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Alias Born 03/12/2012

Re: V63 post# 7814

Monday, 04/02/2012 10:48:27 AM

Monday, April 02, 2012 10:48:27 AM

Post# of 56597
Just wish to make note that I have seen exactly this scenario play our within the last 3 weeks. Target stock is white hot with public interest. Market demand for shares is extremely high, Stock trades well above average number of shares per day which VPER is clearly going to do today.

Market price does not come even close to being a manifestation of demand. Watchdog entity is said to come around to ask why this is happening. All goes quiet.

I am NOT in any position to say this is what definitely is happening here, only that the appearance is remarkable similar. Bottom line: Do not be upset by the unexpected. We are in this stock for very good reasons. Hang tight, Stay long. There is no reason I can see for this little gem NOT to go where we expect it to go.

Spock out.