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Alias Born 03/12/2012

Re: Sirpeter post# 8268

Wednesday, 04/04/2012 10:06:32 AM

Wednesday, April 04, 2012 10:06:32 AM

Post# of 56597
It seems very, very clear to me that "market manipulation" is in progress here. The supply/demand concept is being"pretzelized" into something very useful to someone, but that someone would not be the small investor. (This is my own opinion.)
In the past 3 weeks I have stood quietly on the sidelines of a couple of different stocks and watched as fantastic news was made public and the expected increase in share values did not manifest. The opposite occurred. The ones who benefited (so far)---and, yes, I have continued to watch very, very closely, are those who held firm .
Whatever manipulation seems to be occurring ultimately gives way under the pressure of real value. This company has real value and it certainly appears as though that value is not eroding in any way, so my thinking is that any big dips are , in fact, stupendous buying opportunities for those who see what I have been seeing.

Hold tight, reward yourself for your fortitude and your thick skin, set your specific investment goal for this gem and wait. Don't kill yourself refreshing your screen every ten minutes just to get "horriblized" by the momentary fluctuations every stock goes through.

Wanna hear a Vulcan joke?

Spock out.