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Re: F6 post# 175128

Sunday, 05/13/2012 6:20:24 AM

Sunday, May 13, 2012 6:20:24 AM

Post# of 486045
Why Conservatives Believe in Anti-Gay Pseudo-Science

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The anti-gay-rights movement's claims about homosexuality are based on the worst kind of junk "science."

By Chris Mooney
May 3, 2012

On May 8, North Carolinians will vote on a constitutional amendment that defines a marriage between a man and a woman as the “only domestic legal union” the state will recognize -- thereby barring LGBT marriage equality. The amendment would also [ ] ban civil unions, and end domestic partner benefits, like prescription drug and health care coverage, for the partners and children of public employees. At its deepest level, this issue is about fairness for everyone under the law. But less mentioned is that it is also about science, and what’s factually true.

Many voters who go to the polls to support Amendment One will do so believing outright falsehoods about same-sex marriages and civil unions. In particular, they hold the belief that such partnerships are damaging to the health and well-being of the children raised in them. That is, after all, one of the chief justifications for the amendment.

According to [ ] the pro-Amendment One Vote for Marriage NC, for instance, “the overwhelming body of social science evidence establishes that children do best when raised by their married mother and father.” If marriage is defined as anything other than the union between man and woman, the group adds [ ], we will see “a higher incidence of all the documented social ills associated with children being raised in a home without their married biological parents.”

“Overwhelming body of social science evidence”? “Documented social ills”? Is this really true? Are same sex marriages and civil unions bad for kids?

Well, no. Indeed, as I report in my new book The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science and Reality [ ], the claim that the kids won’t be all right in same sex marriages or partnerships now rates up there with a number of other hoary old falsehoods about homosexuality: the assertion that people can “choose” whether to be gay; the notion that homosexuality is a type of disorder; and the wrong idea that it can be cured through “reparative” therapy. All of these claims are explicitly disavowed [ ] by the American Psychological Association (APA).

In a moment, I want to explore the underlying psychology behind how conservatives, especially religious ones, can believe such falsehoods. But first, let’s dismantle, on a substantive level, the idea that research shows that kids fare worse when raised by two parents who are of the same gender.

According to the APA, the relevant science shows nothing of the kind. “Beliefs that lesbian and gay adults are not fit parents…have no empirical foundation,” concludes a recent publication [ ] from the organization. To the contrary, the association states [ ], the “development, adjustment, and well-being of children with lesbian and gay parents do not differ markedly from that of children with heterosexual parents.”

So how can Christian conservatives possibly claim otherwise?

Well, one favored approach is literally citing the wrong studies. There is, after all, a vast amount of research on kids in heterosexual two parent families, and mostly these kids do quite well—certainly better than kids in single-parent families (for obvious reasons). Christian conservatives then cite these studies to argue that heterosexual families are best for kids, but there’s just one glaring problem. In the studies of heterosexual two-parent families where children fare well, the comparison group is families with one mother or one father—not two mothers or two fathers. So to leap from these studies to conclusions about same sex parenting, explains University of Virginia social scientist Charlotte Patterson, is “what we call in the trade bad sampling techniques.”

But wait: Don’t Christian conservatives want to be factually right, and to believe what’s true about the world? And shouldn’t a proper reading of this research actually come as a relief to them, and help to assuage their concerns about dangerous social consequences of same-sex marriage or civil unions? If only it were that simple. We all want to be right, and to believe that our views are based on the best available information. But in this case, Christian conservatives utterly fail to get past their emotions, which powerfully bias their reasoning. Indeed, science doesn’t just demonstrate that the kids are all right in same-sex unions. It also shows how and why some people reason poorly in highly politicized cases like this one -- and, in the case of the anti-gay views of Christian conservatives, rely on their gut emotions to come up with wrong beliefs. Here’s how it works.

There are a small number of Christian right researchers and intellectuals who have tried to make a scientific case against same-sex marriages and unions, by citing alleged harms to children. This stuff isn’t mainstream or scientifically accepted -- witness the APA’s statements on the matter. But from the perspective of the Christian right, that doesn’t really matter. When people are looking for evidence to support their deeply held views, the science suggests that people engage in “motivated reasoning.” Their deep emotional convictions guide the retrieval of self-supporting information that they then use to argue with, to prop themselves up. It isn’t about truth, it’s about feeling that you’re right -- righteous, even.

And where, in turn, do these emotions come from? Well, there’s the crux. A growing body of research shows that liberals and conservatives, on average, have different moral intuitions, impulses that bias us in different directions before we’re even consciously thinking about situations or issues. Indeed, this research suggests that liberals and conservatives even have different bodily responses to stimuli, of a sort that they cannot control. And one of the strongest areas of difference involves one’s sensitivity to the feeling of disgust.

