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Alias Born 04/10/2005

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Friday, 11/30/2012 5:58:23 PM

Friday, November 30, 2012 5:58:23 PM

Post# of 30990
Here is a few testimonials....

These are a few GNC Testimonials

By vaq78

from Reno, NV

I saw this product on the GNC website and read the many reviews. Decided to give it a go and it has absolutely changed my life, for the better! I am 52 years old with many knee pain issues due to my decades of involvement in sports. I currently officiate many of the sports I played as a young person to include Basketball, Softball, and Volleyball. I have always been on the look out for the 'Magic Pill' to help ease my knee pain. I have had knee surgeries on both knees, steroid injections, and have tried all types of joint relief products to include Glucosamine/Chondroitin, in pill form and drink/liquids, etc. Not much was ever effective until I tried this product. Within the first day of taking these I could already feel a big difference. I have now taken this product for 5 months and I can honestly say this has changed my life! This is the best joint pain relief medication I have ever tried! Where I used to take multiple doses of over-the-counter pain medications, such as Alieve and IBprofen, etc., when I would workout or go work my games all day long, I now take my two little pills (which I let desolve under my tongue), three times a day and I am pretty much pain free. It has been a real blessing in my life and I am so jazzed to have discovered this product. A total thumbs up!

works better than prednisone
By pcallicoat

from bremerton,wa

I started using Cigrx and switched to Anatabloc back in January,2012.It has really helped my arthritis,sinus and general overall health.I used as many as 6 at one time when my bum knee was
acting up after hiking 6 miles while carting out a 300# mule deer last month during hunting season. I helped bring out another deer the next day,too without any knee pain or discomfort. Real deal and going to change modern medicine when the word gets out.

By sherylb

from Beverly Hills, MI

I did a Hospital Study on this stuff and I could tell when they had me on it and when they had me on placebo. It does work....I went on it immediately after I went off the study. My muscles don't heart after working out, my back and knees feel better, I have more energy. I would recommend it to anyone with everyday aches and pains. In fact, my husband and mom are on it now too!

By gayle.lee7

from Honolulu

I have had severe arthritis throughout my body for yrs. As I sit at a computer for hours and am past 60, my hands and knees have been especially painful. Antibloc is the first and only product that has helped. I had to take it for nearly 3 months, before seeing results so stick with it. It works. The longer one has the inflammatory problem, the longer it may take for antibloc to work. I think the severity of my inflammation and age made it take longer to work on me. Other athletes and people with arthritis or bursitis have faster results. It's a miracle. No more pain medicine..just anti bloc.

I am 61 so I have a lot of inflammation issues going on in my body. It takes approximately 90 days to receive full benefits of Anatabloc. The benefits are so amazing and life changing. I feel twenty years younger !!!!!

Benefits to date:

1) breathing a whole lot better 2) had major root canal five weeks ago for 3 hours and thought my mouth would be very sore----no feelings at all next day 3) anatabine (main component in Anatabloc)is a mood enhancer and I am definitely feeling that--feel like million $$$$ 4) physical proof---my elbows have always been white and dry--not anymore--wife says best she has ever seen. 5) sleep is better and not having to get up as often during night. 6) I swear my hair is getting thicker--what I do have..... 7) Older males like myself have urination issues which this helps immensely--inflammation causes prostate to swell- 8) My taste buds are on steroids....even water has a whole new taste 9) as of day 60 hair color change---wow--white gray has become light brown 10) Fungal Toenail Infection on one toe that I have had for over 20 years. Nothing has cured it. Nothing !! Well I have noticed something is going on that looks positive---the toe is turning pink !!!!

By eliask21



By chelgerson

from New Jersey

As I've gotten older(35), I seem to always have back problems...Chiropractor calls it subluxation. Every few months my back would act up...pain rolling over in the night, pain getting up from sitting, etc. I just deal with it, and if really painfull take vicodin.

That was before a friend told me what he'd been taking for back pain. He gave me a small little container of it (probably 20 tabs). after the first week I didn't notice much relief as my back was still giving me problems. friend told me to stick with it and order from the anatabloc site. So I ponied up and bought a bottle (200 tabs).

By shane-farley

from Atlanta, GA

Typically my back pain would last a few weeks, this time it went away after about a week (this was in November).

Long story short, I continued to take Anatabloc (4-6 tabs daily) AND I HAVE NOT HAD BACK PAIN SINCE! I've done my research on the anatabloc site, and it doesn't appear that takin this many pills a day is hard on your body (liver) as ibuprofen is.

I've stopped going to the chiropractor, and don't plan to go back as long as this continues to do it for me.

Anatabloc is a great product. I've been dealing with chronic inflammation issues in my foot following a surgery (sesamoidectomy) I had over 3 years ago. I've been on half a dozen anti-inflammatories, constantly testing them and trying to find the best option. Anatabloc has been a blessing. It also allows me to workout harder and more frequently. I am 40 yrs old but seriously feel 25-30. I highly recommend this product. Give it an honest try, take it for a few weeks, and you will be amazed.

By heronaerospace

from Alamogordo, NM

This is an incredible product! It has given my life back. I've been pretty much in agony for the past five years -- difficulty walking and sleeping due to pain in feet and knees and back. After one month of use (yes, I'm am ording more as I write this review) I am almost completely pain free and I can again start doing the things I enjoy (my constant pain & resulting degenerative health/wellness motivated me to buy what for me is an expensive product. I was desparate, and the investment in Anatabloc is worth it). An added side benefit is that I'm now able to lose the extra weight gained during the past 5yr of low activity and get back into shape and enjoy life, and do things with my young son.

NOTE: If you have actual injuries/damage associated with the inflamation this product helps to regulate, you still have to be careful and let the injuries heal. This product can assist the healing (and control the pain) by regulating the inflamation process for those over 40.

For thos into general wellness it should be noted that anatabloc is a true revolution. At about age 40 +/- our body's inflamatory processes start to not work as well as they should (and exponentially get more out of control as the years go by) and can hinder instead of help us (those under 40 probably don't need this product except to help in healing persistent injuries). Anatabloc brings the inflamatory process back under control aiding in healing and general well being -- extending one's general wellness and "health-span".

I can't say it enough. I am truly impressed with Anatabloc, will continue to use it, and highly recommend it.

By premuni1953

from Warren, Oregon

I use this daily and it has helped me feel better overall. I have had Fibromyalgia for 19 years and using this product for less than a month has definitiely helped my pain and stiffness. I also have osteoarthritis and this has been helped also.
I am not looking for an instant cure, after all of these years, but I am very hopeful! I am off my prescribed pain medications, after 10 years on them. I still have pain but nothing like I did just a few weeks ago!

Please try it...

By osu78

from Springboro, OH

I have used Anatabloc for over 3 months now and I will say that it has helped my arthritis a great deal. I am 56 years old and can now bend over from the waist, sit on the ground and work around the yard without ever groaning from any of these activities. I feel almost young again! It hasI also helped my prostrate a great deal and I have gone from waking up 4-6 times a night to 1-2.

By rjclark12

from Toronto, ON

I stopped sleeping with my wife three months ago due to her snoring. She went to a sleep clinic where they could find nothing wrong (not sleep apnea anyway). Se tried acupuncture with no results. Finally I got a set of earplugs to try out and joined her in the bedroom again last week only to discover she no longer snores - at all. She started taking Anatabloc three months ago for general health and it's apparently eliminated the cause of her snoring. I just wish I found out sooner. Anatabloc is the real deal, now I'm a beleiver.

By jkaashoek

from San Jose, CA

I have had a bad knee for 25 years due to a botched knee operation. I had trouble running, walking downhill, playing golf, etc. I started taking Anatabloc and after a month my knee is pain free and I am starting to run again. I feel released from prison.

By alicekles8

from San Jose CA

I have moderate to severe arthritis in my right knee and it had become increasingly more painful and had especially been bothered at night which interfered with my sleeping. Was putting cold packs on the knee 3 to 4 times a day which helped bring some relief. After taking Anatabloc for about two weeks my knee is 95% better. I am almost completely pain free, no longer do any cold packs and am sleeping very well.

Also,I had been extremely miserable with allergies this season even tho I was maxed out taking all of my allergy medications and definitely was not looking forward to the next few months. Eyes were red and very scratchy and was putting cold packs on eyes several times a day. I hated going out because I looked so bad and I had mountains of kleenex wherever I went. After taking Anatabloc, I am symtom free from my allergies and now am taking only 1/2 dose of the allergy medications.

I take 5 Anatabloc pills a day - 2 in morning, 1 mid-day and 2 in the evening.
I am so so grateful for Anatabloc and call it my "magic" pill.

