"...doesn't change that Baltia needed the a plane to complete the FAA application and raise needed funds.."
Correct. But as I explained, that's not the only reason they chose this particular plane, which is the key issue here. The fact is that at that particular point in time, the only aircraft option Baltia had to work with that was affordable was 705. In a dynamic environment, you have to decide within the range of options that are available to you AT THE TIME. After they flew 705 to Malaysia, the plane went into the MAS maintenance hanger to begin the D-check (photos on line at sticky above). It was AFTER work had already started on 705 to make it ready to fly the Baltia route, that 706 became available. That set up a new range of options that didn't exist before. Nobody has a crystal ball to see what options you might have later if you delay a decision. So after 705 went into the MAS hangar in Malaysia, when 706, a much better airplane, became available at an affordable price (far less than the $5-6 mill asked by other airlines), Baltia decided to buy it and use it as its starter aircraft.