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Alias Born 05/24/2001

Re: The Original dpb5! post# 48

Thursday, 02/13/2003 3:18:06 PM

Thursday, February 13, 2003 3:18:06 PM

Post# of 63
Got confused by the darned buttons again and replied privately instead of publicly!

I've made a few changes to the Surveys:

1. Now Moderators and Assistants have access to Add/Edit Surveys.

2. If a Survey isn't activated, you've got a link available where the surveys are listed so you can Preview the survey.

3. If a Survey has been answered, you're warned on the edit screen not to edit the questions and answer choices.

Let's really torture-test these things. Once I'm satisfied that they're solid, I'll make a version available that any premium member of the site can use.

The approach I would recommend using for creating Surveys now is:

Create the Survey but don't check the "Activated" box. When you hit the "Save Changes" button, you're taking to the survey listing box. Preview the survey you just made. If it looks good (or if it doesn't), hit the "Edit Survey" button and either edit it or activate it.
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