German DAX and US AMEX Broke 52 week highs. DAX has maybe another week of upside to complete smaller waves 4 and 5 of this terminal 5 The AMEX could have finished its terminal 5 today. Channeling from the late August lows looks perfect. The FTSE is lagging the DAX. Other US markets are lagging Europe. Truncation is a possibility. <A HREF="$DAX,uu[w,a]dacayyay[dc][pb50!d20,2!f][vc60][iLp14,3,3!La12,26,9]&pref=G" target="_blank">$DAX,uu[w,a]dacayyay[dc][pb50!d20,2!f][vc60][iLp14,3,3!L...</A>