By wm.stillings

from Work in Russia

I am a 64 yr old male -- I began using the original CIGRx in July 2011 -- I immedaitely noticed joint pain improvement due to the anti-inflammatory effect as predicted.
When the Anatabloc was introduced I purchased it from the manufacturer [Star Scientific] and began taking 8 tablets daily spaced through out the day - 2 @ wakeup - 2 mid-day - 2 dinner - 2 before bed [note: dose is weight dependent - I'm a big guy - so lighter men & women can use less / day] - See the Star Scientific website for good information
1) Joint pain gone [shoulder,knee & hands]
2) Blood pressure is down 20 systolic/10 diastolic - my doctor has reduced meds - more than paying for the Anatabloc - saving big $$$
3) Weight has been slowly dropping and may explain the BP drop
4) Age spots on the back of my hands - darkness greatly reduced
5) Hair loss has stopped & appears to be growing back - my barber noticed - seriously!
6) Chronic cough is gone - allergies no longer
7) Sleeping far better w/o pain = awake rested
8) Urination is better - no night-time get up
9) Memory has improved!! - Like all modern computer users I had many passwords and had to use a "cheat-sheet" often - no more!!

Go to the Star Scientific web site and check their patent application the Anatabloc "reduces inflammation" which is at the root of many problems associated with health and aging

Really - a great product -- I feel 20 yrs younger

If this is all a placebo effect - please don't tell me, I feel to good !!

By rozey1

from Boston, MA

Having had wrist, knee & elbow problems from over 50 years of bowling & 2 operations to fix things, I had given up the idea of bowling pain free. With Anatabloc the pain is virtually gone. I am bowling pain free for the first time in decades. Still averaging 205 & recently bowled my 11th 300 game. It has made bowling fun again instead of a painful experience.

Wish it was a little cheaper though.

By patty.crofts

from A Northern Suburb of Chicago, Il

I've had hip pain for 14 years, ever since my last pregnancy, that had been getting progressively worse- to the point where I had trouble standing straight at the end of a long day. My husband has disk problems as well as a painful knee issue that materialized recently. We have both been using Anatabloc for one month. My hip pain is GREATLY reduced. It is absent in the AM, but still creeps in toward the end of the day at times- though not to the degree it used to. My husband's knee is back to normal. No pain at all. Zero. His back pain is much better though not completely gone. We are both sold on this product. I'm hoping that with continued use our hip/back pain will be a thing of the past. Some things seem too good to be true, and this is one of them! We can hardly believe our good fortune in finding Anatabloc!We think it's only a matter of time before the whole country discovers this---How many people do you know who suffer from hip/back/knee pain who couldn't benefit from relief?

By tradertow

from Bosotn, MA

I bought Anatabloc for my wife; she has arthritis pain in her leg. After taking it for about a week, she noticed a big difference in her mobility; her leg wasn't as painful when she walked. Now it's been almost a month of taking Anatabloc and she can really feel the difference. The pain is almost entirely gone. The only downside is the price. But at least if you buy it during the Gold card week, you'll get 20% off.

By chirogirl99

from Alabama

I use Anatabloc myself and have been giving it to my patients in my chiropractic practice. I am really amazed at how well this product works. For me it helps with my arthritic joints, shoulder pain, plus it helps me recover quicker from working out. I've seen it help a lot of people with a variety of pain, arthritis, back, and joint issues. I highly recommend this product. It seems much safer than nsaid's, steroids, and drugs like Celebrex. I can't speak highly enough about Anatabloc and will continue to tell everyone I know about it.

By Madamske

from New Hampshire

I had knee surgery about 3 months ago and had major inflammation in my knee. After taking Anatabloc, (3 per day), there is virtually no swelling in my knee, range of motion is great, and I have been working out again (elliptical, bike, Arc trainer, power walking). I'm not running yet, but have the confidence back in my knee to start soon. At my last Dr.'s appointment, he was very impressed with my progress, specifically range of motion and no inflammation!

I've also noticed that my back pain has disappeared too- I used to wake up in the morning with back pain, it's now gone.

I love this product and would recommend it to anyone.


By russ.thomas

from Kirkland, WA

3 to 6 lozenges a day keeps muscles from becoming sore from hard work, relieves muscle aches when they occur, makes a person "nicer" and relaxes the urinary tract producing better flow. My shoulders, back and knees all feel better and pain free with Anatabloc. Very good product, but you must be body aware to know if this product is helping you. I stopped taking it for a week, and all my pains returned after 4 days. Takes about a week to start working, initially.

By eckate

from Toronto, ON

I take the products 3 times daily. It tastes and dissolves like a mint. my wrist pain and ankle pain went away within 1 to 2 weeks of taking the anatabloc.

By jkaashoek

from San Jose, CA

It keeps inflammation of my knee in check, normally when I exercise my knee gets too painful but now it is managable. Also, I have had chronic inflammation of my rib cage joints for 20+ years and now that seems to be clearing. This could be a miracle product.

By fhusekpets

from New Jersey

I was diagnosed with sleep apnea in 2008. A sleep study showed I was waking up every three minutes all night. After failed attempts to use a CPAP mask, I stated taking Nuvigal a couple of years ago with excellent results. I have been taking Anatabloc 8 times a day for 4 months. During that time I lost 5 or 6 lbs. I noticed a marked improvement in my sleep patterns after taking Anatabloc for a couple of months. 10 days ago I stopped taking the Nuvigal altogether and show no signs of my sleep apnea. I can't believe it. Anatabloc has changed my life. I am a 53 male who just so happened to lose my health insurance on 12/31/11. Good thing since without health insurance a years supply of Nuvigal costs over $10,000 !!!

By chriscanale

from New York, New York

This product has changed my life! I was a division I athlete and now suffer from chronic back/shoulder and joint pain. I was diagnosed with a painful form of Arthritis and everyday was a painful challenge. This product has literally removed any pain/discomfort I have felt! I am a new man and feel great and am active again! truly greatful for this revolutionary medical break through and appreciate all the research and hard work that has made this possible!

By sandyshop09

from Central Texas

Began taking anatabine because of its antidepressant quality, and it is good at that, for those who may need it. TOTAL SURPRISE was that the first thing that happened was within hours my lifelong severe sinusitis began clearing up (it is "managed" to the 90% level with NO other medications).

Next day I noticed a difference in my asthma (about 50% improved long term). Within 10 days I noticed the mild arthritis in my hands was better ... VISIBLY ... the joint swelling was down (and felt better too ... about 90% improvement long term). In that same time a lifelong colon problem, never diagnosed, was somewhat better (about 30% long term). By six months later my skin was thicker, looked younger, and my hair and nails were growing faster. Some strange "moles" cleared up almost completely. No, I'm NOT kidding, and I waited months to confirm the latter effects. Your doctor can tell you that nail, skin, and hair health are among indicators of overall body health.

I now recognize that I have a body that has "autoimmune" issues ... the thyroid supplement I must take is the "tip off" to that, I now know. (I now have learned that that problem is a lifelong autoimmune thyroid disorder ... which could likely have been prevented had Anatabloc been available when I was young. By the way, Anatabloc may prevent further thyroid destruction, but one will likely have to continue the thyroid supplement ... you doctor must do the blood test to know.)

I could go on, but we are individuals and my many specifics may not apply to everyone. The point is, this is a product that has great potential to take some health issues off your plate, especially if you are an older adult, and especially if you have any known autoimmune disorder (because if you have one, you probably have, or will have, several ... autoimmune means you have an over-reactive immune system that is attacking your body instead of just waiting to fight actual disease).

In the unlikely case it does not suit you, give it to any older adult in your life ... he or she has about a 90% chance of being helped by it in one or more ways ... and if so he or she will love you for it!

By xnxtxsx2

from Orange County, CA

Have tried every kind of prescription medication for my Arthritis and other aches and pains nothing worked until I tried this and ZERO side effects, Glad its on GNC now!

By Short Round

from Glendale, CA

I take Anatabloc for allergies. I never connected allergies with inflammation until I started using Anatabloc and saw amazing results. Anatabloc works better at controlling allergy symptoms than any other allergy product I have tried. I have read amazing reviews for all types of inflammation related issues that people are reporting on Anatabloc's Facebook page. If you suffer at all from any inflammation related issues, I suggest you read those testimonials and then come right back here to try Anatabloc immediately!

By franklinet

from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

On the suggestion of a friend who hounded me at work because she knew i suffered from arthritis and was complaining about the medications my doctor had prescribed .. This little minty pill works and I am astounded by my results .. I resumed my golf (18 holes) and for the first time since knee surgery back in 2010 i have zero swelling in both knees ... A terrific medicine and 1/3 the cost of my previous prescription .... Thank You GNC ...

