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Alias Born 04/09/2005

Re: anotherday post# 32740

Friday, 09/09/2005 7:30:09 PM

Friday, September 09, 2005 7:30:09 PM

Post# of 82595
anotherday ......

I to have been adding to my position ......

I've done my DD ......

And I have no doubts .......

That DNAG is a winner ......

The TEAM is incredible ........

the products are superb ......

We have M&A Trace .......

We have 18% of Biofantra .......

We have the Worlds leading Forensic Science .......

We have the patents to Dr S Super EPO .......

Etc, Etc, Etc (and the longs know what I'm talking about) ....

and every thing is just getting closer and closer ........