When do you expect PSID will-reach your-predicted price..
liv4ree Thursday, November 08, 2012 12:54:36 PM
Re: makingbiigdough post# 2247 Post # of 2299
3.00 to 5.00 is really being conservative mbd. My guess is 10.00 to 12.00. Jmo
makingbiigdough Thursday, November 08, 2012 1:06:51 PM
Re: liv4ree post# 2249 Post # of 2299
I know liv4...lol. Remember u asked me months ago my target price? I believe i told you $12-15.
However we need to get to $3-5 first, and i believe we get there in the VERY near future! That is what i meant.
Hey by the way i believe i was the one saying a month or so ago to watch out for and remember the term "TEAMING"
By the way Manufacturing agreement will be announced along with the submission of PSID's RFP proposal! wink wink...all JMO of course..hell what do i know! MBD
makingbiigdough Thursday, November 08, 2012 11:00:41 AM
Re: conix post# 2246 Post # of 2299
Yes, i agree however i am not to worried about the dilution at this point. It is what it is. Dilution will be over soon imo! Once RFP is announced and funding released PSID will NO doubt be in a totally different financial situation.
Not to mention the small float here. By the way anyone selling at these levels needs there head examined! MM's know that small minds think small, they are stealing as many shares as they can get their greedy hands on.
I am just continuing to be PATIENT, that is the catalyst here! JMO.....By the way those micro days were the days!!lol..My prediction PSID .02+ - $3-5+ in the near future! MBD
makingbiigdough Thursday, November 08, 2012 10:41:59 AM
Re: conix post# 2241 Post # of 2299
Hey conix NEVER can remember in my 25+ yrs of investing a stock with SO MUCH potential being held down as much as PSID has! PSID's coil is sprung so tight, when it FINALLY is let loose i truly believe we will have the dejavu experience of the penny runs in the good ole days! Ahhhhhh Reminescing stocks like ECNC going from .20 cents to over $20!!! Many others as well.