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Alias Born 02/02/2011

Re: tom favata post# 249304

Sunday, 03/11/2012 8:30:52 PM

Sunday, March 11, 2012 8:30:52 PM

Post# of 375420

here is a letter that has your name attached.
please read and respond as you are also in possession of the same letter.



Mr. Bill Harvey, Director

Carlton LLC, Sirens Call

809 Grand Street

Ashburn, GA 31714

Dear Bill:

I have been forwarded a complaint filed by you to my attorney in reference to a note sold by you and subsequently acquired by me. This complaint is the grounds that NHS Health Solutions is using to refuse to issue shares in settlement of the outstanding judgment.

Please note that Mr. Owens and I are prepared to sue you, NHS Health Solutions and Jeff Digenova, civilly and criminally for a conspiracy to commit securities fraud and theft by conspiring to deny conversion rights to me under the note. You should be aware that you may have committed several securities violations and participated in a scheme to evade registration along with the company and entangled others, including your attorney.

Violations of Section 5 of the Securities Act

1. Section 5

Section 5 of the Securities Act prohibits any person,

directly or indirectly, from using instrumentalities of

interstate commerce or the mails to offer or sell a security

unless a registration statement has been filed or is in effect as

to such security. Exemptions from the registration provisions

are set forth in Sections 3 and 4 of the statute, and the related

rules promulgated under the Securities Act. A person who offers

or sells a security in reliance upon an exemption from the

registration requirements of Section 5 has the burden of

establishing the availability of the exemption. SEC v. Murphy,

626 F.2d 633, 645 (9th Cir. 1980). Such exemptions are construed

narrowly. Id. at 641. No such exemptions were available for

these offerings.

Specifically, you were issued shares on two separate occasions that made you a holder of ten percent (10%) or more of the securities outstanding when issued. Again, you may not be aware of the consequences, so I will detail them. As a holder of 10% or more of the outstanding shares, you were an affiliate of the issuer and therefore the exemption you claimed under 144 was not available to you at the time. This applies to the first issuance to you on February 4, 2011 when there were only 1,355,401 shares outstanding and you and Mr. Favata were each issued 7,250,000 shares which was approximately 45% of the total shares. Mr. Digenova’s subsequent issuance of shares to himself will be a source of curious inspection to the SEC. It is a pattern he repeated when you were issued an additional twenty million (20,000,000) shares on April 13,2011. At the time, the company only had 185,855,401 shares and, if all of your previously issued shares were sold, that sum represented over ten percent (10%) of the outstanding again. This pattern of issuing additional shares and this will raise further suspicion and concern with various parties. All of this will be the grounds for pursuing your records on the handling of said securities at Gibraltar Securities, all attorneys involved in writing opinions on these issuances, the SEC, FINRA, the IRS and Clear Trust Transfer Agent, to name a few. This could potentially lead to the freezing of your account by Christopher Lunn, Director of Compliance. Those records will also indicate a transfer of one million shares of stock to a Lampert Ltd. (in accordance with the transaction between Centacom and yourself) and allow us to explore those records as well. It should be noted that Lampert would have and should have been deemed an affiliate after the issuance of shares to him in February of 2011. Lampert may have its account or related accounts in which those securities eventually wound up, frozen. This is a history that cannot be undone.

Second, as our case will have the force of civil and criminal complaints, we will subpoena Skype for all records of your conversation. See below for a copy of one that is to be used in evidence as grounds to explore wherein you reference the sale of the note and that you have all the paperwork on your hard drive.

Skype conversation between you and Tom Favata of Lampert Ltd.

[7/21/2011 3:03:49 PM] Boris The Blade: or its m,ine

[7/21/2011 3:04:07 PM] Boris The Blade: then you can pay back those clients with your own money

[7/21/2011 3:05:49 PM] Dooley: Don't forget tom.....I have all of your paperwork on my hard drive.....because I did it.... number don't know who owns Carlton any longer

[7/21/2011 3:08:48 PM] Boris The Blade: then pay sherri if you sold

[7/21/2011 3:11:14 PM] Dooley: cash....and thats all I can say about it

Third, this will allow us to subpoena your hard drive and your lack of records and if you choose to erase them will impeach your credibility.

Fourth, the above conversation and other emails in my possession and Mr. Owens’ give us grounds to pursue the same trading records of Lampert Ltd.

Fifth, due to your possession of shares and control position by definition above, we intend to subpoena your postings and private messages at Investors Hub and have Mr. Craig Huffman on retainer for such an occasion. Mr. Huffman won the largest case ever on behalf of an issuer against posters at Investors Hub for slander and defamation. Mr. Huffman will be hired to outline any false or misleading information which may give rise to an investigation for a scheme to pump and dump a stock which may again give rise to other participants such as Ad Nauseum (aka Britpack aka Chris Parkin) who also received shares from the same note in question.

"Pump and dump" schemes, also known as "hype and dump manipulation," involve the touting of a company's stock (typically microcap companies) through false and misleading statements to the marketplace. After pumping the stock, fraudsters make huge profits by selling their cheap stock into the market.

In addition, the entire episode will either be brought deliberately or as a consequence to the attention of the IRS. They may be curious as to the entire matter of the issuance of approximately seven and one half million dollars at this point ($7,500.000) all offshore in jurisdictions notorious for tax evasion and more curiously at the exact same P. O. Box in the Turks and Caicos. The fact that four million dollars ($4,000,000) of that was issued to you makes you appear to be the main perpetrator in the event that any wrong doing is discovered.

In regards to the transaction itself, Mr. Owens was not the author of the agreement. By all indications, either you or Mr. Digenova authored the agreement and it contained no representations as you indicate in your complaint. Mr. Owens and related companies have never received notice from you as you claim, attempting to rescind the transaction. The exchange between your LLC and Centacom was a transaction wherein you assigned the note and sent shares to a third party in exchange for shares in Centacom. Lastly, Mr. Owens completed the exchange of which the Corporate Secretary, Carmen Howard, will attest to by affidavit and deposition.

Bill, I know you are most likely unaware of what is going on and the implications it could have for you. I know you live with your elderly father in Ashburn , GA and by all appearances are putting your life back together and would like to enjoy any gain NHS seems to have without additional hassle. I would like to also believe that your filing of the complaint was prompted by a misunderstanding or misrepresentation without understanding the implications that would follow and that you and you alone were issued a tremendous amount of shares without knowing the jeopardy you may have been put in.

Before I take the necessary action to secure my rights under the note acquired, I am asking you to withdraw your complaint or indicate that you will do so by this Wednesday, March 7, 2012 no later than five pm (5:00 pm). An email to me, copied to the Company, with an indication that you are withdrawing the complaint with a promise to notify the Turner County Sheriff will suffice. If you do not, I will send copies of this letter to the attorneys who wrote the opinions, the transfer agent, Gibraltar Securities, and anyone else involved which may have dire effects and still not jeopardize my claim. I will then commence an action as indicated above.

Mr. Owens and Mr. Favata are being copied as they have a right to be aware of what is occurring as it affects them and their quiet enjoyment. I have not copied the various attorneys involved as it may force them to take actions in an effort to cover their previous work, especially Mr. David Price who wrote an opinion for Lampert and was the attorney for the various off shore entities per Mr. Favata’s representation.


Joseph C. Canouse

Cc: James Owens

Tom Favata
