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Re: Knuckles42 post# 68821

Tuesday, 03/27/2012 9:22:37 AM

Tuesday, March 27, 2012 9:22:37 AM

Post# of 94541

Who said they never wanted Chris Brown

People that were previously in touch with Randall James stated so some time back. It seems Randall James's statements vary from person to person. I offer the following post:

WEDNESDAY, March 21st, 2012

Chris Brown accepted the gig, but Randall James rejected him due to his domestic abuse record. Not appropriate for an event like this.


I am sure the High School "GIRLS" arent going to be too crazy about Chris Brown being the "headliner" if he is indeed the best they could get, especially with domestic violence against women on his record. frown

I guess all the better choices for the "headliner" fell through.....OWIE