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Alias Born 05/09/2011

Re: first mike post# 14

Tuesday, 07/10/2012 3:40:32 PM

Tuesday, July 10, 2012 3:40:32 PM

Post# of 32
Where "self serving" would be defined as buying and selling their own accounts to manipulate a stock price either without any retail or third party customer involved, or if so, against the best interests of the retail customer.

I am certain that the MMs watch each other very closely, so that the near simultaneous price changes could just be one reacting to the other, probably with the aid of computer programs.

No retail customer could have reacted that fast, nor would a retail customer Want to lower their ask below the bid!

Mike L.

How do I know this? Simple!
I was the retail bidder in this and a couple of other trades today.
I have been accumulating a bit to lower my average to 0.06.

Mike L.

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