Everyone let's do the math with Drano, you keeping holding your bag Drano, i scalped it for gains and guess what looks like it may be coming back down, My golden rule always take gains when u have em' and i will scalp it again at some later point, while you are sitting there holding this stock i am constantly trying to find stocks that i can scalp now do this grab a calculator and figure if your stock triples in the next year let's say who would make more money an investor finding one stock a week that gains 10% or more or your triple, Newsflash: it's the trader doing the scalping and moving on. C'mon man, I'm not pumping for anyone it's just a dang strategy you can use 10% or 30% or whatever you want there are many different strategies traders use, your strategy is evidently a buy and hold and that is cool, but hopping in and out of stocks playing news, pump and dumps, just whatever and scalping minimises risk, frees up money, and your investment grows quicker, i mean why are you in this stock to hopefully get a nice return in the future on your investment, but you keep harping on me and a strategy that i am following. I didn't make it, create it, but heck whoever did doesn't have a bad idea and it isn't a perfect one of course no strategy is because in my trades i have already had 2 slight losses but i also got into to one that gained 108% from my entry point. You take the good with the bad, while you are sitting there on your investment waiting for it to cure the blind or whatever the heck it's gonna i have my own strategy, so Dude give me a break and quit bashing my strategy because in the end it's not about if a company promises this or that it's if you make money, bottom line. Let's compare again in 30 days or so and guess what you will probably be sitting on this and not have gained anything or maybe 10 or 20% total.