These are Amazon Testimonials



Diane C. Tanger "BLUESAND REDS" (ATLANTA) - See all my reviews

This review is from: Anatabloc- 200 Lozenges in 1 Bottle (Health and Beauty)

I was not familiar with this product nor the company before using the Anatabloc .. I have finally found a product that not only alleviated my loved ones original malady but completly blew me away ,with how fast it worked for my mothers swollen legs and arthritic knees .. Bravo ! Bravo ! Bravo! Rock Creek Pharmaceutical ..

I ordered the product having tried everything else on the market from expensivive prescription drugs to homeopathic products .. This works and it works quickly .... I also contacted the manufacture because a few weeks after using the Anatabloc my mother who is 83 years young ,commented on how alert and invigorated she felt after using the product.. I am still amazed by my moms clear thinking and almost perpetual smile .....

Lastly some of my friends here in Atlanta have also ordered and reordered the Anatabloc as have I and they like the dispenser pack while mom prefers the 200 per bottle package ....

My mom takes 2 lozenges 3 times a day . If you doubt my praises i advise you to contact the manufacture as I did and speak with them ... THIS ANATABLOC IS A LIFE SAVER AND A BLESSING FOR MY LOVED ONE....


K. DeLuca (Washington, D.C. area

I heard about people taking Anatabloc for arthritis with great results, so I had to try it. The price was high ($99!), but I figured if it works, it's worth it. It works. Substantial reduction in pain and stiffness. I've been on just about every arthritis pill. This is more effective, and with no side effects. I'm happy with Anatabloc. If the manufacturer would lower the price, I'd be even happier.


Wolfshead - See all my reviews

I can't believe that after 20 years of suffering from tendonitis, I finally come across a product that actually works as advertised! I can't tell you how much money i've spent from going to the Rheumatalogist for cortasone shots (or whatever it is he shoots into me). Heck, there were even plenty of times where he hadn't even hit the right spot and I ended up having to go right back to him a couple weeks later! On top of the doctor visits, I also prided myself on eating good and taking various vitams every morning. This may well have been good for me but it did nothing for my tendonitis.

I've been taking this product now for 10 days and I have to say that I'm absolutely loving the way I've been waking up in the morning, hitting the weightroom a couple hours later, and being able to do both of these things without any tendon pain at all. Wow!

Yes this product may be expensive, but for me, it's still cheaper than going to the doctor and having to spend upwards of 300+ dollars a visit.

I've already recommended this to a couple people I work with, so yes, I'd do the same for you as well.

Oh yeah, as far as my daily dose goes, I took 4 per day the first 7 days, then dropped to 3. So far so good!

Anatabloc Sales -- anecdotal evidence
By uptick77777 . Oct 18, 2012 11:19 AM . Permalink

North Texas --------

My 31 yr. old Son ran out of Anatabloc recently and dropped by the GNC store in Euless, TX to pick up another bottle. Euless, TX is a middle class community between Dallas & Fort Worth, TX.

His observations:

GNC's young sales lady was VERY well versed on Anatabloc and its benefits and indicated that they are constantly running out of product. IE: Her sales quote, " It is flying off of the shelves". A story she told was that a lady came into the store a month or so ago after surgery and picked up one bottle of Anatabloc. About a month later, the same lady came back into the store and bought all six bottles that the store had in stock at the time.

This same GNC sales lady went further in telling my son that she moved to the area from Philadelphia and that she had the same experience back East. The GNC store that she was working in couldn't keep Anatabloc in stock.

No new news above, just anecdotal evidence from the field.

pikiwiki in reply to sagi51 (Show the comment) 2 months ago


I have been taking 6 to 9 tablets a day for the last 9 months. Anatabloc will be knownin a few years as a true "life extentsion" supplement.
This product is available at 1000's of GNC stores and is already a best seller. I feel 15 years younger, have more energy in every way. First year to be? allergy free since I can remember. Hard to believe, but absolutely the real deal. Research at Johns Hopkins University among other research centers are studying this compound presently.

· ahrens51 3 months ago 2



The scientific evidence supporting Anatabloc convinced me to overcome? my skepticism and try it. I'm so glad I did. Riding bicycle for more than 10 miles used to result in knee pain that would last for a few days. I'm now doing 40+ mile rides, am pain free, and ready to ride again the next day.
· sagi51 3 months ago 2



I was using anatabloc for over a month and I was smiling, my knees were great, my breathing had never been better and more. My overall mood was uplifted. I went off anatabloc two weeks ago in july and for two weeks I was in pain and it made me realize how much pain I had been tolerating before anatabloc. I've tried different dosages and I was taking 5 - 7 lozenges a day, I just started taking them again yesterday july 18th and I woke up today and took two more. What a difference. life? change!


Unsolicited feedback from a new user of Anatabloc

By txrunner7 . 2 minutes 38 seconds ago . Permalink

A friend of mine had pain and swelling in his throwing arm so a couple of months ago I suggested that he give Anatabloc a try. And while he'd never heard of it, I managed to convince him to start taking it because everything else he tried didn't help much. He lives a few states away and we don't communicate regularly so I just sat back and waited for the feedback that I knew would eventually come. Here's what he sent this morning; 'Lastly, we are now in the playoffs for my baseball league. I've pitched a full nine innings in both games and we won both. Sunday's game was a #$%$ shutout. I'm told that I'm throwing harder now than at the beginning of the season. I have strong feelings it is because of Anatabloc. I won't sell short the working out; I work out consistently with weights, running, etc. But, combined with Anatabloc, the results seem to be amazing.' BTW, the league he plays in is fast pitch hardball baseball.

Note: Scot has been on Anatabloc for over one year and this is based upon his personal experience

To Scot

Offshore Surf Shop
Carlsbad, Ca.

Subject: question

This is excellent. Thanks for sharing. Did you do this without exercise??? Just Anatabloc? Thanks

Quote from Scot regarding Anatabloc:

"But there are three things I have had improve dramatically and have numbers to measure them. Last year I weighted 215 lbs, now I'm at 185 lbs. My blood pressure was around 150/95, now it's 125/65 or lower. My lowest reading was 107/59, just last week. And my eyesight has improved by one full diopter, from -1.75 to -.75, I barely need correction anymore. I never expected any of those things to happen, but I'm really glad they did."

Date: 9/17/2012 2:43:08 AM

Subject: RE: question

I have been exercising moderately the whole time. The problem is before Anatabloc it didn't seem to matter. I always wondered why I would gain weight by 3 to 5 pounds every year, even though I was known by my friends to eat right and exercise. One of my favorite meals is baked chicken and steamed vegetables,

I never eat fast food. I'm a moderate, I don't over commit either way. I would go into the gym and do the cycle for 20 minutes before I would play tennis. I walked 2 miles on the beach every day with my dog. Not over the top, but I wasn't going crazy with anything. Well, that kind of pisses you off after you gain 40 lbs when you think you are doing the right things to stay healthy. I wasn't over the top with the program, but I thought I should of held an optimal weight instead of getting worse every year with my lifestyle. Well, here is what I think is going on.

There are two kinds of fat that form in our bodies that can be a problem. Subcutaneous and visceral fat. Visceral is the more dangerous fat that forms around our internal organs and causes heart disease, cancer, diabetes, ect. It is formed by the over expression of, you guessed it, NF-kB. And, visceral fat causes more and more over expression of NF-kB all by itself. It's a feed back loop that makes itself a bigger and bigger problem. So moderation still causes problems because of auto- immune disease. Anatabloc stops that loop, and it reduces the visceral fat in your body by blocking that loop. I don't have that shelf of hard fat in my abdomen anymore, it has gone away.

I didn't change anything except that I don't crave things like sugar, or late night eating anymore. So I don't over indulge because I don't have to. I still like sugar, but now I don't need it, and I'm sure it's the Anatabloc doing that. I think I was pre-diabetic because my body was clogged up with inflammation, but now all of those problems have gone away. I feel 20 years, or more, younger. And even after a year on Anatabloc I still feel better every day. The reason I put my work address on an earlier message is because I like to talk to people face to face about what has happened to me on Anatabloc. I like it when people come by my shop and talk about it. I absolutely think that it is the most important thing a person can do to protect one's health. I am absolutely amazed by the way it has helped me

Offshore Surf Shop
Carlsbad, Ca.

· T.J. Keil

T.J. Kell

The easiest way to put my reaction to Anatabloc is: I'm not sore anymore. Amazing stuff guys.

Nick Chase

· Nicolas Chase

I take 6 anatabloc a day for 8 months now! My work outs have increased and my muscle soreness recovery is minimal! Thank u anatabloc!!

