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Alias Born 02/12/2008

Re: g0nz0 post# 1326

Wednesday, 09/05/2012 7:37:39 PM

Wednesday, September 05, 2012 7:37:39 PM

Post# of 1367

Any opinion about a specific stock or it's management or promoters is acceptable and valid on these forums.

Due-Diligence and Opinion are two different things. Due-Diligence claims will be backed up with evidence whereas opinion generally has no valid basis that can be proved one way or the other.

It is more a question of the reputation of the poster at risk here than anything else.

Those who provide solid data that can be researched and validated are the most sought after gurus found on these boards. Those who shoot from the hip never build a following and their opinion is deemed worthless.

Personally and strictly from purely a greedy perspective, I would like to see SHSH fall to .06 or below. I have buy orders in better than that and will keep buying it and buying it. The share structure alone should be enough of a clue about the true value of this company.

I have not found another company with similar potential productive assets selling at these multiples. Just about any productivity is going to send the pps flying. If you look at the properties that are currently supposed to be under production and project the income it isn't difficult to get this thing to $1.00 per share. However, I think these guys want to build a $5.00 company and it looks like they are making all the right moves.

Good luck to all and enjoy your profits.

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