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Alias Born 08/08/2012

Re: None

Wednesday, 08/08/2012 4:40:12 PM

Wednesday, August 08, 2012 4:40:12 PM

Post# of 229742
I've been reading this board for over a year and I am currently in 430k at. 021. I have a plausible theory on the recent price manipulation/drop. As most people know APS' last pick GWBU was basically a bust and they stated they were gonna close shop if the share price didn't hit$2 well it never did and their still up. My theory is that the next pump is already paid for. So APS could feasibally be buying say 250000 shares at say. 006 and sell them ack at a slightly lower price thus dropping the share price. If they do this 5-6 times a day at you get the big volumes we've been having with little no money loss. If the pump happens they bring the shares from. 005 up to say. .10 and they can brag their pick gained 2000%. Its simple math and a possible scenario. Who else would sell at a loss like this and had the shares unless you just keep recycling the same order