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Re: frogdreaming post# 33472

Saturday, 09/24/2005 10:06:32 PM

Saturday, September 24, 2005 10:06:32 PM

Post# of 82595
frog, I know that I don't have all the dots connected to define what has occured or is still in the process. I also acknowledge I don't lean too heavily on syllogisms when I believe someone is stirring the pot. I am in no way trying to recriminate you for your possition and statements. Actually, you are intregal in this for me, as I consider your knowledge to be superior to mine in many respects.

I have it on "good" account that initially there was such an offer that would have the value that you indicate. I have indicated such in previous posts. I think the only person that could answer this question is Dr. Frudakis.

Can Admixmap be more effective than Hapmap? Tony seems to think so. If it is, then why isn't it being implimented? What am I missing? Sometimes that which works better isn't merchandised and so losses market shares. This is what I believe is at the root of the problem at the present.

Not being present at Board Meetings or Luncheons, I can only conjecture as to why DnaPrint isn't making headway.

So, we can stand on opposite sides of the fence w/ inference only.

Peace, Blessings & Boat Drinks, Easy