must be..I just proved it to you, and your dispute was that its only with brav you cant rely on charts. I have seen others that are similar to brav, they're just all fancy lookin charts that have no correlation whatsoever to their fancy names, cmf, macd, williams %, accm. dist., RSI and all the other worthless garbage, charts dont mean a gd thing bud, and no, its not only with brav..There have been many collapses, for no apparent reason, in the stock market. IE TVIX, a volatility index that lost over 30% in a single day, and there was no explanation for that kind of drop, the credit suisse even got sued, and a class action was filed for whoever bought and sold that stock within a certain time frame during March. However, the scam was happening day in and day out since last year and into March, meaning whoever lost out, doesnt get jack squat from that scam. This is just a tiny example of what goes on day in and day out, you're never for sure, not even with your charts, and yes, it applies to ALL stocks. Take it or leave it. GLTA