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Re: 117ny302bxv howdy post# 28173

Thursday, 08/18/2005 11:57:37 PM

Thursday, August 18, 2005 11:57:37 PM

Post# of 341750

Just this past weekend you know about the EXTREMELY POSITIVE FEEDBACK from and within the industry.
The trade group that works with and represents the ENTIRE INDUSTRY distributed a CD with MediaMax version 5.

Could you point to the extremely positive feedback we received?

On what basis did NARM distribute the MediaMax CD? Did we or BMG ask them to distribute it? Did NARM make any specific comment regarding MediaMax and why they distributed the CD?

I have attended enough trade shows to know that freebies given away mean nothing. They will usually hand out anything that registered attendees ask them to hand out. Now if they actually have made some statement endorsing Mediamax over and above the competition, that would be significant IMO.