A recent study [ ], for instance, found that “individuals with marked involuntary physiological responses to disgusting images, such as of a man eating a large mouthful of writhing worms, are more likely to self-identify as conservative and, especially, to oppose gay marriage than are individuals with more muted physiological responses to the same images.” In other words, there’s now data to back up what we’ve always kind of known: The average conservative, much more than the average liberal, is having visceral feelings of disgust towards same-sex marriage. And then, when these conservatives try to consciously reason about the matter, they seize on any information to support or justify their deep-seated and uncontrolled response -- which pushes them in the direction of believing and embracing information that appears to justify and ratify the emotional impulse.

And voila. Suddenly same-sex marriages and civil unions are bad for kids. How’s that for the power of human reason?

All people engage in emotion-guided or motivated reasoning, to be sure. But mounting evidence suggests that left and right may do so differently. And they definitely do so for different reasons -- as the present case so strongly demonstrates.

Does this mean we should be more tolerant of the intolerant, or less disgusted by those who may consider us disgusting? Maybe. After all, people may not have much control over these impulses. They may not even be aware of them. At the very least, such knowledge should increase our level of understanding of those who disagree with us.

In the end, however, facts are facts -- and emotions and gut instincts are an utterly unreliable way of identifying them. We can try to be understanding of people different from us -- even when they’re manifestly failing at the same task. But the latest research makes it more untenable than ever to base public policy on gut-driven misinformation.

This article originally appeared at Towleroad [ ], and is reprinted here with permission of the author. Chris Mooney is the author of four books. His new book is "The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science—and Reality [ ]."

Copyright 2012 Chris Mooney [ ] [with comments] [also at (with comments)]


Lincoln Nebraska proposed LGBT protection ordinance: Best In Show!
Published on May 10, 2012 by aksarbent

Original post featuring this clip:


Coach's anti-gay comments an 'embarrassment' but not fireable offense
May 11, 2012
Lincoln, Nebraska (CNN) -- When University of Nebraska-Lincoln assistant football coach Ron Brown stood in front of the Omaha City Council in March to speak against a proposal to protect sexual identity, he was merely exercising his right as a private citizen, he would later say.
It came as no surprise that Brown, an outspoken born-again Christian and a preacher, believes that homosexuality is a sin. But his passionate opposition to the proposed amendment to the city's anti-discrimination policy raised questions as to whether Brown was really speaking as a citizen.
After all, the university's own anti-discrimination policy does just what Brown spoke against: It protects students and staff from discrimination based on their sexual orientation.
Adding to the confusion, when addressing the council, Brown gave his address as "One Memorial Stadium, Lincoln, Nebraska," home turf of the Nebraska Cornhuskers.
"The question that I have for you all is, like Pontius Pilate, what are you going to do with Jesus?" Brown asked the council. "You will be held to great accountability for the decision that you make. And so, like Pontius Pilate, who didn't -- who kind of waffled around -- he wasn't sure. He knew what to do, I think. But he let political correctedness (sic) shape his thinking."
[...] [with embedded video report, and comments]


Wooden: Gay Men Need Diapers
Uploaded by RWWBlog on Jan 17, 2012

Patrick Wooden, organizer for North Carolina's anti-gay marriage amendment, claims homosexuality destroys men's bodies and the human race.


Fischer: Gays Responsible For The Nazi Party
Uploaded by RWWBlog on Jun 9, 2011

Bryan Fischer says he never claimed that gays were responsible for the Holocaust ... merely that they were responsible for the formation of the Nazi party.


Linda Harvey: Don't Use Gay Doctors
Uploaded by RWWBlog on Oct 19, 2011

Linda Harvey of Mission America says parents should refuse to let gay doctors or nurses treat and care for their children


Barber: "No Evidence" Gays are Targets of Violence, Discrimination
Published on Mar 29, 2012 by RWWBlog

Liberty Counsel's Matt Barber says attempts to prevent anti-LGBT violence and discrimination are a "Trojan Horse" to suppress freedom


McCullough: Nobody Is Gay
Published on Mar 15, 2012 by RWWBlog

Right-wing talk show host Kevin McCullough says being gay is a choice and that gay people want to "destroy" marriage


Lively: Gay-Straight Alliance Clubs Are Designed To Recruit Kids
Uploaded by RWWBlog on Feb 2, 2012

Scott Lively says that Gay-Straight Alliance clubs in schools are designed to find lonely, impressionable outcasts and recruit them into homosexuality.


