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Re: dreamonjon post# 31583

Monday, 10/22/2012 11:52:34 AM

Monday, October 22, 2012 11:52:34 AM

Post# of 85237
Reply to dreamonjon:

dreamonjon said: Storm...Marianne Williamson would be a very good match for MRNJ.

Storm Reply: Yes, she does fit the profile and only has 3 spiritual cards apps out on appstore now. I alerted the company to her as a potential app candidate back in September, so they know about her, dont know if they contacted her or not or if she is the one - I cant wait to find out assuming deal gets closed. I always am looking for content owner ideas for them, I usually check if they have apps on appstore, read up about them..if they dont have apps..that means a potential opportunity...I usually shoot IR an just highlights to me how many content owners are NOT "apped" at all.

It is like the great Gold Rush, really.
