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Re: Lickety Split post# 267213

Thursday, 11/15/2012 2:04:24 PM

Thursday, November 15, 2012 2:04:24 PM

Post# of 364125
Welcome back Strass,

It's a hard lesson to learn but an investment in any stock means assessing the prospects of that stock for the future starting today, not yesterday.

When the company had SNP and was about to drill the JDZ, the prospects appeared bright. When no oil was found, the fundamentals of the company changed again, and the prospects looked gloomy. Now, once again, Kenya and Chad offer hope.

But, what is ERHC yesterday is not ERHC today and won't be ERHC tomorrow. Each day or week or month or year, you have to decide and ask yourself, did the fundamentals change? If they changed for the worst then you must absolutely sell and not hang on wasting life away over one company.

On the other hand, when prospects appear bright, then treat that stock as if it were a different company with a different stock and invest then.

Sorry for the lecture Strass...the above was something I've always wanted you to I try again.