By eliask21



By nice_fellow_sr . Sep 5, 2011 9:36 PM

I'm not a Physician. However, here's my 2 cents. I'm 72 years old and a Marathon runner. So, I research on various supplements and take some. In most instances, I found that they recommend higher end of the doses for first 4 to 7 days then go to lower doses as long as one continue to use that supplement. I found that reasonable after reading the studies in those supplements. Also, I give each supplement at least three months time before I decide whether it's for me or not. For example, when I started using joint support, I didn't appreciate how much they were helping me eventhough I was using them for 2/3 months. Since I couldn't appreciate their benefit (I thought that my joint pains stopped because I was doing some strength traing exercises surrounding those joints), I stopped using them. But after a month or so, I started to feel the joint pain again. Now I'm a believer of joint support (e.g. "MOVE FREE). Regarding ANATABINE, I'll be using .06mg/KG of my body weight per day for first 6 days then I'll continue to use .03mg/KG of my my body weight. My body weight is approximately 55KG. So, I'll be using roughly 4 tablets per day for first 6 days and then 2/3 tablets per day as long as I continue to use them. After studing various research reports on ANATABINE, I'm 100% convinced it will benefit me more than any other supplements I'm taking so far. As of today, I've been able to stay away from any drugs whther OTC or prescription by just relying on natural supplements. I recently ordered my anatabine supplements and intend to continue for the rest of my life because of it's proven anti-inflationery property and we all know that infation is the major cause of hundreds of age related desease. I appreciate your effort to help your friends. I also intend to do the same to my friends by providing them all the information I've collected so far. Good luck to you and your friends.

doctor's opinion By drdlw2 . Mar 15, 2012 8:15 PM . Permalink

I have been following the board for several months after being introduced to ANATABLOC at the end of Novemeber. I have taken 6-8 per day and have made many interesting observations.

Initally, after about 3-5 days I noticed that the variable amount of cervical neck pain I usually experience (a common affliction for microsurgeons) was diminshed about 50%. I also noticed my craving for caffiene, as well as any caffeine withdrawl headache, was essentially gone.

However, what is more remarkable is that as I continued on the supplement I began to notice that I gained further benefits. By 3-4 weeks my cervical neck pain had reduced to zero, and I began to notice my exercise stamina and energy increased. Now with a full 3 months-plus of treatment, I can say unequivically that the ANATABLOC has reduced normal post exercise soreness to near zero, and removed virtually all my usual lower extremity pain/stiffness (I am 44) that I felt in my hips and knees.

During a recent ski trip I noticed that I would not feel sore after a full day of skiing (black/double black/mogul runs), and more remarkably I would ski down a long mogul run without needing to stop, when usally I would make 3-4 stops on that particular run(this is the same exact run I have done 40-50 times a year for a decade). I have given it to various friends and family for various aliments with success (most notably for migraine headaches), as well as general aches and pains. In summary: the Pros: From my experience and direct observation-will work for 70-90% of people for any basic chronic soreness, stiffness, back ache. I also believe it helps with sinusitis/allergy symptoms. It has been remarkable regarding my wife's migraines as well as one other individual we know personally who has tried it.

Furthermore, at least 80-90% of people who have tried it have decided to stay with it (a good omen for future sales numbers) seems to provide sort of an intangible benefit (maybe due to it's mild antidepressive effect). No reported side effects from the cohort of 10-15 people I have direct experience with. the Cons: the main one is cost, at $100/mo. it is a bit steep for the masses to incorporate as a treatment without solid medical study/proof and medical backing (which I believe to be inevitable, but will take quite some time....likely months to a year and half). Also, there will be a certain portion of the population who are non-responders to the drug (as is the case with all drugs).

Also, not all conditions will be affected such as structural joint problems (I have a mild rotator cuff issue in my shoulder which has not responded---I know it to be structural and non-inflammed so it makes sense it wouldn't change with ANATABLOC. I could go on and on in my role as a doctor on my theories, observations and predictions, but will leave it at that for now. In summary:

Based on my experience as an MD (who also is heavily involved in pharamceutical clinical research), Antabloc is a drug/supplement that will play a role in many people's lives for years to come. Whether it takes off this year or over a couple years remains to be seen. This will mainly depend on the success of the trials and how quickly the studies enroll, complete and the data analyzed. I also believe for it to be a real blockbluster, the price per bottle will have to come down a bit. But I assume you make more profit from selling 1,000 times more bottles at half the price. I final note to anyone like me who takes the ANATABLOC....can you now imagine your life without it? As my friend once said, "if I found out the company was going to go out of business, I would find a way to buy as much ANATABLOC as I could before they did!"

By vaq78

from Reno, NV

By vaq78

from Reno, NV

By vaq78

from Reno, NV

By vaq78

from Reno, NV

By vaq78

from Reno, NV

By vaq78

from Reno, NV

I saw this product on the GNC website and read the many reviews. Decided to give it a go and it has absolutely changed my life, for the better! I am 52 years old with many knee pain issues due to my decades of involvement in sports. I currently officiate many of the sports I played as a young person to include Basketball, Softball, and Volleyball. I have always been on the look out for the 'Magic Pill' to help ease my knee pain. I have had knee surgeries on both knees, steroid injections, and have tried all types of joint relief products to include Glucosamine/Chondroitin, in pill form and drink/liquids, etc. Not much was ever effective until I tried this product. Within the first day of taking these I could already feel a big difference. I have now taken this product for 5 months and I can honestly say this has changed my life! This is the best joint pain relief medication I have ever tried! Where I used to take multiple doses of over-the-counter pain medications, such as Alieve and IBprofen, etc., when I would workout or go work my games all day long, I now take my two little pills (which I let desolve under my tongue), three times a day and I am pretty much pain free. It has been a real blessing in my life and I am so jazzed to have discovered this product. A total thumbs up!

works better than prednisone
By pcallicoat

from bremerton,wa

I started using Cigrx and switched to Anatabloc back in January,2012.It has really helped my arthritis,sinus and general overall health.I used as many as 6 at one time when my bum knee was acting up after hiking 6 miles while carting out a 300# mule deer last month during hunting season. I helped bring out another deer the next day,too without any knee pain or discomfort. Real deal and going to change modern medicine when the word gets out.

Erik W. says:

September 7, 2012 at 11:18 am

I have some more anecdotal evidence in support of the Anatabloc product. And please trust that I am neither affiliated with the company . I had continuous cases of chronic tendonitis in various parts of my body (bicep, thigh, rotator-cuff, chest, hamstring, etc.) increasingly over a period of about four years. It seemed that every time I tried to get back into exercise, I would pull something again and that body part would hurt for the next six months. I thought I was just getting old and that I could never get fit again. I was about to ask that my doctor to send me to a specialist to see if I had some sort of condition or something that required treatment.

I stumbled upon Anatabloc and started taking three pills a day (I weigh 165lb.). Within two weeks, my existing tendonitis issues began to feel better. After a month, all pain was gone and I have had no new instances of muscle or tendon pain since I started Anatabloc over six months ago.

It had been years since I have been in this good condition. I lift weights again. No muscle pulls. I even played in a long and really competitive adult men’s soccer match a couple weeks ago with some other dads. I was a little sore for a couple days, but doing this without injury would have been impossible for me before Anatabloc.

Stephanie Petsa
I gave my mom a bottle of anatabloc to try for her tennis elbow! She was desperate to relieve the pain! After 4 months she feels so much better. but that's not the only thing she has realized anatabloc has done for her. She has less pain in her entire body shes 58 now! Shes more active, sleeps better at night, less allergies and she has also lost 10lbs too. And she is telling me shes less stressed during the day! My mom takes 6-8 anatabloc a day. Thank you so much for helping my mother and im spreading the word as well!
By chirogirl99

from Alabama

I use Anatabloc myself and have been giving it to my patients in my chiropractic practice. I am really amazed at how well this product works. For me it helps with my arthritic joints, shoulder pain, plus it helps me recover quicker from working out. I've seen it help a lot of people with a variety of pain, arthritis, back, and joint issues. I highly recommend this product. It seems much safer than nsaid's, steroids, and drugs like Celebrex. I can't speak highly enough about Anatabloc and will continue to tell everyone I know about it.

Various random Testimonies—there are thousands on the internet


June 2 , 2012

I will be 72 next month. I've had moderate shoulder pain since my mid 40s and neck pain since my late 50s. I was diagnosed with moderate to severe cerviclal degenerative arthritis 12 years ago and spent 6 months in a neck brace and used traction, TENs, massage, etc. I was sleeping sitting up since the pain was so severe lying down that I couldn't possibly sleep. I tried Celebrex and Vicodin but stopped since they had no noticable effect. I had two epidural injections. The first helped for a month, the second had little effect. I continued with chiropractic adjustments (against the advice of my neurosurgeon). I never had surgery. In 2001, I started taking a supplement called Joint Advantage (from Dr. David Williams). I still take it. After a month I was able to sleep lying down and stopped using the neck brace. I continued to improve over the next several years (with occasional setbacks). My chiropractor (I am still with the same one for the last 15 years) said mine was the worst case with the most remarkable recovery she has seen. My neurosurgeon said to keep doing whatever I was doing since it was working.

