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Alias Born 01/30/2012

Re: guguli post# 16875

Monday, 05/14/2012 12:26:33 PM

Monday, May 14, 2012 12:26:33 PM

Post# of 85953
I didn't receive an email, but I spoke to Dr Newman twice last week to ask him about when we would hear something. First time was on Monday and he said (at the time) that he expected news to be out last week.

Then when it didn't come out, I phoned him on Thursday and he said he couldn't talk to me at all about anything as it was very close to news coming out.

That ties in with other people's reports from their email exchanges with him. In those he has said (Dr Newman that is) that news wil be out early this week and there will be other good news apart from news about the merger.

Guys, I'm not going to speculate on what it might or might not be. We could go on all day about it.

I'm just going to wait and see what we get. I'm sure we will like it and the movement in the share price which is after all why we are all here.
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