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Re: bigone post# 51

Saturday, 07/14/2012 3:15:18 PM

Saturday, July 14, 2012 3:15:18 PM

Post# of 70
bigone welcome to Emgold Mining Corp. (EGMCF smile
good to see you @ EmGold smile

the history often repeat itself -

the #1 started mining in the Motherload was
Sutters Gold Mines and its
looking good again well on its right way
to producing again -

EmGold has worked very well on the start up
for more than 10yrs and the ussr copycats have
done every lucifer trick in the red gulags book
to stop progress like BS akaobama super red
cult done to the whole of USA and the Western world
to stop all wheels to progress except making
more fema gulags camps and more super red 666 gulags
rules to take away all Rights, Freedom & Liberty for -
the PEOPLE -
will the People wake UP and vote in RON PAUL!
that's the GOLDEN KEY to open UP America to
its formed GLORY!
Welcome to RON PAUL
God Bless

My opinions are my own and and DD I post should be confirmed as unbiased