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Re: Jmsberg7 post# 190254

Tuesday, 12/04/2012 2:42:08 PM

Tuesday, December 04, 2012 2:42:08 PM

Post# of 289427
Jmsberg7: You are so to the point. Big difference between 0 to 1.
And this distributor covers 800 locations; not small potatos; tip of the iceberg. Let me further up my 2 cents:

Data or fact in analysis on the pr:
1. 800 more retail outlets in the state of Michigan, meeting with a few more large retailers coming in Jan, 2013. There is a big meeting on 12/11/2012 in just a week with one of them. How many outlets can be added?

2. A good starting with a Belgium sales website. This will draw more distributors in Europe. Australia and Asia are coming.

3. Europe expansion news coming in a couple of weeks as well.

So in the next 1-2 weeks, good news will be overwhelming!
This is telling us tremendous in sales growth and revenue. I just wonder when the numbers are recorded, 4th quarter 2012 financial comes up in Jan 2013, what will the share price then?
Last quarter was $1.6m, this should be at least $3.0m or much more. Someone please tell me when a company sells at this level and is still expanding faster and faster, what should be the proper share price? (Just IMHO and questions)