Endless stupid games and to be frank it's impossible to expand the shareholder base in a price performance like this. One day here the other day there. We need sales and we need it soon, otherwise these cheat sheets will keep on playing their games everyday. When demand stalls, push it down and try to break people's nerves is the name of the game for a long while.
Also, the period that we are going through is a prime example of how inefficient the government processes are, keep on taking your sweet time, then hold the unrealistic dec 3 deadline and create a chaotic environment as no one knows what the hell is going on and what they need to be buying to comply with the regs. How can you expect all these firms to do this in about a month. That is bs in my view.
All in all, rough week we had and close was not good either, we will see what next week(s) bring...