When I started on Anatabloc in Nov., I was in continuous mild to moderate pain. I was taking Advil 2 - 4 times a week. Since then my pain level has dropped to mild to none. I have not had any Advil since then. I am working regularly as a consultant and play golf a few times a month, do Yoga and cardio exercises and even some light jogging. I still see the Chiropractor every two weeks and get deep tissue massage every 3 weeks.

Note my observation from earlier this week that the unflavored version was ineffective until I went back to dissolving it under the tongue. OK, but left a bit of an after taste. I am back on the flavored version.



September 24, 2012


I had heard about Anatabloc while attending conference in the summer of 2011 before it was first made available to the public at The science behind it intrigued me enough to give it try to see if it would help with my arthritis pain. So I began taking Anatabloc over a year ago. I've been into good nutrition and supplementation for some time already so it was no big deal to try something new.

Within a few weeks I noticed the pain and stiffness in my finger joints just disappeared. No big deal I guess but that proved to me it was working so I stayed with it since then taking 6 tabs a day. My lower back and hips would flare up at least twice a year like clockwork for the past 20 years and cause severe pain for days if not weeks but now I'm overdue because it hasn't happened since starting on Anatabloc. I'm convinced now that problem is gone for good. That's a huge positive impact for me and actually helped to convince my wife to start taking it for some minor arthritis issues as she is in her mid fifties too. She knows all to well about my lower back problems and when they disappeared she became convinced. And now we are sampling the rare cellular facial creme. Though there's no amount of creme that will help this mug.




September 24, 2012

I am taking 6 Anatabloc everyday for 1 full year and I have never felt better. I can attest to feeling a lot younger than my years. No doubt because all arthritis pain is gone from my hands and my hips. No more allergy symptoms either. I don’t know how that’s possible but it’s true.
It’s hard for me now to see someone and not think about how Anatabloc would improve their health and wellness as it has for me.


A Next Step for one MS survivor - Anatabloc
By mad_1957 . Jan 7, 2012

I recently purchased Anatabloc, an anti-inflammatory dietary supplement on advice of a doc...

I recently purchased Anatabloc, an anti-inflammatory dietary supplement on advice of a doctor friend with cardiac problems who saw a dramatic decrease in her LDL and cholesterol levels.

In her own words: " cholesterol came down from 275 to 205, and LDL from 147 to 75. Company claims that Anatabloc working 4-5 times stronger than Lipitor, and no side-effects. I am very impressed with the results." She told me to look at the patent information as they claim it helps relieve many conditions and may benefit MS. [Note: She is an experienced physician who does not believe in quack medicine. Johns Hopkins University is currently studying this compound. My buddy, a cardiologist at Stanford, is highly skeptical...he thinks Lipitor is the best drug on earth to combat bad cholesterol (LDL). …….


By mirwin3000 . Apr 5, 2012

· I'm not a doctor, but I am a scientist. I read the article in the European Journal of Pharmacology regarding anatabine lowering amyloid beta production in vitro and in vivo. It's pretty solid science. I have read the summaries from Roskamp regarding anatabine lowering CRP and its inhibitory effect on JAK/STAT pathway and its modulation of NF-kappaB activation (which is an ancient cellular pathway, evolutionarily speaking, that is a key player in the innate immune response). I am not aware of any other compound that has these properties while, at the same time, having no measurable side effects (in mice) when given at massive human-equivalent doses. The stock and the company may have their "issues" but anatabine is a very, very important compound that has the potential to alleviate a number of patholical conditions that are related to chronic low grade inflammation caused by NF-kB- mediated cellular infammatory processes. I think most on this board understand that this product, Anatabloc, is something special, and may someday be as commonly used as aspirin once was. ……

BTW, after one month on the stuff, in addition to other benefits, I have dropped about 8 pounds. That was totally unexpected. But I am not complaining.



I don't post much but was so happy to hear this that I thought I would pass along. I mentioned Anatabloc to my hair dresser (I think I must mention it to pretty much everyone)and she said that her son in law had crohn's and she would mention it to him, well months went by and I was just getting my hair done again last weekend and she said she did finally mention Antabloc to her son in law and he did a lot of research and has been using it for the past 3 weeks. Now just as background her son in law is a nursing student and has a part time job in a hospital, so really did some research. He told her just recently that he has stopped taking his crohn's meds and feels better on the Anatabloc than he ever did on his meds and plans to keep taking the supplement.


My Experience with Anatabloc

I wanted to see for myself if this stuff really worked, so in early July. At the time, my Rheumatoid Arthritis was about 80-90% under control from my Rx drugs (Humira and Methotrexate). But since I started taking Anatabloc, I have seen significant benefits. In the past, I couldn't play 18 holes of golf without the joints in my hand becoming inflamed to the point I couldn't play golf the next day. On a beach trip with the family last summer, I was able to play golf with my sons for 4 straight days (36 holes on two days), without any swelling whatsoever. My asthma is better than it has been in years and I no longer even use an Albuterol inhaler. My tennis elbow and knees no longer ache (three knee surgeries from 2 meniscus tears and a torn ACL). Other additional benefits I have noticed are my sinuses are clear, I sleep better, I have more energy, and my urine stream is much stronger. There are numerous other similar positive stories now being reported on the internet.


Among the benefits I have personally observed are:

1. Much less RA symptoms. I can now play golf 4 days (or more) in a row whereas a year ago, my hands would swell up after 18 holes and I couldn't play again for several days. This was true even when taking Humira and Methotrexate for my RA. With Anatabloc, I have been able to significantly reduce or even eliminate my prescription medication. For example, I have stopped taking Methrotrexate altogether. I used to take Humira every I take it every 3 weeks. My RA is completely under control with Anatabloc and a Humira injection every three weeks. I may experiment with stopping Humira altogether.

2. My bronchial asthma symptoms are completely gone and I have not even used an Albuterol inhaler in months. Also, my seasonal allergies (ragweed, pine pollen, etc.) went away completely this spring.

3. My knees no longer ache. I have had three surgeries from football injuries (one ACL repair and two meniscus repairs).

4. I breathe better and sleep better. I'm not sure why, but it may be because Anatabloc reduces inflammation of the air passageways. I am assuming it opens up my sinuses and my lungs to allow better O2 absorption.

5. I urinate better (everyone I know who is over 40 who has taken Anatabloc has observed this benefit). I would conservatively estimate my urine stream is about 5 times stronger. Remember when you were young and you could "piss a rope"? Well, you can enjoy that feeling agin with Anatabloc.

6. My mental acuity seems sharper. I no longer forget various passwords (which is easy to do when you have a dozen or more).

7. I no longer need reading glasses. I’m not sure if this related to Anatabloc (but I know of no other reason). I have had reading glasses for the past 6-8 years (was using a 1.5 or 1.75). Now, for whatever reason, I no longer need them.

8. My age spots on my hands (some call them liver spots) have almost completely gone away.

9. I have a general feeling of well being. I don’t know exactly how to describe it, but things that used to bother me and make me worry (mostly job related stresses), no longer seem to bother me as much. It’s pretty much what Fred Couples said in this interview (linked below)….. “I don’t even know how to explain it, I just feel much better.”

You have to turn up the volume to the max in this short Fred Couples Youtube video.

The former professional tennis players (Jimmy Arias, Aaron Krickstein, etc.) also had similar benefits.

10. My libido has been greatly enhanced. Without getting into any details, I think most men will see significant improvements in this area.

11. It seems to curb my late night tendency to snack. I have lost about 25 pounds since last September when I started taking Anatabloc.

