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Re: camelion post# 185232

Thursday, 04/12/2012 8:26:01 AM

Thursday, April 12, 2012 8:26:01 AM

Post# of 241167
Blog April 12th Correspondence Tip

Shareholder Correspondence by Eric Lehner
Thank you to shareholders for their correspondence. Here are a few tips to help us serve you best:
If you have corresponded by e-mail to me and have not received a reply, please forward the e-mail to my Assistant Jean Wursten-May:
We are still a small firm, and there is much to do that is time consuming for those of us on the team, myself included. I receive a high volume of daily operational communication and do my best to prioritize. Some correspondence does not lend itself to a rapid reply because of open-ended questions, such as “…what would you do if…” or ” … would you compare X to Y in the case of this or that….” While I don’t object to any sincere question, a proper answer is more time consuming than may be apparent. There may also be reasons of confidentiality, legal constraints, required research and other factors determining the nature of the response. So bear in mind, the more succint the question, the more succinct I can be in my reply.
Priority is given to correspondence with persons who identify themselves. E-mails or letters from people who conceal their identities through the use of handles cannot be distinguished from junk mail. To respect the interests of persons who are known to be shareholders, a verifiable name in the correspondence goes a long way in generating a timely response. The company has no moral obligation to respond to anonymous correspondents.
It is not practical or desirable to post every item of correspondence in the CEO Weblog. In order for the CEO Weblog to remain user friendly to the majority of its readers, the operational updates are important. They help to provide the interested shareholder with a nuanced understanding of the firm. This environment would become too dry if consisting primarily of clarifications of interest to an individual correspondent, particularly because of the repetitive nature of many of the questions received. Our correspondents range in their investment experience and knowledge of Winning Brands. The second reason that not all correspondence is suitable for the CEO Weblog is because it would blur the distinction of this environment and the investor discussion forums. The tone of forum discussions vary. Some of it is intelligent and authentic, some of it is not. It is not the purpose of the CEO Weblog to respond to every sarcastic or misinformed comment appearing on a forum. There is unfortunately no mechanism available to a company to respond within the forum equitably, due to Terms of Use which do not accord the same rights to a discussed company as other posters. This means that some misinformation in those settings can only be responded to by others within that setting.
Lastly, the filters necessary for my e-mail address to weed out spam inevitably captures the occasional legitimate item, holding it in quarantine until eventually uncovered by periodic mannual review of the filters. There can easily be 100 actual spam items per day quarantined.
In summary, if you have corresponded on a matter that is important to you and have not received a reply in a time frame that you consider appropriate to the issue, I invite you to forward the item to Jean to ensure that it has reached me. With this extra measure, I am confident that every item of legitimate shareholder correspondence can be responded to.