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Alias Born 11/30/2012

Re: UNDAUNTED post# 20630

Wednesday, 12/05/2012 11:03:09 AM

Wednesday, December 05, 2012 11:03:09 AM

Post# of 123011
Hey Undaunted,

My thinking stems from the 3rd Qtr results. Brgo is not a small bio tech that needs stock dilution just to keep the lights on and pay checks being signed. They are a net profitable company (at least for one quater). They are in a upward trend of trailing quaters. They used this so called toxic financer as someone posted to bridge them until deals were made. There are signs of progess that point towards a steadier future to stand on its own two feet.

I have no idea what will happen. Im trying to weed through the numbers, and everyone's opinion and make an somewhat educated guess. That means I know as much as everyone else...which isnt a whole lot!