12. I wake up each morning feeling refreshed and ready for the day. This somewhat goes along with reason #9.


A doctor using:

· a doctor's opinion
By drdlw2 . Mar 15, 2012 8:15 PM . Permalink

I have been following the board for several months after being introduced to Anatabloc at the end of Novemeber. I have taken 6-8 per day and have made many interesting observations. Initally, after about 3-5 days I noticed that the variable amount of cervical neck pain I usually experience (a common affliction for microsurgeons) was diminshed about 50%. I also noticed my craving for caffiene, as well as any caffeine withdrawl headache, was essentially gone. However, what is more remarkable is that as I continued on the supplement I began to notice that I gained further benefits. By 3-4 weeks my cervical neck pain had reduced to zero, and I began to notice my exercise stamina and energy increased. Now with a full 3 months-plus of treatment, I can say unequivically that the Anatabloc has reduced normal post exercise soreness to near zero, and removed virtually all my usual lower extremity pain/stiffness (I am 44) that I felt in my hips and

· knees. During a recent ski trip I noticed that I would not feel sore after a full day of skiing (black/double black/mogul runs), and more remarkably I would ski down a long mogul run without needing to stop, when usally I would make 3-4 stops on that particular run(this is the same exact run I have done 40-50 times a year for a decade). I have given it to various friends and family for various aliments with success (most notably for migraine headaches), as well as general aches and pains. In summary: the Pros: From my experience and direct observation-will work for 70-90% of people for any basic chronic soreness, stiffness, back ache. I also believe it helps with sinusitis/allergy symptoms. It has been remarkable regarding my wife's migraines as well as one other individual we know personally who has tried it. Furthermore, at least 80-90% of people who have tried it have decided to stay with it (a good omen for future sales numbers) seems to provide sort of an intangible benefit (maybe due to it's mild antidepressive effect). No reported side effects from the cohort of 10-15 people I have direct experience with. the Cons: the main one is cost, at $100/mo. it is a bit steep for the masses to incorporate as a treatment without solid medical study/proof and medical backing (which I believe to be inevitable, but will take quite some time....likely months to a year and half). Also, there will be a certain portion of the population who are non-responders to the drug (as is the case with all drugs). Also, not all conditions will be affected such as structural joint problems (I have a mild rotator cuff issue in my shoulder which has not responded---I know it to be structural and non-inflammed so it makes sense it wouldn't change with Anatabloc. I could go on and on in my role as a doctor on my theories, observations and predictions, but will leave it at that for now. In summary: Based on my experience as an MD (who also is heavily involved in pharamceutical clinical research), Antabloc is a drug/supplement that will play a role in many people's lives for years to come. Whether it takes off this year or over a couple years remains to be seen. This will mainly depend on the success of the trials and how quickly the studies enroll, complete and the data analyzed. I also believe for it to be a real blockbluster, the price per bottle will have to come down a bit. But I assume you make more profit from selling 1,000 times more bottles at half the price. I final note to anyone like me who takes the Anatabloc....can you now imagine your life without it? As my friend once said, "if I found out the company was going to go out of business, I would find a way to buy as much Anatabloc as I could before they did!"

· Re: Anatabloc and Cold/Flu Impact
By drdlw2 . Apr 4, 2012 3:20 PM . Permalink . Go to topic

I forgot to mention... my wife takes the anatabloc (less than me, only 6 a day)....only had a milder/partial form of the flu-no fever just GI upset, one of my kids takes the Anatabloc intermittently (one tab most days) and only caught a basic cold and didn't miss school, the other two kids don't really take the anatabloc and both had high fevers and missed school for a week.

· Re: new order #
By drdlw2 . Mar 22, 2012 5:46 PM . Permalink . Go to topic

Also, if you do regular workouts or strenuous activites, you may notice improved stamina a...

Also, if you do regular workouts or strenuous activites, you may notice improved stamina and significantly improved muscle recovery, I know I have.

· Re: No Placebo Effect for my Doberman
By drdlw2 . Mar 29, 2012 4:43 PM . Permalink . Go to topic

We have an eight year old Cavalier King Charles who has a history of brain surgery and resulting neurologic condition. She limps badly after any bit of exercise. We have been giving her one Antabloc two times a day. No limping for several weeks (took about a week to kick in). Also she was able to jump up onto the couch on only a very rare instance (once or twice a month) on the Bloc, she can jump up herself many times per day. Hard to stipulate the placebo effect there. Pet owners in general spare NO expense when taking care of their dogs....I'd say there is a huge market for this in the pet care realm!

· Re: a doctor's opinion By drdlw2 . May 10, 2012 11:47 AM . Permalink . Go to topic
Still enjoying Anatabloc, with more friends and patients who are also finding its benefits...

Still enjoying Anatabloc, with more friends and patients who are also finding its benefits. Thanks for asking.

· New order number Face Cream
By drdlw2 . Sep 10, 2012 11:51 AM . Permalink

I just ordered a jar of the face cream. Order #: A2012594677250 Order Date: 2012-09-1...

I just ordered a jar of the face cream.

Order #:


Order Date:

2012-09-10 11:42

My plan is to use it only on one side of my face for a while, then see if I or anyone else notices a difference………… END


August 9, 2012 at 5:42 pm

I was skeptical of accounts on the web about Anatabloc alleviating asthma symptoms. One day I met a 20 year old who couldn’t go to sleep without steroids due to lifelong asthma and allergies. I gave her a bottle of Anatabloc, telling her there was little chance it could help someone with so severe a problem but worth a try. A few weeks later I saw her again and she told me she was sleeping well without steroids.

My wife, 61 years old, is now bending over to deadhead flowers in our garden, and sometimes doing it for an hour at a time. For about ten years she has not been able to do that for more than ten minutes without back pain. We can’t think of anything that changed except the Anatabloc.

These two stories match others I’ve read hundreds of on the web, not knowing if I could believe them. I now think something remarkable may have been discovered. If so, news will spread…………...

Reply ?

Kristin Cardenas
I've been taking anatabloc since May 2012 and I have seen significant improvement in my psoriasis. Some of my larger spots have gone away all together. I have been experiencing some new flare ups as I work long hours outside in Houston summer weather. That being said it is minor in comparison to what it could be. I take 2 tablets 3x a day. Looking forward to using the cream!

1. Rudy on September 7, 2012 at 3:02 pm said:

I recently retired from the military after 26 years and three knee surgeries. I started taking this amazing pill and somewhat skeptical about it and was surprised by the price. I gutted out three miles the other day and woke up the next day walking with out pain and like a man half my age!

I was so thankful and actually gave the lady at GNC a hard time about the price and asked how long do I have to return this if I do not feel any results. She informed me 30 days…heck, I am going back to buy some more bottles so I do not run out!! AMAZING and Thank God! I am extremely happy and hope it continues to get better. Thank you!!

By txrunner7 . 2 minutes 38 seconds ago . Permalink

A friend of mine had pain and swelling in his throwing arm so a couple of months ago I suggested that he give Anatabloc a try. And while he'd never heard of it, I managed to convince him to start taking it because everything else he tried didn't help much. He lives a few states away and we don't communicate regularly so I just sat back and waited for the feedback that I knew would eventually come. Here's what he sent this morning; 'Lastly, we are now in the playoffs for my baseball league. I've pitched a full nine innings in both games and we won both. Sunday's game was a #$%$ shutout. I'm told that I'm throwing harder now than at the beginning of the season. I have strong feelings it is because of Anatabloc. I won't sell short the working out; I work out consistently with weights, running, etc. But, combined with Anatabloc, the results seem to be amazing.' BTW, the league he plays in is fast pitch hardball baseball.

Anatabloc and stopping hair loss 23-Mar-12 03:03 pm

The protein they found that causes baldness is PDG2. Now do a google search for "PDG2" and "inflammation." The results have convinced me that all these testimonials by people taking Anatabloc talking about improved hair growth are real. PDG2 is being investigated in helping with asthma because it is believed that PDG2 causes inflammation in the airways of asthma patients. Hmmm, Anatabloc reduces body inflammation. I think now we know why people are seeing hair growth from Anatabloc. This alone will cause sales of Anatabloc to increase and it's only a matter of time till people start figuring it out. It's not just people with aches and pains that Anatabloc will help. Rogaine was a monster seller and that stuff is a pain in the rear to use. Popping a few minty anatabloc and you'll halt hair loss? That's big in my opinion.

Re: Anatabloc Creme -- Psoriasis
By txrunner7 . 5 minutes ago . Permalink

II read up on Psoriasis when beginning my daughter's treatment for Psoriasis with Anatabloc back in May '12. She's 25yrs old and has been fighting her condition for 10+ yrs with little success. In otherwords her conditioned persisted for all those years mainly on her scalp and upper torso. All of her skin lesions are gone now after ~120 days of taking 6 Anatabloc tabs a day.

Some of the skin lesions were fairly large with circumferences greater that 2" on her forearms but now they are gone. Although she admits they had cleared before using Rx meds but never really went away and this time they went away completely from taking only Anatabloc since 5/12.

The scalp condition persists however and so she's adding Rx shampoo to her regimen along with 6 Anatabloc a day. Another thing I learned about Psoriasis is that it's very prevalent nasty disease effecting skin and internal organs as well. What you see on the outside is happening on the inside and potentially to a greater extent. Just awful. An Autoimmune Disorder that so far has been treated with steroids and other powerful immunosuppressant drugs with their many ill side effects.

As far as AB Creme is concerned, healthy skin has a 28 day cycle so one would expect at least that long or longer before results become evident. That could amount to $1000 or more trial based on twice daily use on an area the size of the face & neck.

I will buy all the creme we need once the PPS hits $5 and above...and stays there. For now though the 1 free sample jar we received from Rock Creek is being tested by my wife which I know will undoubtedly lead to a new subscriber for the Creme.

· anatabloc - Sun Burn
By susanlhalvorsen . Oct 3, 2012 4:18 PM . Permalink

I recently had the opportunity to use the cream for a bad sunburn two weeks ago on the side of my face and my ear. Being extremely fair, I was concerned, and prior to going to bed applied the cream to the affected areas. In the morning, my skin was no longer flaming-red. All of the burn and associated pain were gone!

