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Thursday, 10/11/2012 3:38:31 PM

Thursday, October 11, 2012 3:38:31 PM

Post# of 81318
10/11 NEWS: Launches Regulatory Compliance and Liquidity Initiative


Sebastian River Holdings, Inc. Launches Regulatory Compliance and Liquidity Initiative

Oct 11, 2012
OTC Disclosure & News Service

Torrance, CA -


TORRANCE, CA--(Marketwire – Oct 11, 2012) - Sebastian RiverHoldings, Inc. (PINKSHEETS:SBRH) is pleased to announce the Launch of Regulatory Compliance andLiquidity Initiative. After achievingthe goals outlined in the Shareholder Communications Initiative, the Board ofDirectors and Management has put into action the Regulatory Compliance andLiquidity Initiative encompassing the following:

· Engagement of reputable accountancyproviding PCAOB (Public Company Accounting Oversight Board) auditing service toindependently examine Financial Statements in order to become eligible forQB/BB status as a SEC Reporting Issuer.

· Aggressively seek out and eliminate issuedsecurities and purported long-term liabilities of which the holders have no abilityto demonstrate consideration paid for said securities.

· Engage specialized Legal Counsel toassist in compiling documentation and obtaining our Common Stock’s eligibilityto be settled on the DTCC’s T+3 settlement system.

· Establish relationships withcompliance departments at the five top-tier discount brokerages in order tofacilitate necessary information to commence trading of our Common Stock,thereby increasing market liquidity and shareholders’ ability to more freelytrade our Common Stock.

· Engage a reputable Investor Relationsfirm to monitor market activity and report results to Management with keysuggestions in increasing awareness and lowering market volatility in order toobtain a truly relative market cap.

· Engage an independent firm to providevaluations of Corporate Assets for transparent reporting of our subsidiaries’ andportfolio holdings’ market value.

“We are pleased with the abilities of our team and shareholders, I believeour company is undervalued due to these encumbrances and with the help of the professionalsthat we have been communicating with, we can prove Sebastian River’s value toshareholders’ and prospective shareholders alike,” Mr. Benjamin, CEO andChairman said. The Resolution adoptingthe initiative was executed early October 11, 2012 by the Board of Directors.

AboutSebastian River Holdings, Inc.

SebastianRiver Holdings, Inc. (a C-Corp formed under the Laws and Jurisdiction ofFlorida), founded in 1995, is a well-diversified holding company with a scopeand experience level unsurpassed by peer companies. Operating under three majordivisions: Corporate Equity Speculation & Financing, Business Incubation,and Business Services, Sebastian River Holdings is a business developmentcentric holding company. Shareholders can now subscribe to our ShareholderNewsletter, you will receive press releases at the time it hits the wire andother important shareholder announcements.

Forward-LookingSafe Harbor

ThisPress Release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities ExchangeAct of 1934. These forward-looking statements are based on the current plansand expectations of management and are subject to a number of uncertainties andrisks that could significantly affect the company's current plans andexpectations, as well as future results of operations and financial condition.A more extensive listing of risks and factors that may affect the company'sbusiness prospects and cause actual results to differ materially from thosedescribed in the forward-looking statements can be found in the reports andother documents filed by the company with the Securities and ExchangeCommission and/or OTC Markets Disclosure & News Service. The companyundertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-lookingstatements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Sebastian River Holdings, Inc.
Investor Relations
Telephone: 424-258-0167
Facsimile: (424) 258-9458

The above news release has been provided by the above company via the OTC Disclosure and News Service. Issuers of news releases and not OTC Markets Group Inc. are solely responsible for the accuracy of such news releases.

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