Scott: Gay Marriage Leads To Eiffel Tower Marriage
Uploaded by RWWBlog on Nov 21, 2011

Michele Bachmann's Iowa campaign chair Tamara Scott tells Bob Vander Plaats that legalizing gay marriage will lead to legalizing marriage with inanimate objects, like the Eiffel Tower.


Tony Perkins: 'If You Want A Military That Just Does Parades,' Allow Gays To Openly Serve
Uploaded by ThinkProgress2 on May 24, 2010


Robertson: "Demonic Possession" Behind Homosexuality
Published on Mar 26, 2012 by RWWBlog

Highlights from The 700 Club's story on an "ex-gay" man, who Pat Robertson said suffered from "demonic possession."


Robison: 'The Enemy' is Using 'Glee' to Destroy America
Uploaded by RWWBlog on Jan 23, 2012

James Robison tells Glenn Beck that the powers and principalities of "the enemy" are using Hollywood and shows like "Glee" to bring America down.


Gingrich: Gay Marriage a 'Perfect Example of What I Mean by the Rise of Paganism'
Uploaded by RWWBlog on Jan 26, 2012

On a conference call with Religious Right leaders, Newt Gingrich declared that gay marriage is "perfectly natural pagan behaviors" and "a fundamental violation of our civilization."


Lapin: Gays Should've Been Quarantined to fight AIDS
Uploaded by RWWBlog on Dec 19, 2011

Daniel Lapin tells Rick Green and David Barton of WallBuilders that gays should have been quarantined during the AIDS crisis.


Robertson Promotes Ex-Gay Conversion for Gay Son
Uploaded by RWWBlog on Dec 21, 2011

Pat Robertson's advice to a man with a gay son: make him straight!


Fischer: 'Poppers' and Promiscuity Cause AIDS
Uploaded by RWWBlog on Jan 20, 2012

Bryan Fischer says AIDS is caused by rampant promiscuity and drug use, not HIV.


Liberty Counsel attacks Macy's LGBT policy
Uploaded by RWWBlog on Jan 9, 2012

Mat Staver and Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel warn that Macy's LGBT policy could lead to rape, sexual assault


AFA's Fischer: Hitler and the Brownshirts Were All Gay
Uploaded by RightWingWatchdotorg on May 25, 2010

The American Family Association's Bryan Fischer states that Adolf Hitler was gay and surrounded himself with gay soldiers because straight soldiers refused to be brutal and savage enough.


Alan Osmond: We Brought In Chuck Norris To De-Feminize Our Dance Moves
Uploaded by BrandonAHjr on Oct 31, 2011

Eldest Osmond brother Alan says in a new interview that the Osmond Brothers' dancing was too effeminate, so they brought in Chuck Norris, who basically taught them how to add karate-style moves to make it more manly. Says Osmond: "Chuck, we need to toughen up our dance. Can you help us? And he said 'well let's learn some karate and you can apply the moves' cause there's stomps, and HOOO, YEAH. You know, it was very boyish, and that's what we wanted." [ ]


Ann Coulter calls John Edwards a faggot
Uploaded by TheBlueStateDOTcom on Mar 2, 2007

Full story at

The ad hominem attack queen unleashed one of the most vile political attacks ever during a speech at the American Conservative Union today. But which was worse: Coulter, or the crowd that applauded?


(linked in): and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following


Obama Says Same-Sex Marriage Should Be Legal
May 9, 2012 [ ] [with comments]


Obama Gay-Marriage Embrace Is Campaign Risk-Taking Moment
May 9, 2012 [with comments]


Could Obama’s support for the legality of gay marriage cost him the election?
May 10, 2012 [with comments]


(linked in): (and any future following); and preceding and following (and any future following) (and any future following) and following and following and following and following and following and following


Jay 'Corey' Jones, Gay Minnesota Teen, Commits Suicide After Allegedly Being Bullied

Posted: 05/11/2012 1:58 pm Updated: 05/11/2012 2:05 pm

Friends and family are mourning the loss of a Minnesota teen who jumped to his death [ ] last Sunday after allegedly being tormented by classmates for being gay.

As the Rochester Post-Bulletin is reporting [ ], 17-year-old Jay 'Corey' Jones of Rochester, Minn. had suffered severe depression after being bullied for a number of years. Jones had known he was gay from a young age, according to his father, Jay Strader. Police officials say Jones jumped from a pedestrian bridge near Century High School on May 6.

"He said all of his life they always picked on him," Strader is quoted as saying. "He'd still try to keep his head up at school, but then he'd come home and be really sad about it. He just got really depressed about it because the guys weren't accepting him."