This needs to get into a line for after-sun treatment. The cosmetics industry will go crazy!!!

· GNC Manhattan stores sold out
By susanlhalvorsen . Mar 29, 2012 8:07 PM . Permalink . Go to topic

I called 5 stores in S.E. Wayne Country (Metro Detroit) and picked up two bottles availabl...

· I called 5 stores in S.E. Wayne Country (Metro Detroit) and picked up two bottles available at one location for my parents. My mother started Anatabloc yesterday afternoon and called me to tell me that she's less "anxious" and her mood is like that of 20 years ago. She does have an autoimmune disorder-----I had no idea that within 36 hours that mentally she would sense a mood of wellness. We have no idea how her symptoms may improve-----but this is a hell of lot better than a Cymbalta or Paxil! We're even going to put the Terrier on a half-tablet a day to have her stop pulling her hair out (Auto Immune). Gout
By lovelybruins . Oct 4, 2012 7:38 AM . Permalink

I have had flair ups now for about 4-5 years. Living too large has caught up with me. So the wine collection has shrunk and my love of steaks is limited. Recently I ran out of my Anatabloc,( just ordered and now on the monthly plan), and I had a major flair up which I don't have to tell you is very painful. I have never had any falirups since I have been on Anatabloc. Even after a couple of glasses of wine on the occassion, the foot looks great. I know it works and am thankful for the discovery. Have a good day everyone.


o Anatabloc Creme -- Psoriasis
By txrunner7 . Oct 3, 2012 1:42 PM . Permalink

I read up on Psoriasis when beginning my daughter's treatment for Psoriasis with Anata...

I read up on Psoriasis when beginning my daughter's treatment for Psoriasis with Anatabloc back in May '12. She's 25yrs old and has been fighting her condition for 10+ yrs with little success. In otherwords her conditioned persisted for all those years mainly on her scalp and upper torso. All of her skin lesions are gone now after ~120 days of taking 6 Anatabloc tabs a day.Some of the skin lesions were fairly large with circumferences greater that 2" on her forearms but now they are gone. Although she admits they had cleared before using Rx meds but never really went away and this time they went away completely from taking only Anatabloc since 5/12. The scalp condition persists however and so she's adding Rx shampoo to her regimen along with 6 Anatabloc a day. Another thing I learned about Psoriasis is that it's very prevalent nasty disease effecting skin and internal organs as well. What you see on the outside is happening on the inside and potentially to a greater extent. Just awful. An Autoimmune Disorder that so far has been treated with steroids and other powerful immunosuppressant drugs with their many ill side effects.
As far as AB Creme is concerned, healthy skin has a 28 day cycle so one would expect at least that long or longer before results become evident. That could amount to $1000 or more trial based on twice daily use on an area the size of the face & neck.
I will buy all the creme we need once the PPS hits $5 and above...and stays there. For now though the 1 free sample jar we received from Rock Creek is being tested by my wife which I know will undoubtedly lead to a new subscriber for the Creme

· Unanticipated benefit
By txrunner7 . Aug 24, 2012 12:51 PM . Permalink . Go to topic

What timing. Just this morning I was looking at a needle stick scar on my arm vein and was...

What timing. Just this morning I was looking at a needle stick scar on my arm vein and was surprised to see how well it had healed in less than 24hrs. I donate blood a few times a year as the local blood bank sets up shop inside our building every quater making donating very convenient. Point being over the years of donating I have a real good idea whats normal healing time for the needle stick and today the spot is hardly discernible. Same thing for mosquito bites. So fricken awesome!

· Re: Anatabloc: The Most Powerful Anti-Inflammatory You can buy.......
By txrunner7 . Jul 12, 2012 12:34 PM . Permalink . Go to topic

rmrapaport, exactly! At 55yrs old I very acquainted with my own body's aches from old injuries, seasonal allergies, and arthritis pain. When all of the above disappear there's no denying it and there's no denying it's because of Anatabloc. I've taken supplements for at least the last two decades in the form of a multi-vitamin (purity's perfect multi is my current supplement) and a couple of years ago added Tumeric/Curcumin to my regimen. Anatabloc is the very first supplement I've taken to have ever work so well you can actually feel the difference in your body's overall health. Simply incredible IMO.


: interesting article on NF-KB
By garyc269 . May 8, 2012 4:39 PM . Permalink . Go to topic

My dentist noticed a difference in my gum health at my last checkup. I had told him about ...

My dentist noticed a difference in my gum health at my last checkup. I had told him about Anatabloc during my examination and he, like many doctors, dismissed it out of hand as I was describing it to him. But when I was at the desk filling in the postcard for my next cleaning he came up to me to ask 'What is that stuff you're taking again?" I whipped out my little dispenser and he took a phone pic of it. That was two months ago.

5pm dentist appt. just got back
By languagesforfree . Oct 2, 2012 9:28 PM . Permalink

My Dental Hygenist was talking to me while cleaning my teeth, and you know I have to listen to her and can't say anything until she is done cleaning my teeth, I think every women who doesn't think anyone is listening to her should become a dentist or a dental hygenist, because the person in the chair is forced to listen, anyways, she was talking about inflammation in the stomach and blah blah blah blah, then she told me as she was cleaning my teeth and checking my gums that the improvement in my mouth was really good. She was really impressed that my gums went from 5 and 6's to 4 and 3's and that I ddin't have as much plaque on my teeth. She asked if I was flossing, I said yes, because I am a flosser, but I told her I didn't floss as much as I have done in the past. But she was so impressed with the improvement, that I told her I was on an anti-inflammatory, and we were discussing the effects of inflammation and teeth. Well, she was so impressed that she is going out and buying Anatabloc... She is going to try it for her stomach issues..

Re: Re: Re: Re: 5pm dentist appt. just got back
By xxxscoutxxx . Oct 3, 2012 12:12 AM . Permalink . Go to topic

I have had the same great dentist reports over the past year because I have been on Anatab...

I have had the same great dentist reports over the past year because I have been on Anatabloc. Healthy gums and the only change was that I started taking Anatabloc.

Re: 5pm dentist appt. just got back
By txrunner7 . Oct 2, 2012 9:47 PM . Permalink . Go to topic

I had the same experience with my Dental Hygienist last month. I whipped out my Anatabloc ...

I had the same experience with my Dental Hygienist last month. I whipped out my Anatabloc dispenser from my breast pocket and she snapped a pic with her phone. I had spoken with her about AB during our previous session and this time I guess my healthy gums convinced her. I've been going to the same dentist for nearly 30 years so if anyone knows my gums and any material change in the health of them, they do.


Another report from the dentist office
By chipper4747 . Dec 7, 2011 8:56 PM . Permalink

I had a cleaning today, and the dental hygienist made a comment to me when he first looked...

I had a cleaning today, and the dental hygienist made a comment to me when he first looked inside: "Wow! Are you doing something different here? (pointing to the teeth/gums where I dissolve my Abloc). There's no plaque whatsoever" (something he rarely sees in my mouth). I said not really, except that I've been taking Abloc.... (and so the story went, with another person interested enough to look it up online). So, with that encouragement, I will now start dissolving Abloc using different locations in my mouth so as to spread the 'cheer' around for my teeth.

By pcallicoat . Jul 27, 2012 1:31 PM

I was at the dentist on July 25th for a crown and the assistant and dentist both commented that my gums weren't bleeding while the temp was fitted.I told them about abloc and while waiting for the glue to set the assistant got on line and was really ready to get some as I told her that I had been using it since January and really felt better over all and my gum heath was proof that the stuff must be working for a lot of conditions.

§ By fyreball27 . Oct 9, 2012 10:12 AM . Permalink

§ great news from a friend

Sure thing. He was having one hell of a time in the previous months, regularly heading to the ER with kidney stones, experiencing gout related troubles, and pain when working out. I printed out the info on anatabloc and gave it to him for consideration. When he first started taking it, he told me that when he drank wine--which he loves--it made him feel very hungover the next day, so he wasn't sure he was going to stay on but was committed to being religious about it for three weeks. His turning point was when he did 6 hours of garden work that usually caused a great deal of muscle pain the next day and he didn't have on the list was to see how it was helping his CRP levels and the proof was in his blood tests. He is ecstatic because it actually brought the cost of his health premiums down....which he had to shop around for since he is self-employed. All in all a very happy and newly comitted and convinced customer.

