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Alias Born 03/19/2009

Re: None

Saturday, 11/17/2012 1:25:04 PM

Saturday, November 17, 2012 1:25:04 PM

Post# of 84
Financial numbers...CEO photo.....

Financial numbers for the trailing 12-month period, as of Q3 2012 (September 30).....

YIHG (share price: .10)
13.3M shares outstanding
$1.33M market cap

$24M revenue
$7.4M net income
.55 EPS
.18 PE
$1.48 book value

Yakun Song (YIHG CEO) attended a donation/check presentation ceremony at Hong Kong Baptist University last week, in her role as the Honorary President/Chairman of a foundation/fund that the university has. She has donated money a couple of years ago to set up some scholarship programs. Song is the second from the left.....,qdr:y&sa=X&ei=E_umUNzjNqOXyAGsh4GIAg&ved=0CD0Q7gEwAA
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