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Alias Born 08/09/2011

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Thursday, 03/01/2012 10:02:36 AM

Thursday, March 01, 2012 10:02:36 AM

Post# of 76901
RFMK CannaCig Shipping to Dispensaries throughout California in March 03/01 08:30 AM...Photos of the product on shelves will be forthcoming. Additionally, orders and enquires continue to come in from abroad and when all the legal aspects are worked through, shipping abroad will commence...Rapid Fire Marketing (RFMK:$0.0059,$0.0014,31.11%) and Otherside Health Management are working on a full rollout of a viral and global marketing effort for the CannaCig and follow-on products. Websites, social media, street marketing, new marketing tactics, and celebrity endorsements are all part of the planed global marketing effort. The first celebrity endorsed limited edition CannaCigs will be announced soon.
Folks this is going to be big get in now while is still cheap...
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