Re: after skiing!!!
Well, I am totally amazed that I have no joint stiffness today after skiing yesterday. Like I'd mentioned I've been taking Anatabloc for over a month and after skiing yesterday for the first time this season I did not feel the usual stiffness in the knees. I thought the real test would be how I would feel the next morning. Well, I feel great. This stuff really works. It has relieved almost completely my wife's pain from bursitis and now this. I'm a believer and cannot imagine the ongoing clinical trials coming back with anything but fantastic results. Keep the faith!!!

ski outing!
Had 4 friends (all in mid 50s) out for a 4 day ski trip. I'd experienced minimal joint pain after skiing while on Anatabloc so I had everyone taking 6 capsules/day and to a man, everyone suggested they were moving about each day after skiing with much less soreness in the knees than what they are used to experiencing. One was suffering pain from an inflamed shoulder and indicated by the end of the trip that the pain was all but gone. Sent 2 of them home with a bottle and told them where the could order some if they saw further improvement.

Just Finished Second Month on Anatabloc

Last month I reported that the hard skin build ups on my hands, ears, and face had reduced in size or disappeared. This month over 90% have disappeared and the remainder have shrunk to less that 10% of what they used to be.

Urination pressure still good. Overall well being is noticeably better. My energy level is almost scary and I have to pay special attention to it. I am remodeling 3 rooms in an old house and it requires a level of work that I used to do 20 years ago. When I started this project I figured that I would only be able to work 4 hours a day with days off in between. I have been working 8 to 10 hour days, 6 days a week. Sometimes at the end of the day I finally hit the wall and have nothing left, I can barely make it to the bed. That is the scary part, where do you draw the line and stop short? The next morning I am up and after a few uncomfortable moments I am at it again. I have a feeling that if you remove the inflammation and associated pain, which is a warning sign of overdoing, then you must rely on your brain to draw the line on how far you push yourself.

I am off all medications, except for Anatabloc. I see my Doctor next month and will run a series of tests to see what the chemistry of my body is doing.

This is the beginning of my 3rd month on anatablock after a month off. I have degenerative disk conditions in my lower back and have had one fusion already. Right now the L4-L5 vertebrae is bone on bone, tuesday i go in for surgery to relieve pressure on the smashed nerve because of the L4-L5 condition. Nothing can stop the pain in my leg from that except surgery so i never expected anatablock to help that. What i can say with certainty is that anatablock stops the aches across my lower back, which were severe (The aches are gone and there's no reason for it because the condition is still bone on bone). The aches were day and night and now the only pain I have is in my leg. I don't consume nearly the amount of advil and alevie as I use to. I know i was taking unhealthy amounts of it. So now i'm taking 6 to 8 anatablocks per day because my surgeon said the main concern with this minimally invasive procedure is inflammation. Also, i don't have to have another fusion because as long as the aches and pain are gone there's no problem. And it's really great to urinate so easily again.! - fyi

Starting Fourth Month on Anatabloc

As for me...I continue to enjoy the benefits and it seems to me the longer you are on it the better it works. When I first started using Anatabloc, the relief was about about 75%. I could still feel a little soreness on my side and lower back but down to a point where the discomfort was almost gone....this would happen every time I played golf. Now, no pain, no discomfort, complete relief of any pain from physical activity.

My last golf outing was Friday and we played one hell of a hilly course, it was brutal. My friend who suffer from some problem with his knee and leg was lamenting that he was going to pay one hell of a price when he sleeps. He (65 years old) normally would get spasms and cramps that would keep him up a good part of the night. I happen to have some Anatabloc on me (since I take it before and after playing) so I gave him three and told him to take all three and let me know if it made any difference. I called him Saturday and his was pleasantly surprised that his leg did not bother him at all. Of course I had to explain what it was and no side effects etc., but Freddie's endorsement seem to make him more comfortable about taking Anatabloc. I have another friend using Anatabloc and is starting to get relief from his ailments.

That's it folks, no negative side effects

Two Anecdotal Reports
I have a close friend in his 30s who had neck/shoulder pain/twinges for three or four months, probably related to being on his feet managing a cafe for work.

I gave him some Anatabloc, on the low dosage after a few days he started feeling better, but didn't know whether it was a coincidence. He took three pills a day religiously and after 10 days his neck felt better than it had in months. The pain sensations gone and he feels more room and flexibility in the afflicted area.

Then he ran out of Anatabloc pills on vacation and within a couple days the symptoms started to return. After returning home he started again with Abloc (9/day) and the symptoms went away within a couple days.

Last night (a week later) I received a text from him, "Got any more pills for me?" He has been out of pills for several days and the neck discomfort/twinges have returned. This evening he stopped by my place to pick them up. He popped one right way and made a joke about being a junkie. After this batch he will probably order his own.

In an unrelated story an acquaintance of mine has MS and is taking Anatabloc. She was on the low dose (one pill 3x/day) and reported that it seemed to help with her symptoms. Recently she has upped the dosage to three pills 3x/day and lately has reported that one of the symptoms she experiences - a mix of tingling and pain in her feet - has now become intermittent rather than more constant.

Amazing anatabine has helped me over the last year, taken daily at 1/3 maximum dose, with lifelong severe sinusitis (within hours of beginning, 85% gone), arthritis (mild) in hands (within weeks, gone), lifelong asthma (days, 50% helped), lifelong colon problem (days, 50% helped), some help with prostatitis (weeks), and? more ... all inflammatory processes apparently due to a less than optimum immune system. For some, "immunity" overreacts & causes allergy & autoimmune disorders. THIS WORKS!

Anatablocisgood 10 months ago 3

I take Anatabloc for arthritis in my foot. I've been on Celebrex, Bextra, Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Aleve, Prednisone and? others in my hunt to calm my inflammation issues. I can say without a doubt that Anatabloc works very well. Its a very unique, healthy feeling compound.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012 3:31:03 PM

Here's something else to consider in all the details about the Street and how people perceive health remedies. I am a retired and disabled Chiropractor(only 58) and I know something about patient care and response. I also have a rare auto-immune disease called Sarcoidosis. It is not in my lungs but in my nervous system and with the muscular/nervous problems I have in addition to te auto-immune sysytem complaints, I basically always feel like crap.

The above is not for a pity party but simply I know a lot about what patients want.

Having a supplement that doesn't make you dizzy, or gives you an ulcer does not need huge statistical findings. Do you feel better or not? Simple. I feel better (no it's not gone, it will never be gone) and that's all I ask. Ask Fred Couples or watch how he has played lately. Fred is no drug addict hard up for money, he has had a very successful PGA career. I don't believe STAR could pay him enough to say he feels better when he does not. Even with the CRP, Thyroid and Alzheimer's in the future, this is a safe and decent product now. We have a number of things that can reduce our symptoms, but how many with little to no side effects? Damn few in my experience, certainly not aspirin or advil.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012 1:38:35 PM

Several months ago I was taking 3-5 ibuprofen a day for neck, wrist, and other joint pain. I tried Anatabloc for a few weeks but did not feel much better. I've now consistently taken 6-9 Anatabloc per day for about six weeks and am not taking any ibuprofen! I've also started playing tennis again at age 70 with no ill effects

· James McC (Belfast) • 5 months ago


For me, it works. I ordered some when I read this article. Osteoarthritis pain reduced 95% within a week, and has stayed that way for over two months. Coincidence? Placebo? - so I tried coming off it; pain came back in a couple of days, and went away again when I resumed. Have taken up normal life again. Age 74.


I personally know about 100 people taking Anatabloc. Two young women I know have seen their Crohn's symptom's completely disappear. One lady I attend church with has MS. In May she was wearing a brace and walking with a cane. She told me last Sunday how much better she felt. She walks without the brace or the cane, and although she still has a slight limp, she is very excited to see continual improvement with Anatabloc.

I know of dozens of Asthma and allergy sufferers that have seen significant improvements. I know of numerous people with knee pain or lower back pain that would not go a day without their Anatabloc. The list goes on and on.

The clinical trial results are coming soon, and, IMHO, we will soon see medical schools and other institutions across the country starting clinical trials with Anatabloc on a plethora of human ailments. It won't work for everything, but IMHO, any condition that is exacerbated by the excess transcription of NF-kB will respond favoarably to treatment with Anatabloc.

It won't work for everything, but IMHO, any condition that is exacerbated by the excess transcription of NF-kB will respond favorably to treatment with Anatabloc.


By csparke2002.Nov 13, 2012 11:40 AM.Permalink

For what it is worth to anyone doubting the efficy of this product, I want to share this personal experience. My sister was given a drug by her opthamologist, called Lumagen for glaucoma, she dutifully used it for 3 years. It caused her eyelashes to grow long and inward and her eye to swell 3 times normal, become red, inflamed and itching & draining, making her life miserable.

The Dr referred her to a surgeon to restructure the muscle of the lower eye lid. To make a long story short, my research found Anantabloc and we tried it. (I am a Nurse Educator) She has been using it for about 6 weeks now and the eye is almost back to normal, without doing the surgery. I have also referred a neighbor to it for the same thing. So, I know it works! Congratulations to Star Scientific for doing something right.

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