poster44ny yup ... please note the Barclay brothers are twins and billionaires who these days, apparently do very little toward the day to day running of their business empire.
Pardon me for making the distinction, but Barclays is a bank. The only reason its much better known in the USA these days is because it bought some of what was left or part of the investment banking operations of Lehman Brothers immediately after they went bankrupt.
Lehman Brothers being the bank that jackass Paulson couldn't lend a few billion $'s to, to save it, but paid $186bn to AIG to save them - so that AIG could then pay Goldman Sachs 100cents of the dollar for the insurance policy they had taken out with yes... you guessed it AIG!.
Paulson has personally cost the world many many trillions of dollars! Thanks for that!
Paulson, then gave evidence to congress or a committee of some sort in the USA where he is famously quoted as saying, on record (as Dan Ariely famously quotes in his book - Predictably Irrational) that we can't understand why the markets are behaving the way they are and not the way we'd expect them to! Yes really!
Paulson is a JACKASS and I'd say that to his face if I ever met him - before he dies. If he had regulated the derivatives market in the USA, the rest of the world might have followed suit as well.
London regulation under Ed Balls was just as crappy!
Please note, the above post is neither a recommendation to buy or sell the stock. Everyone thinking of investing in a company should always conduct their own due diligence, to satisfy themselves, according to their own investment criteria that each compan