thanks SE...sometimes it can really hurt to play the pennies,unless you can afford to just chuck some money in and forget about it.....once I enter into a micro stock I never sell until I lose it all or pick up some serious cash....we just never know how badly manipulated they really are....GDSM huge dive today at close...I got some pretty good profits locked in but I am in for much more.....will it come back????I don't know!!!!....buying more physical???? Not yet,got lots and have storage problems....yes I would like to have more, but doesn't everyone...I have to decide if I am going to get another place before I buy some more,maybe gold or platinum is a better choice for a little diversification in the metals at this time, not so much of a storage issue.....its much better for you guys that can venture out on these prospecting trips and return with all that free gold....just can't beat something like that with the nature part of it and all, as long as you don't run into some mean old mama bear with her cubs in tow....have fun EH!!!! thats a Canadian thing LOL GLTA.....