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Alias Born 11/24/2008

Re: Toxic Avenger post# 32621

Saturday, 04/21/2012 12:30:05 PM

Saturday, April 21, 2012 12:30:05 PM

Post# of 56720
Looks like others --besides GOSY-- are standing up to Wallace's disreputable business practices:

CL01000646-00 Defendant: COMBUSTION PRODUCTS MANAGE. Plaintiff: I.E.T. LLC Purged After 3 Years
CL02001468-00 Defendant: COMBUSTION PRODUCTS MANAGEMENT Plaintiff: I E T, LLC Active
CL02001469-00 Defendant: COMBUSTION PRODUCTS MANAGEMENT Plaintiff: I E T; LLC Active
CL12000476-00 Defendant: COMBUSTION PRODUCTS MGMT VA LL Plaintiff: SEARS, DARRYL Active
CL01000598-00 Defendant: COMBUSTION PRODUCTS MGMT INC Plaintiff: I.E.T. LLC Default Judgment
CL09001914-00 Defendant: COMBUSTION PRODUCTS MGMT INC Plaintiff: SEARS, DARRYL Active
CL12000476-00 Defendant: COMBUSTION PRODUCTS MGMT INC Plaintiff: SEARS, DARRYL Active

Don't you agree?

But wait, there ARE links:



1. "Intentional infliction of emotional distress"

Please note that this practice of sadism is actionable under Commonwealth of Virginia as "USE OF COMPUTER FOR HARRASSMENT." This is the law that Neil T. Wallace used to FALSELY accuse GOSY's CEO to secure a warrant for his arrest. If Wallace can attain such against Spencer with NO proof, then GOSY can attain the same against Wallace and MacLeod for their actitivities.

2. "Tortitous interference with business"

AKA "criminal RICO" can be utilized here and warrants issued for the arrests of Neil T. Wallace and George I. MacLeod.

3. "Defamation of character"

While not a criminal offense, is nonetheless egregious.

41. MacLeod, individually and, upon information and belief, with Neil T. Wallace
(with who he allegedly shares an address in Virginia and have both filed similar suits, at the
same time, against defendants)
have engaged in a concerted malicious and defamatory attack on
defendants, (redacted)

42. MacLeod has posted over 700 separate disparaging, defamatory, negative
utterances about Geckosystems and defendant R. Martin Spencer, in particular about the
company’s technology and Spencer personally.

44. The negative and defamatory comments by MacLeod have caused the loss of
capitalization of the company of approximately 62%, resulting in the loss of millions of dollars.
Spencer’s stock holdings alone have sustained a loss of millions of dollars due to the postings by
MacLeod and Wallace

45. MacLeod’s defamatory attacks are false and have injured the reputation of
Spencer and Geckosystems as detailed in paragraph 44 above.

46. The postings by MacLeod and Wallace were done in concert with each other and
with the specific intent to harm and ultimately destroy Geckosystems and Spencer.

47. The postings by MacLeod and Wallace caused one major investor to dump his
stock, further harming Geckosystems and Spencer.

48. By virtue of the postings on the internet, the defamatory statements were
published by MacLeod and Wallace.

49. The postings by MacLeod and Wallace have caused third parties to stop dealing
with Geckosystems and Spencer.

50. The postings by MacLeod and Wallace have lowered the defendants standing,
goodwill, confidence and esteem in the business community.


51. The defendant re-alleges and incorporates by reference the information contained
in paragraphs 1-50 above.

52. MacLeod, in concert with Wallace has tortiously interfered with the business of
the defendants by:

a. defamatory postings on various websites, denying defendants the
reasonable probability of business opportunities;

b. intentional defamatory postings on various websites, interfering with
business opportunities available to the defendants;

53. As a result of the conduct of MacLeod, and Wallace, they have proximately
caused losses to the defendants.

54. The damage inflicted by MacLeod and Wallace onto the defendants is likely in
the millions of dollars.

WHEREFORE, the defendants seeks special, consequential, compensatory and punitive
damages against the plaintiff, along with attorney’s fees, costs, pre and post judgment interest
and any other relief that the Court deems just and appropriate.


Neil Tyler (Tyrone?)Wallace is in Williamsburg, VA; George Iveagh MacLeod is whereabouts unknown hiding out in the UK after abandoning a $450,000 home to foreclosure in Florida. Why did MacLeod skip the US? Who is looking for him BIG time? Houghton?

Neil Wallace and George MacLeod continue their daily USE of COMPUTER FOR HARASSMENT of Martin Spencer, Elaine Spencer, Paula Nelson, Hajime Yausmatsu, etc., etc.

That is why GOSY has TWO lawsuits in DE against these two miscreants. Since MacLeod is hiding out in the UK, GOSY could get a multi-million dollar DEFAULT judgement against him.

Since Wallace forged MacLeod's signature on those court documents, Wallace is complicit and could be jailed for perjury.

Wallace went to the kangaroo court Judge in Williamsburg and commited perjury in stating he had proof (but showed NONE!) that Spencer had harassed him in private emails. Wallace LIED. MacLeod celebrates this false warrant since he can find no dirt on Spencer ANYWHERE.

In the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Magistrate Courts do not work with the DA or local police. They report only to the State Supreme Court. Hence the DA has NOT reviewed any purported "evidence" that Neil Tyler Wallace provided in his "sworn" testimony to the kangaroo court judge. Shining example of Wallace's ability to corrupt due legal process in order to pressure GOSY to pay him funds far, far in excess to his value to GOSY.

Here's Spencer's LinkedIn profile:

Why don't Wallace or MacLeod have LinkedIn profiles posted?

MacLeod is DESPERATE to cover the 15-25,000,000 shares he and others have shorted GOSY and communicates essentially daily with Wallace to keep downward pressure on GOSY's pps.

Their constant and neverending vilification of Spencer, his wife and other reputable associates is due to MacLeod losing well over a HUNDRED thousand dollars if the pps goes over 2 cents. Did I not say DESPERATE?

BTW, in the United States of America, those charged with any misdemeanor, as Spencer is falsely accused here, are "innocent until proven guilty." Perhaps in the UK one is guilty until proven innocent. Perhaps the Google Master can do that DD for us?

Yes, these two con artists should be arrested, but due to Wallace's skill as a self proclaimed "legal predator," they both remain at large to make a living with cons executed with legal prevarication. But MacLeod is on the lam from the US and never plans to return to the US. Why is that?

Why is Wallace going to the UK April 27th to see MacLeod? Did MacLeod purchase Wallace's plane tickets?

We recently learned that Wallace chose to not appear at a VA court hearing and allowed one of his many creditors to get a DEFAULT judgment against him for $5K plus. Is this why Wallace has been so DESPERATE to use all his legal prevaricaton skills to corrupt and exploit due legal process with GOSY and the Spencers?

Here is ANOTHER link as to what Judge Sydney Nations thinks of Neil Wallace's prevarication skills:

Scathing are they not? Wallace will no doubt argue he is right and that the court judge violated his US Constitutional Rights, correct?

IMHO, Neil Tyler (Tyrone?) Wallace should be reported to the NY and FL Bar Associations for his, at minimum "unethical" behavior. One can hope that he would be disbarred from practicing law in both New York and Florida.

Don't you agree?


A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees-
------William Blake