’s majority request or demand
for supplying the Plants & Equipments at its Marijuana Market of
70 - 80 % and that’s where with the right marketing as of TRTC
able, good Profit for the Company and resulting for Investors can
quickly be achieved and without any trials, etc. or complications.

Resulting the others in the Marijuana Field, but without the also
very important Bio·Vegetable Matter as of TRTC only, the MJNA
and CBIS, Etc. together are only for the smaller 20 - 30 % part
and TRTC is for the 70 - 80 % of existing Total Marijuana Market.
As result if like it or not and if we really interested to invest in the
Marijuana Market, then we must be prefer TRTC and buying NOW
at its New lowest possible price level !

Since Investors always at first priority invest into companies with the
possible biggest Market Share- and Growth- Potential for the Best
Investors profit, it resulting could only be the TRTC company to
invest, since there is not any other company with same products.


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