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Re: jsc52033 post# 265997

Tuesday, 10/09/2012 11:03:26 AM

Tuesday, October 09, 2012 11:03:26 AM

Post# of 364268
Nobody has really said anything yet. The only reference to date has been AOG saying "unnamed sources" so nothing confirmed yet.

Thinking back to the AGM in April I found it odd how mgt stressed ERHC would stay in the JDZ regardless of what anybody else did and I thought at the time it was a forewarning of what was to come as IMO they would have known if Total had bombed out on the two new wells.

So bottom line is just rumors so far but I thought AOG was a pretty well respected journal for the oil industry.

Packing up to leave for Houston now. Hope to get some good one on one time with the powers to be.

Best of luck to us all.