Jones was an active member of Century's gay-straight alliance and even featured a pro-gay cover image on his Facebook page, even though Strader told Minnesota Public Radio [ ] that the teasing was a constant struggle for his son. "I wanted him to let me know what was going on with him. I didn't get a chance to get that," Strader added. "I didn't get a chance to find out what was going on inside his head."

After what has been a truly landmark week for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights, Jones' friends were forced to console themselves with their memories. "We all loved him because he was just funny, and an amazing person -- like the best person you could ever know," Rachel Born told ABC 6 News [ ]. She and her sister, Tia, are reportedly planning a car wash as part of a fundraising effort for Jones' family.

As for the bullying her friend endured, Born adds, "It just sucks that we had to lose somebody because of people's words, and they didn't realize that words hurt more than anything else."

Though Jones' funeral will take place in Chicago, Strader told the Alberta Lea Tribune [ ] that he wanted to do "something big" in Rochester to honor his son. "I want everyone to have on pink shirts and remember the Corey that tried to get the rights,” Strader said. "When I saw him in pink, I really liked him in pink, and he was really happy. I just told him that pink looked good on him."

Copyright © 2012, Inc. [with comments; vids below via; vids above via ]


In loving memory of Kenneth James Weishuhn- Mobile.m4v
Published on Apr 15, 2012 by Brandi Nicole Arens

He will be missed greatly love you Kenneth rest in peace bud


IT GETS BETTER: EricJames Borges
Uploaded by InvisibleCreatures on Dec 10, 2011

"It Gets Better Campaign" by EricJames Borges from Visalia, CA. My story is always hard to tell, even in a simplistic condensed form, but, "Many LGBT youth can't picture what their lives might be like as openly gay adults. They can't imagine a future for themselves. So let's show them what our lives are like, let's show them what the future may hold in store for them." - [committed suicide January 2012]


Tennessee Teen Jacob Rogers Commits Suicide Over Anti-Gay Bullying
Uploaded by OTMnow on Dec 8, 2011


RIP Raymond S. Chase
Uploaded by WTFisBERTO on Oct 1, 2010

You entered a lot of peoples lives and don't think its gonna be easy for you to just disappear and leave!. .. You'll be in our hearts for ever!

R.I.P Raymond S. Chase

the original song to this video is


President Obama: It Gets Better
Uploaded by whitehouse on Oct 21, 2010

As part of the It Gets Better Project, President Obama shares his message of hope and support for LGBT youth who are struggling with being bullied.


Daniel Radcliffe: Trevor Hero Award Acceptance Speech
Uploaded by TrevorProjectMedia on Jul 6, 2011

On Monday, June 27, 2011, Daniel Radcliffe was honored with the Trevor Hero Award during Trevor LIVE at Capitale in NYC. This annual show is an irreverent evening of comedy and music to benefit the life-saving work of The Trevor Project.

A star of stage and screen, Radcliffe has been involved with The Trevor Project since 2009, appearing in public service announcements and making public statements in support of LGBTQ youth. The Trevor Hero Award recognizes an individual who serves as an inspiration to sexual minority youth and increases visibility and understanding of the LGBTQ community.


If you or someone you know needs help, call The Trevor Lifeline at 866-4-U-TREVOR (866.488.7386) or visit .


It Gets Better, I promise!
Uploaded by xgothemo99xx on May 4, 2011

Jamey from Buffalo, New York telling you,
IT GETS BETTER! [committed suicide September 2011]


Lady Gaga - Hair (A Jamey Rodemeyer Tribute)
Uploaded by MyLittlePonyTeam on Oct 15, 2011

Lady Gaga deticates one of her songs to Jamey Rodemeyer a boy who took his life due to GLBT Bulling

RIP Jamey Rodemeyer we love you!


Rep. Bachmann questions anti-bullying policies
Uploaded by ThinkProgressVideo on Jul 22, 2011

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) questions legislation promoting a zero-tolerance bullying policy in Minnesota schools in 2006.


Cooler than me cover
Uploaded by CatchMeBlondie on Jan 27, 2011

Hey. I hope you like this! This one is just for fun! LOL As you can see...Bloopers at the end! I think you'll like them...Don't hate XD

SO this is what you get when im bored...Enjoy though!. x) Subscribe? Comment PLEASE! It means so much! Im almost 200 subsribers! Help me reach my goal! thanks! [committed suicide October 2011]


In Memory of Jamie Hubley
Uploaded by Peacepplz05 on Oct 16, 2011

Love you... its amazing how many views i have gotten and likes. Jamie was truly an amazing person and so very pure. I love him so much and miss him. Rest in Peace my angel. Support? [since removed]

Greensburg, KS - 5/4/07

"Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty."
from John Philpot Curran, Speech
upon the Right of Election, 1790


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