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Alias Born 02/13/2010

Re: None

Friday, 02/24/2012 8:03:31 PM

Friday, February 24, 2012 8:03:31 PM

Post# of 11730
Toward the close there were 210,000 shares available at the ASK for .04 and only 5,000 shares on the BID of .035. If anyone else has a different count on these quantities, please share. I wonder if the seller at .04 bought at .01 or if this seller is happy to cut losses and depart at .04.

I don't believe it is accidental that JADA is moving up, though it is most interesting considering that the website is still down, the stock is listed on the pinksheets, no audit results or even an auditor has been named, and the company has said nothing in over one year. Numerous China stocks are rebounding simultaneously however, without explanation.

Someone is buying! The selling and dumping that took JADA too .007 and .009 is over. The CSRC (the Chinese SEC) is supposedly promising to investigate stock fraud and root out the nonsense (check Yahoo Finance message board post from today). This all seems very good.

Any PR from the company and I think a dime comes back overnight.

If an auditor confirms the company cash on hand to be between $10 and $20 million, JADA is easily a .30+ stock again.